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$10,000 Grant on Offer in the People Powered Climate Democracy Accelerator

22nd May 2024

  Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 People Powered Climate Democracy Accelerator Program. People Powered is seeking government and civil society leaders to join a new cohort of innovators interested in launching participatory programs to influence climate policy in areas such as clean transportation, renewables, decarbonization, energy-efficient homes, air pollution, agroecology, and more. … Continue reading $10,000 Grant on Offer in the People Powered Climate Democracy Accelerator

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Latest Job Vacancies in Nigeria, Fourth Week of May 2024

  These are some of the latest job vacancies in Nigeria for the fourth week of May 2024. Cloud Sales Director, Oracle Nigeria Oracle Nigeria wants to hire a Cloud Sales Director. This person will lead and motivate a team of 5 or more sales professionals to evangelize Oracle Cloud to C-level audiences and drive … Continue reading Latest Job Vacancies in Nigeria, Fourth Week of May 2024

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Boost Your Business’s Public Image with These 10 PR Tips

  Your business’s public image is something you should care deeply about. It’s the magnet that draws customers to it, the cement that binds them to your brand in trust. If your enterprise looks good to the world beyond its doors—that is, if it’s seen as professional, a beacon of quality, and empathetic –you’d more … Continue reading Boost Your Business’s Public Image with These 10 PR Tips

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Travel: How Travelling Changes Your Perspective on Life

21st May 2024

  Have you ever returned home from a trip feeling somehow…different? As if the very experience of travelling has shifted your outlook on life in eye-opening ways? This transformative power of travel to broaden our minds and perspectives is one of its greatest gifts. When we immerse ourselves in new cultures, environments, and experiences by … Continue reading Travel: How Travelling Changes Your Perspective on Life

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Travel: Volunteering Abroad and Its Benefits

  For those looking to see the world while also making a positive impact, volunteering abroad can be an incredibly rewarding experience. By donating your skills, labour and compassion to communities in need across the globe, you have the power to transform lives – including your own. Whether teaching English, building homes, providing medical care, … Continue reading Travel: Volunteering Abroad and Its Benefits

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Discover Nigeria: Nigerian Foods Across Different Regions

  With over 250 ethnic groups spread across 36 states, Nigeria is a nation rich in cultural diversity. This incredible variety is reflected in the country’s cuisine as well. Nigerian foods offer a delicious adventure with distinct flavours and specialities in each region. While basic starchy staples like pounded yam, garri, rice or fufu act … Continue reading Discover Nigeria: Nigerian Foods Across Different Regions

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The Hidden Truths About Attracting Customers Who Pay, Stay, and Refer

  In the competitive world of business, every entrepreneur dreams of attracting customers who pay for products and services and also stick around and refer others. While there are countless strategies touted by marketing experts, there are some less discussed, yet crucial, truths that can significantly impact your ability to attract and retain high-value customers. … Continue reading The Hidden Truths About Attracting Customers Who Pay, Stay, and Refer

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How To Get the Best Car Deals in Nigeria

  Buying a car in Nigeria can be an exciting but daunting process. With so many makes, models, and sellers to choose from, how can you be sure you’re getting the absolute best deal possible? By taking the time to do your homework and following some savvy shopping tips, you can drive away confidently with … Continue reading How To Get the Best Car Deals in Nigeria

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Abeokuta Tech Expo 2024: Building The Technologist In You

  As the world accelerates towards a future dominated by technology, staying abreast of the latest advancements has never been more critical. The Abeokuta Tech Expo by RIFFUTURES is not just another event; it’s a gateway to understanding and embracing the technologies that will shape our tomorrow. Aimed specifically at teens, young and even old … Continue reading Abeokuta Tech Expo 2024: Building The Technologist In You

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How to Juggle Responsibilities with Grace

20th May 2024

  Being a parent is one of life’s biggest blessings, but also one of its greatest challenges. You wear many hats – chef, chauffeur, teacher, nurse, and more. Juggling responsibilities can feel overwhelming at times, especially on a Monday morning. As another busy week begins, don’t get discouraged! Today is your chance to hit the … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How to Juggle Responsibilities with Grace

