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Food Social Media

Social Media Accounts to Follow: 10 Culinary Stars

26th April 2024

  Social media has become a bustling hub for culinary enthusiasts, offering a window into the kitchens of some of the most creative chefs around. For those who love to explore new recipes or simply enjoy the visual feast of beautifully presented dishes, following the right chefs on Instagram can transform your feed into an … Continue reading Social Media Accounts to Follow: 10 Culinary Stars

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Anambra State School Triumphs in National Girls in ICT Contest

25th April 2024

  In Anambra State, the Girls of St. John Vianney Science College in Igbariam won the National Girls in ICT Competition 2024. They grabbed the national championship title on Wednesday. This competition is organized by the Federal Ministry of Communication, Innovation, and Digital Economy. It’s open to all girls in secondary schools across Nigeria. Read … Continue reading Anambra State School Triumphs in National Girls in ICT Contest

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Multichoice Nigeria Raises DSTV, GOTV Fees by 25%

  Multichoice Nigeria, a company offering Pay-TV services, has announced another price increase for its DSTV and GOTV packages. This time, they’re making the prices go up by at least 25%. It’s the third time they’ve raised prices since last year, with the first change happening on May 1, 2023. Read more about Business The … Continue reading Multichoice Nigeria Raises DSTV, GOTV Fees by 25%

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7 Traps Founders Should Know About the Nigerian Market

  Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and the continent’s fourth-largest economy is a land of immense potential for entrepreneurs. With a booming youth population, a growing middle class, and a rapidly developing tech scene, the Nigerian market offers a vast and exciting landscape for founders looking to scale their businesses. However, navigating this dynamic market … Continue reading 7 Traps Founders Should Know About the Nigerian Market

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How Chowdeck Won its Distribution Game: A Recipe for Success

  In the ever-evolving realm of on-demand delivery, African enterprises are swiftly etching out their space. Among these, Chowdeck, a Nigerian food delivery service established in 2021, has emerged as a trailblazer. It all began with Femi Aluko, the visionary behind Chowdeck, who, inspired by the swift food delivery systems in Dubai, resolved to introduce … Continue reading How Chowdeck Won its Distribution Game: A Recipe for Success

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Male Hypogonadism: Symptoms and Treatment Options

  Male hypogonadism is characterized by insufficient production of testosterone, the primary male hormone, by the testes. Testosterone plays a crucial role in various aspects of male development and health, influencing secondary sexual characteristics, reproductive function, and muscle mass. Read more about Health The significance of testosterone extends beyond sexual function and physical attributes, impacting … Continue reading Male Hypogonadism: Symptoms and Treatment Options

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BUSINESS Social Media

Using Pinterest and Instagram for Visual Marketing Strategies

  Visual marketing has become an essential strategy for businesses looking to attract and engage audiences effectively. Among the plethora of platforms available, Pinterest and Instagram have emerged as powerful tools due to their visually-driven content and large user bases. This post explores how businesses can leverage these platforms to refine their visual marketing strategies. … Continue reading Using Pinterest and Instagram for Visual Marketing Strategies

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Social Media

Strategies for Effective Cross-Platform Social Media Campaigns

  Effective cross-platform social media campaigns are essential for businesses aiming to maximize their reach and engagement across various online platforms. As social media platforms each offer unique features and cater to distinct audience demographics, creating a unified yet platform-specific approach can significantly impact a brand’s visibility and interaction rates. This post will explore practical … Continue reading Strategies for Effective Cross-Platform Social Media Campaigns

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Marketing

  Artificial intelligence has become a transformative force across various sectors, and marketing is no exception. The ability to personalize marketing efforts through AI enhances customer engagement and boosts the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI tools can identify patterns and preferences that might escape human detection, enabling … Continue reading The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Marketing

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BUSINESS Social Media

Developing an Influencer Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

  Small businesses often face the challenge of achieving substantial market reach with limited resources. An influencer marketing strategy provides a viable solution by leveraging individuals with high engagement rates and dedicated followings to enhance brand awareness and credibility. This approach is particularly effective for small businesses to expand their digital footprint and connect with … Continue reading Developing an Influencer Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

