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Home Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day: How to Make Scouring Powder

14th January 2021

Many years ago, when firewood was commonly used in cooking, blackened pots were a fixture in most kitchens. Then, some women never went through the stress of trying to clean the back of their pots. In fact, one could almost hear them asking what was the point? With kitchen stoves, blackened pots could be avoided … Continue reading Tip of the Day: How to Make Scouring Powder

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Food Home

Baking Soda, the Kitchen Wonder

11th June 2020

Baking soda is an alkaline white powder that is also known as sodium bicarbonate. It is commonly used in baking because it has leavening properties. It is cheap and in some ways, it is as effective as some chemicals, yet, it is nontoxic. Baking soda is practically a staple in most homes. However, most people … Continue reading Baking Soda, the Kitchen Wonder

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Food Home Tips

Kitchen Tips: 7 Ways to Reduce Accidents in the Kitchen

14th January 2020

The kitchen is a very important room in the home. While life is created in the bedroom, food which ensures its sustenance is prepared in the kitchen. The kitchen is used regularly in most homes to create delicacies. This not only makes the room interesting, it also makes us forget how accident prone the kitchen … Continue reading Kitchen Tips: 7 Ways to Reduce Accidents in the Kitchen

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5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Domestic Assistant

29th May 2018

We all know how difficult it can be to get and keep domestic help. If you’ve found a good one, you need to make sure you’re doing it right, and not making any of these mistakes, amongst others: 1. Paying her poorly: Ideally, the best strategy for keeping good help is to overpay and under-criticize, … Continue reading 5 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Domestic Assistant

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How To Get Rid Of Rats

23rd April 2018

Rats! Those pesky little furry things that somehow manage to find their way to your house and leave telltale signs of their presence with their droppings. They  carry over twenty types of diseases. Use these home remedies to ensure your home is rat free. Pepper       Pepper has a strong pungent smell which makes … Continue reading How To Get Rid Of Rats

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Cuisine Culture Food Home

Ayaraya Ji Recipe

27th February 2018

Ayaraya ji is a popular meal in Nsukka, Enugu State. It is rich in protein and carbohydrates and is easy to prepare. This recipe was culled from Helen’s Food Ingredients  4 cups of fio-fio, known as pigeon peas (ogamgam is a specie of pigeon peas which doesn’t take much time to cook. See picture)  Half tuber … Continue reading Ayaraya Ji Recipe

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How to Keep Your Children Busy This Christmas

28th December 2017

It’s the long-awaited end of the year holidays. While you love your children and want to spend all the time with them, you sometimes also want a moment to do adult stuff or just to catch your breath. Or maybe you just want to have as much fun as possible with your kids. We’ve put … Continue reading How to Keep Your Children Busy This Christmas

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5 Simple Ways to Give Your Home a Christmas Feel

25th December 2017

The center of attention when it comes to the festive season often reflects in your holiday décor. Most families spread the Christmas cheer not only by sending those special cards to friends and family but also with the aura of their home. When it comes to Christmas décor, it’s all about giving your home the feel … Continue reading 5 Simple Ways to Give Your Home a Christmas Feel

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Learn A Skill Wednesday: Steps To Making Simple Christmas Decorations

20th December 2017

A lot of us struggle to get the right decorations for our home. Christmas time is the right opportunity to explore and get creative with various Christmas crafts that can be used for decoration. Christmas crafts that are handmade are a fun activity that the whole family can get involved in and are not difficult … Continue reading Learn A Skill Wednesday: Steps To Making Simple Christmas Decorations

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Simple Bedroom Organization Ideas for the Holiday

29th November 2017

Cleaning and organizing your room is very daunting, with the holiday approaching, you become very busy to unclutter the room. Its best before the holiday chills catch up with you, to take a step back and really arrange the bedroom along with other rooms. You can do this by getting rid of what you do not … Continue reading Simple Bedroom Organization Ideas for the Holiday

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Learn A Skill Wednesday: How To Decorate Your Wall

22nd November 2017

It is notable that the walls have the potential both to draw attention to the mundanely involved in the house and to grant it a bigger meaning. The wall is an important part of your home life. Imagine your guests staring at your unappealing wall every time, it reveals unconsciously the message of your personality … Continue reading Learn A Skill Wednesday: How To Decorate Your Wall

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5 Common Kitchen Appliances You Should Own

16th November 2017

Kitchen appliances have become a very important part of modern kitchens. They’ve turned cooking from a mundane chore to a more enjoyable, fun art. Here we discuss five of the most common appliances found in homes. Blender A blender (sometimes called a liquidizer in British English) is a kitchen and laboratory appliance used to mix, purée, or emulsify food and other substances. They are considered versatile as … Continue reading 5 Common Kitchen Appliances You Should Own

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6 Kitchen Hacks You Should Try

12th November 2017

Cooking and cleaning up afterward can be a bit laborious. Use these hacks to save time and minimize efforts whilst in the kitchen How to remove excess fat from cooked food If you’ve cooked a dish that contains a lot of fat and you don’t want to start spooning out the excess fat from the … Continue reading 6 Kitchen Hacks You Should Try

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5 Health Benefits Of Owning a Pet

2nd November 2017

When you get a pet, you indirectly improve your mental, emotional, and physical health. I’m not saying this because I’m a hopeless dog lover, which I proudly am, but because it so happens to be the truth. I just can’t understand someone saying ‘no’ to a furry companion. If you’re one of those people not big … Continue reading 5 Health Benefits Of Owning a Pet

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How to Make Ankara Wall Clock

24th October 2017

Ankara is everywhere in Nigeria, but many of us are not aware of the various things we can make with it. Did you know you could use Ankara to make a wall clock– a one of kind home décor that would stand out in your home. The Ankara Wall clock has a unique look, and … Continue reading How to Make Ankara Wall Clock

