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How To Social Media

How To Use Social Media for Customer Service Excellence

11th June 2024

  Social media platforms have transformed customer service, making it more accessible and immediate than ever before. Businesses now use social media to interact with customers, answer queries, and resolve issues quickly. This new approach enhances customer satisfaction and builds stronger relationships with the audience. The key to customer service excellence lies in timely and … Continue reading How To Use Social Media for Customer Service Excellence

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How To Social Media

How To Become a Social Media Manager

7th June 2024

  Do you love using social media apps like Facebook, Twitter (X), and Instagram? Are you good at creating posts that get lots of likes, shares, and comments? If so, you might make a great social media manager! A social media manager is in charge of representing a company or brand on social media. Their … Continue reading How To Become a Social Media Manager

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How To Social Media

How To Use Social Media for Lead Generation

11th May 2024

  Social media is a vital platform for businesses to expand their customer base and increase sales. Every day, millions of users interact with content across various platforms, presenting a unique opportunity for companies to engage with potential customers. However, tapping into this vast pool of prospects requires strategic planning and execution. This post outlines … Continue reading How To Use Social Media for Lead Generation

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How To Social Media

How to Use Twitter to Enhance Customer Engagement

9th May 2024

  With over 300 million active users, Twitter (now X) serves as a powerful platform for businesses aiming to boost customer engagement. This microblogging service enables companies to interact directly with their audience, providing a unique opportunity for real-time communication and brand promotion. Read more about Social Media By understanding and utilizing Twitter’s various features, … Continue reading How to Use Twitter to Enhance Customer Engagement

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How To Tell Stories With Your Marketing Content

2nd May 2024

  Telling stories with your marketing content is a great way to connect with your audience and make your brand more relatable. Whether you’re promoting a product, sharing a customer testimonial, or highlighting your company’s values, storytelling can help you captivate your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. In this article, I share with … Continue reading How To Tell Stories With Your Marketing Content

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How to Start and Scale a Book Publishing Business in Nigeria

21st March 2024

  Have you ever thought about starting your own publishing company in Nigeria? It’s a great idea! This guide will help you get started on the right foot. We’ll cover everything from what kind of books are popular to how to get your books into stores and online. So, grab a cup of coffee and … Continue reading How to Start and Scale a Book Publishing Business in Nigeria

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BUSINESS How To Social Media

How to Leverage Social Media to Boost Business Growth

19th March 2024

  In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and grow their customer base. With Nigeria’s increasing internet penetration and growing population of social media users, harnessing the power of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn can significantly boost your business growth. To effectively … Continue reading How to Leverage Social Media to Boost Business Growth

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How to Identify and Target Your Ideal Customers

  Identifying and targeting your ideal customers is crucial for the success of any business operating in the Nigerian market. With its diverse population, cultural nuances, and unique market dynamics, Nigeria presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses seeking to connect with their target audience. With this article, I explore effective strategies business owners should … Continue reading How to Identify and Target Your Ideal Customers

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How To

How To Write a Compelling SOP for Study and Visa Application

12th March 2024

  What is SOP? The Statement of Purpose (SOP) serves as a pivotal component of study and visa applications. It is a written essay that explains in detail why you want to study at a school and what makes you a good fit for the program you are applying to. Read more about How To … Continue reading How To Write a Compelling SOP for Study and Visa Application

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How To

How to Fix Email Bounce or Prevent Emails from Landing in Spam

26th February 2024

In the world of communication, email still stands as one of the major cornerstones of business and personal interactions. However, observing proper email etiquette within the guidelines of email service providers can be a daunting task. Ever been faced with a situation where email simply bounces back, or worse, lands in the spam folder? In … Continue reading How to Fix Email Bounce or Prevent Emails from Landing in Spam

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BUSINESS Fashion How To

How To Craft a Content Calendar For Your Fashion Business

20th February 2024

  Establishing an online presence is crucial for reaching and engaging your audience. A well-organized content calendar is a valuable tool to help plan and execute your online strategy effectively. In this article, we will explore how to create an efficient content calendar tailored to the needs of your fashion business. Read more about How … Continue reading How To Craft a Content Calendar For Your Fashion Business

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Finance How To

How to Build an Emergency Fund

16th February 2024

Have you ever worried about what might happen if unexpected expenses pop up? Building an emergency fund can help ease those worries and provide a financial safety net. An emergency fund is like a cushion for unexpected situations, such as medical emergencies, car repairs, or unexpected job changes. In this article, we’ll explore some simple … Continue reading How to Build an Emergency Fund

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Finance How To TECH

How To Generate Sustainable Revenue Streams for Tech Startups

  In the vibrant ecosystem of Nigerian tech startups, generating sustainable revenues is a critical challenge that founders often grapple with. While innovation and disruption are at the core of these ventures, the ability to monetize products and services effectively is paramount for long-term success. In this article, we will delve into practical strategies and … Continue reading How To Generate Sustainable Revenue Streams for Tech Startups

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How To Gain More Customers with Influencer Marketing

3rd February 2024

  If you’re trying to reach an audience of potential customers these days, there are several ways to do that. You may try to directly market your products and services to them, or get their attention through third-party channels. One option in the latter category is getting social media influencers to inform their followers about … Continue reading How To Gain More Customers with Influencer Marketing

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How To Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

30th January 2024

  Mobile devices are the primary means via which people around the world access the internet. The latest figures for this from Data Report suggest that about 95% of internet visitors use mobile to get on the web at least sometimes, and 53% of global web traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. Read more about … Continue reading How To Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