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BUSINESS Social Media

Building a Loyal Community on Social Media Platforms

  Building a loyal community on social media platforms is essential for businesses and individuals aiming to foster meaningful connections and long-term engagement. A loyal community is a group of dedicated followers who actively participate, share, and advocate for your brand or content. Read more about Social Media According to a study by Sprout Social, … Continue reading Building a Loyal Community on Social Media Platforms

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BUSINESS Social Media

How To Use Social Media Polls for Market Research

  Social media polls have become a pivotal tool for market research, offering businesses a direct line to their audience’s preferences, opinions, and behaviours. According to a recent study, 72% of businesses utilize social media for data collection, highlighting its importance in understanding consumer trends. Read more about Social Media Polls provide real-time insights and … Continue reading How To Use Social Media Polls for Market Research

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Grants Opportunities

The Bank of Industry (BOI) Rural Area Program on Investment for Development (RAPID) 2024

  Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024 Bank of Industry (BOI) Rural Area Program On Investment for Development (RAPID). This initiative aims to support communities in rural and economically disadvantaged areas by facilitating the development of enterprises that can create jobs, enhance living standards, foster national growth, and address issues of insecurity stemming … Continue reading The Bank of Industry (BOI) Rural Area Program on Investment for Development (RAPID) 2024

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Top 6 WiFi Service Providers in Nigeria

  Nigeria, like most countries, has witnessed a surge in the demand for internet connectivity. That’s because its population is increasingly dependent on the web for a wide variety of services, from news and entertainment to education and communication. Internet access providers have grown along with this trend; these days, you’d be spoilt for choice … Continue reading Top 6 WiFi Service Providers in Nigeria

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Social Media

What is the Best Time to Post on Social Media? Insights and Guidelines

  The timing of your social media posts significantly influences their engagement and reach. Studies reveal that determining the best time to post on social media can maximize your audience’s interaction with your content. This is because different demographics use social media at varying times, and understanding these patterns can help you connect with your … Continue reading What is the Best Time to Post on Social Media? Insights and Guidelines

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Social Media

Strategies for Enhancing Engagement on LinkedIn

18th May 2024

  LinkedIn has become the premier platform for professional networking, with over 700 million users worldwide. Effectively using this powerful tool can significantly enhance your career prospects and business growth. The key to maximizing LinkedIn’s potential lies in engagement. By implementing specific strategies, you can boost your visibility, expand your network, and establish yourself as … Continue reading Strategies for Enhancing Engagement on LinkedIn

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BUSINESS Social Media

How To Build an Influencer Marketing Campaign from Scratch

  Influencer marketing has become a powerful tool for brands looking to connect with their audience more authentically and engagingly. According to a study by Influencer Marketing Hub, the influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately $21.1 billion in 2023. This growth underscores the effectiveness of influencers in reaching and engaging target audiences. … Continue reading How To Build an Influencer Marketing Campaign from Scratch

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Top 10 Must-Read Books to Become a Better Salesperson

  Whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned pro looking to take your game to the next level, continual learning is key to achieving greater success. Reading insightful books from top sales experts and entrepreneurs is one of the best ways to pick up new strategies, mindsets, and skills for becoming a true sales … Continue reading Top 10 Must-Read Books to Become a Better Salesperson

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BUSINESS Men Personality

Men You Should Know: Innocent Chukwuma

  Chief Innocent Ifediaso Chukwuma is a highly successful Nigerian businessman and industrialist. He is the founder and CEO of Innoson Vehicle Manufacturing, Nigeria’s first-ever indigenous automobile company. Born on October 1, 1961, Chief Chukwuma grew up in a family of six children in southeastern Nigeria. He is the youngest of the six siblings. After … Continue reading Men You Should Know: Innocent Chukwuma

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Tips for Protecting Your Brand’s Reputation and Data on Social Media

  Social media presents an amazing opportunity for businesses to promote their brand, connect with customers, and drive sales. However, having an active online presence also exposes your company to some serious risks when it comes to reputation management and data security. One careless mistake or oversight on social media could quickly spiral into a … Continue reading Tips for Protecting Your Brand’s Reputation and Data on Social Media