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Nigerian Entrepreneurs Share Insights about Connect Nigeria Business Mixer

  Are you looking to elevate your business game? Look no further than the Connect Nigeria Business Mixer, the premier networking event in Lagos, Nigeria. Set against the backdrop of a serene environment conducive to learning and deal-making, this event brings together the brightest minds in entrepreneurship for an evening of connection, enlightenment, and growth. … Continue reading Nigerian Entrepreneurs Share Insights about Connect Nigeria Business Mixer

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Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

  The tissue that lines the inside of the uterus is called the endometrium. Endometriosis occurs when this tissue, which should be confined to the uterus, is found outside the uterus. It’s like having something where it’s not supposed to be. Endometriosis is a serious gynaecological condition that significantly affects the quality of life for … Continue reading Understanding Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

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Femi Aluko: The Guy Doing Big Things at Chowdeck

24th April 2024

  Doing business in Nigeria can be quite an adventure, and it’s enough to drive even the toughest entrepreneurs a little crazy! Since the turn of the century, Nigeria has seen a wave of innovative technopreneurs – those savvy folks who use technology to tackle everyday problems and turn them into booming businesses. From tackling … Continue reading Femi Aluko: The Guy Doing Big Things at Chowdeck

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Grow Your Career with the Youth Transition Program!

  NerdzFactory Foundation is a non-profit organisation that leverages technology to create prosperity and improve human capital outcomes in Africa. The Youth Transition Program (YTP) is an initiative of Access through the implementation of NerdzFactory Foundation to equip young individuals across South-West Nigeria and beyond with a unique opportunity to be equipped with digital skills … Continue reading Grow Your Career with the Youth Transition Program!

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Can You Really Run an Online Business Without Google?

In the vast expanse of the digital realm, Google looms large, an omnipresent force shaping the way we navigate, search, and conduct business online. From its humble beginnings as a search engine to its current status as a multifaceted tech behemoth, Google has entrenched itself deeply into the fabric of the internet. Its influence is … Continue reading Can You Really Run an Online Business Without Google?

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Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep Even with a Busy Schedule

  In our busy lives, it can be hard to get enough rest. Demanding schedules, packed with work, school, and personal commitments, often leave us feeling exhausted by the end of the day. However, getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for our physical health, mental well-being, and overall productivity. In this article, I share … Continue reading Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep Even with a Busy Schedule

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How to Grow Resilience for the Challenges of Running a Business

  Running a business can be a rollercoaster ride, with its share of ups and downs. It takes more than just hard work and determination to navigate through the tough times; it requires resilience, or what some people call “grit.” Resilience is like having a tough shell that helps you bounce back when things don’t … Continue reading How to Grow Resilience for the Challenges of Running a Business

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Social Media

Effective Ways to Use Social Media for Lead Generation

  Social media has become a critical tool for lead generation for businesses seeking to expand their customer base. With billions of users active on various platforms, the opportunity to reach new audiences and convert them into potential customers is vast. However, companies must employ strategic and effective tactics tailored to their specific goals and target … Continue reading Effective Ways to Use Social Media for Lead Generation

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Social Media

How to Use Data Analytics to Improve Social Media Engagement

  Social media engagement is a crucial metric for gauging the success and reach of online content. As competition for audience intensifies, utilizing data analytics becomes essential for crafting strategies that resonate with users. Read more about Social Media By analyzing interactions and user behaviour, businesses and content creators can optimize their social media efforts, … Continue reading How to Use Data Analytics to Improve Social Media Engagement

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Social Media

DOs and DON’Ts of Facebook and Instagram Advertising

  Are you sick of feeling lost in the world of Facebook and Instagram ads? You’re not alone! These platforms are powerful tools for reaching new customers, but figuring them out can be a headache.  Don’t worry, help is here!  This guide will give you key DOs and DON’Ts to turn your Facebook and Instagram … Continue reading DOs and DON’Ts of Facebook and Instagram Advertising

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10 Simple Pinterest Marketing Strategies for Success