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How To

How To Find your Niche as a Content Creator

26th January 2024

  Finding your niche as a content creator is like unlocking a door to unique opportunities and audience connections. Whether you’re into vlogging, blogging, or social media content, you might be seeking a guide to help you discover your niche in the content creation space. In this article, I hope to fill that void for … Continue reading How To Find your Niche as a Content Creator

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How To Find Your Lost Android Phone with Google

  Having to look for a missing phone can be quite an irksome task. You’re not always sure where it’s been placed, so you may have no idea where to search for it. You could end up burning precious time—several minutes, or maybe even a couple of hours –trying to locate your lost phone. Here’s … Continue reading How To Find Your Lost Android Phone with Google

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How To Protect Your Website from DDoS Attacks

16th January 2024

  Websites have become integral components of businesses, serving as storefronts, communication hubs, and transaction platforms. Unfortunately, with this increased reliance on online presence comes the heightened risk of cyber threats, and one of the most prevalent and disruptive among them is Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Here, we’ll have a look at the … Continue reading How To Protect Your Website from DDoS Attacks

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How To Wellness

How To Manage Stress at Your Workplace

  Life is busy, and stress often hangs around like a regular visitor. But don’t worry! There are some easy tricks you can use to handle stress and do better at your job. In this article, I highlight some 8 tips that can help you manage stress at your workplace. Ready? Let’s begin! Read more … Continue reading How To Manage Stress at Your Workplace

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How To Navigate Collaboration Between Businesses

12th January 2024

  Collaboration between businesses can be a powerful strategy for growth. Whether you’re a small startup or an established enterprise, working together with another business can open up new opportunities and avenues for success. Here’s a simple guide on how to collaborate effectively. Read more about Business Clearly Define Objectives Before diving into collaboration, clearly … Continue reading How To Navigate Collaboration Between Businesses

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How To

How To Conduct a Successful Interview With a Celebrity

1st January 2024

  Landing an interview with a celebrity feels like snagging a shooting star: exciting, thrilling, and full of potential. But how do you achieve a successful interview? Here’s your guide to navigating the ever-evolving world of celebrity interviews and conducting a conversation that sparkles with insight and entertainment. Is there an influencer or celebrity you’ve … Continue reading How To Conduct a Successful Interview With a Celebrity

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Finance How To

How To Make an Informed Financial Plan for 2024

29th December 2023

  Truth be told, in this year, 2023, the economic situation in Nigeria presented its share of challenges. However, the dawn of a new year brings fresh opportunities for financial growth. In this article, we’ll explore how to make an informed financial plan for 2024, and the necessary plans you need to make for the … Continue reading How To Make an Informed Financial Plan for 2024

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How To Recover from a Failed Business Venture

25th December 2023

  Every entrepreneur dreams of success. If you’re one, you’ve probably imagined building a thriving business, one that plays a big role in its market, solving big problems and raking in huge profits while at it. Unfortunately, things don’t always pan out this way. About 80% of businesses fail within their first five years of … Continue reading How To Recover from a Failed Business Venture

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How to Gather and Act on Customer Feedback in Nigeria

2nd November 2023

  In today’s competitive business landscape, the success of your startup in Nigeria hinges on your ability to understand, engage with, and satisfy your customers. One of the most valuable tools at your disposal for achieving this is customer feedback. Gathering and acting on customer feedback in Nigeria can provide valuable insights that can help … Continue reading How to Gather and Act on Customer Feedback in Nigeria

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How to Be an Email Copywriter and Craft Million-Naira Messages

31st October 2023

  Writing emails is a necessary part of corporate life. That’s because email remains one of the most widely used mediums of communication in business. But weaving up messages for this channel that actually capture recipient’s attention and persuade them to take desired action is an art in itself. So it’s no surprise that many … Continue reading How to Be an Email Copywriter and Craft Million-Naira Messages

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How to Build Product Prototypes with Limited Funds

28th October 2023

  Entrepreneurs and startups create product prototypes to visualize, test, and improve their ideas before investing heavily in production. The process of fashioning these early models has become a crucial part of product development, particularly in the digital technology and hardware engineering industries. It’s also important to ventures in other sectors. Read more about Business … Continue reading How to Build Product Prototypes with Limited Funds

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How to Win More Prospects with Content Marketing

21st September 2023

Content marketing can work wonders for your business if it’s done smartly and aims for clearly defined targets. However, getting it right can be a challenge if you or your team lacks the tools and know-how to execute a proper content strategy. And it’s doubly difficult if you’re trying to win customers via this means … Continue reading How to Win More Prospects with Content Marketing

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How to Spend the Money Your Startup Raises

20th September 2023

  Congratulations! Your startup has successfully raised funding, which is a significant milestone in your entrepreneurial journey. Now, you’re faced with a crucial decision: how to allocate and spend the money wisely to ensure the long-term success of your business. In this article, we’ll explore some key strategies or some valuable tactics for investing or … Continue reading How to Spend the Money Your Startup Raises

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How To

How to Select the Right Beta Testers for Your New Product

11th September 2023

  Beta testing is a stage in the product development cycle, in which a startup or established company recruits a group of users who represent its broader customer base, and gets them to try out its new product. The aim is typically to collect and analyze feedback from these users (testers) and implement changes to … Continue reading How to Select the Right Beta Testers for Your New Product

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How To Set Up Your Business for A Fantastic Retail Experience

8th September 2023

  Creating an exceptional retail experience is an endeavour that demands careful planning, strategic thinking, and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. In a world where consumer expectations continue to evolve and competition remains fierce, the success of a retail business hinges on its ability to provide a memorable and delightful shopping journey for its … Continue reading How To Set Up Your Business for A Fantastic Retail Experience

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