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Learn A Skill Wednesday: How To Sew Simple Curtains

18th October 2017

Instead of spending time hunting for curtains that you end up not liking, you can make beautiful curtains for your new home. Add a fresh, beautiful appearance to your home with curtains by using methods that would require minimum sewing skills. There are numerous ways of styling your curtains; choose from any you admire and … Continue reading Learn A Skill Wednesday: How To Sew Simple Curtains

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Learn A Skill Wednesday: How to Make Simple Throw Pillows

11th October 2017

Throw Pillows are beautiful works of art that enhance the décor of your home. Having a few around your array of furniture would add an instant lush. You don’t need to contract all them upscale interior decorators for this one. Just look around your home and you can find the raw materials to make these … Continue reading Learn A Skill Wednesday: How to Make Simple Throw Pillows

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Is Enamelware Still as Common in Modern Day Nigeria?

10th October 2017

I came across sets of beautifully crafted enamelware online and was gripped with nostalgia, the certain kind that makes you crave the replacement of half the set of crockery in your kitchen. Growing up, they were my last choice of dishes and if at all I felt anything for them, it was an annoyance towards … Continue reading Is Enamelware Still as Common in Modern Day Nigeria?

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Why Not To Mix Different Household Cleaning Agents

8th August 2017

Just like most chemicals, all household cleaning products, as domestic as they might look in containers, should be handled with care. More critical is the combination of these cleaning products in a bid to formulate what is perceived to be more effective than the individual content. Combining liquids might result in possibly explosive mixtures and … Continue reading Why Not To Mix Different Household Cleaning Agents

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How to Prevent Mildew from Wrecking Your Home during the Rainy Season

3rd August 2017

It is not only embarrassing to find mildew growing on supposedly neat clothes or furniture. It could also be unwholesome for one’s health or pose potential damage to property. The rainy season creates favourable conditions which encourage fungal growth on surfaces like cloth, leather, and wood and on damp places.Extra care is required in keeping … Continue reading How to Prevent Mildew from Wrecking Your Home during the Rainy Season

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10 Ways to Enhance Your Home’s Beauty

A home without décor is like a woman without her accessories. Our eyes are created to appreciate beauty and this is why looking good is appealing and beautiful scenery relieves tension. Here are ways you can enhance the beauty of your home. Ankara: Bring a touch of vibrancy into your home using colourful Ankara pieces. … Continue reading 10 Ways to Enhance Your Home’s Beauty

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7 Useful Items You Call Trash

6th July 2017

Just before you toss these items in the trash, here is what you can do with them.     1. Egg shells: Turn egg shells into an excellent scouring powder. Dry the shells then crush them till the particles are fine and store them in a dry airtight container.     2. Old clothes: Clothes … Continue reading 7 Useful Items You Call Trash

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10 Brands That Have Become Household Names in Nigeria

19th June 2017

There’re some brands that have become household names in Nigeria, so much so that most people don’t know the actual names for the product themselves. It cracks me up when I hear someone say ‘Buy me Beefy Gala.’ Even worse when people ask for Indomie, when what they actually want is Chikki noodles and not … Continue reading 10 Brands That Have Become Household Names in Nigeria

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Children FAMILY Home Parenting Quotes

All About The Children: Quotes

27th May 2017

Children are the most valuable assets of every society. Whether you have them or you’re yet to, we all must agree that they’re a pure joy. Here are a few quotes to help keep them in our minds this beautiful children’s day: “We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that … Continue reading All About The Children: Quotes

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5 Health Benefits of Living in a Log House

24th April 2017

Imagine a life free of allergens and air impurities. No cases of flu, headaches or stress-related illnesses. And the best part; a happy family in tip-top shape. How is this possible? One research study revealed that wood has moisture safety and purifying qualities. It also has positive psychological effects. This study inspired the building of … Continue reading 5 Health Benefits of Living in a Log House

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12 Things You Didn’t Know About Wall Geckos

21st April 2017

Growing up, I found wall geckos utterly disgusting. Their eyes, their skin, and the fact that they were always around in the compound where I grew up, disgusted me. My brothers had fun watching them leave their tails behind when frightened (surely you know all about this!) but I couldn’t stand them. I often wondered … Continue reading 12 Things You Didn’t Know About Wall Geckos

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Four Things to Avoid Taking into Your Kitchen

16th March 2017

A lot of us are guilty of taking everything with us into the kitchen, from cell phones to biros and books. The kitchen should be an organized place where each and every object is put in its place. Junk should not be allowed and the moment you realize that there are certain useless stuff cramping … Continue reading Four Things to Avoid Taking into Your Kitchen

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Important Things to Look Out For If You Cook With Gas

20th September 2016

With the current price of kerosene in Nigeria, a lot of people are now turning to gas cookers and electric stoves to replace conventional kerosene stoves. However, using gas to cook comes with its own risks and dangers as the methane used for combustion is highly flammable. Although cooking with gas cookers and burners may … Continue reading Important Things to Look Out For If You Cook With Gas

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How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

31st August 2016

Bedbugs are the annoying and tiny insects that sometimes sleep with us in our beds when we refuse to maintain a certain level of cleanliness in the bedroom. Bedbugs are tiny bugs that usually inhabit the mattresses and suck human blood during the night when they are asleep. They are commonly found in dirty bedroom … Continue reading How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

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Five Types of Plants to Have In Your Garden

29th July 2016

If you have green hands, then this season might be the right time to put your talents to good use. Depending on the size of your space, you can have a mini farm or a medium sized one at the back of your house where you can plant varieties of fruits and vegetables. A garden … Continue reading Five Types of Plants to Have In Your Garden

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