  Pinterest isn’t just a place for finding recipes and DIY projects; it’s also a powerful tool for businesses to reach new customers and drive sales. With the right strategies, you can make the most of Pinterest to grow your business and achieve real results. Here are 10 simple Pinterest marketing strategies to get you … Continue reading 10 Simple Pinterest Marketing Strategies for Success

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BUSINESS Social Media

Top 10 Social Media Management Tools for Businesses

  Social media management tools have become indispensable for businesses aiming to optimize their online presence. With the vast array of platforms and the sheer volume of interactions, these tools help streamline posting schedules, engage with audiences effectively, and gather insightful analytics. Read more about Social Media For any business looking to maintain a robust … Continue reading Top 10 Social Media Management Tools for Businesses

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The Wema Bank Hackaholics 5.0 Hackathon for Young Entrepreneurs

23rd April 2024

  Wema Bank has announced that it is receiving entries for the latest edition of its Hackaholics competition. Designed for young tech-focused entrepreneurs, the Wema Bank Hackaholics hackathon spotlights the innovative solutions being built by startup founders and offers them the financial, technical, and community backing they need to quickly scale their ventures. Read more … Continue reading The Wema Bank Hackaholics 5.0 Hackathon for Young Entrepreneurs

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Grants Opportunities

How to Apply for the FG’s ₦200 Billion Public Intervention Fund for Businesses

  On April 22, 2024, the Federal Government of Nigeria announced the launch of a Public Intervention Fund for MSMEs and manufacturers in Nigeria. Through this initiative, loans and grants totalling ₦200 billion will be disbursed to qualified businesses which apply for them. Read more about Grants Publicly available information indicates that the funds will … Continue reading How to Apply for the FG’s ₦200 Billion Public Intervention Fund for Businesses

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Nigeria is Building its First Multilingual Large Language Model (LLM)

  Nigeria will soon be getting its first multilingual Large Language Model (LLM). That’s according to the country’s Minister of Communications, Innovation, and Digital Economy, Dr. Bosun Tijani. He made this announcement on Friday, 19th April 2024. Read more about Tech Dr Tijani’s disclosure came after a four-day AI workshop held in Abuja. The project … Continue reading Nigeria is Building its First Multilingual Large Language Model (LLM)

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The Rise of Podcasting and Audio Content

  Podcasting has surged to prominence as a leading form of media, capturing the attention of millions globally with its diverse range of topics and personal touch. As more listeners tune in to their favourite shows during commutes, workouts, or while relaxing at home, the medium has proven to be more than just a passing … Continue reading The Rise of Podcasting and Audio Content

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Meet the Speakers for the Connect Nigeria Business Mixer

  The Connect Nigeria Business Mixer is the foremost business networking event in Lagos, Nigeria. It brings together founders, entrepreneurs, and executives, for an evening of learning, engagement, and building working relationships. The event unfolds in a serene environment that’s conducive to absorbing insights and doing valuable deals. Read more about Business The latest edition … Continue reading Meet the Speakers for the Connect Nigeria Business Mixer

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Social Media

Effective Community Management: Keeping Your Audience Engaged

  Effective community management is essential for cultivating a vibrant and engaged audience, whether for a brand, a social media platform, or an online forum. A thriving community supports user retention and satisfaction and also helps promote brand loyalty and user-generated content. Read more about Social Media Below are key strategies to ensure your community … Continue reading Effective Community Management: Keeping Your Audience Engaged

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Food Health

Food Safety and Prevention of Foodborne Illnesses

  A nice savoury meal can become a nightmare when contaminated with harmful pathogens, leading to foodborne illnesses. Food safety is paramount in preventing such occurrences and ensuring the well-being of consumers. Every year, millions suffer from foodborne illnesses caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins present in improperly handled or prepared food. These illnesses … Continue reading Food Safety and Prevention of Foodborne Illnesses

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BUSINESS Social Media

Smart Strategies for Business Success on Social Media

  Achieving growth on social media doesn’t have to break the bank. By leveraging budget-friendly and organic marketing tactics, businesses can achieve significant results without spending a fortune. Here are some unique strategies that facilitate business success on social media while staying within budget. Read more about Business Authentic Storytelling Instead of focusing solely on … Continue reading Smart Strategies for Business Success on Social Media

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