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How To Transition Your Workplace to Remote Operations

  These days, more companies than ever are embracing remote or hybrid work models where employees can do their jobs from anywhere instead of a traditional onsite office. If your business is considering transitioning to accommodate remote operations, proper planning is essential for a smooth changeover. Shifting an entire workplace from an in-person office environment … Continue reading How To Transition Your Workplace to Remote Operations

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Opportunities Scholarships

Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) 2024/2025 Post Graduate Scholarship Award

  Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) Limited, representing the NNPC/NAE PSC, upholds a commitment to nurturing talent and fostering professional growth as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. In line with this mission, Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) is calling for applications from qualified Nigerian graduates for the 2024/2025 Postgraduate Scholarship Award Scheme. The scheme … Continue reading Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) 2024/2025 Post Graduate Scholarship Award

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8 Smart WiFi Setup Tips for Corporate Events

  These days, attendees at conferences and business events expect seamless internet access at their venue that’ll enable them to engage in online discussions, share content, and access event-related resources. But setting up WiFi for a business event comes with its own set of challenges. From managing bandwidth demands to ensuring network security, there are … Continue reading 8 Smart WiFi Setup Tips for Corporate Events

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Contestation: The Language of Power

17th May 2024

  Once, my father, a savant airline pilot until his death, would tell me a story about the Franco-Vietnamese battle at Dien Bien Phu. While the implication of that battle precipitated the Vietnam War, the import of that story, even though I didn’t always agree with my dad, was never lost on me. Read more … Continue reading Contestation: The Language of Power

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Press Release

CIPM Members’ Cooperative Multipurpose Society (CIPMMCMS) Celebrates 1st Year Anniversary

Lagos, Nigeria – May 17, 2024 – The Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) is pleased to announce the 1st Anniversary Meeting of the CIPM Members’ Cooperative Multipurpose Society (CIPMMCMS). This landmark event is set to take place on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 2:30 PM. Read more about Business The celebration will be held … Continue reading CIPM Members’ Cooperative Multipurpose Society (CIPMMCMS) Celebrates 1st Year Anniversary

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The DeveloPPP Ventures Ideas Competition for Entrepreneurs 2024

  Applications are currently being accepted for the develoPPP Ventures Ideas Competition, offering a substantial €100,000 in funding to successful entrants. Backed by a panel of local experts, the application and selection process is designed to provide guidance and support throughout. Read more about Opportunities The develoPPP Ventures Ideas Competition seeks promising start-ups during scheduled … Continue reading The DeveloPPP Ventures Ideas Competition for Entrepreneurs 2024

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Developing a Unique Brand Positioning Statement for Your Startup

  In the world of startups, where there’s a constant struggle to be heard by an audience with increasingly limited attention spans, it’s extremely important to establish a strong brand identity. One of the foundational elements of this identity is the brand positioning statement. Crafted effectively, this succinct declaration can set your startup apart, communicate … Continue reading Developing a Unique Brand Positioning Statement for Your Startup

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Land Measurements in Nigeria: Plots, Acres, and Hectares

  In Nigeria, land measurement is in varying units, depending on its size and the metric system preferred by whoever measures it. Understanding these land sizes is crucial for effective land management, investment decisions, and sustainable development initiatives across the nation. They apply to rural farmlands urban plots, and tracts designated for residential or industrial … Continue reading Land Measurements in Nigeria: Plots, Acres, and Hectares

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Social Media

Effective Video Marketing Tips on Social Media

  Video content is one of the most powerful tools in digital marketing, capturing the attention of millions across various platforms. Studies show that social media posts with videos get 48% more views than those without. This increased engagement highlights the importance of effective video marketing strategies. Read more about Social Media By creating compelling … Continue reading Effective Video Marketing Tips on Social Media

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Social Media

Privacy and Security Concerns in Social Media Marketing

  Privacy and security concerns in social media marketing have become increasingly significant as businesses expand their online presence. With the rise of data breaches and cyber threats, protecting consumer information is paramount. According to a recent survey, over 80% of consumers are concerned about how their data is being used by companies on social … Continue reading Privacy and Security Concerns in Social Media Marketing

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