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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: What to Do When You’re Feeling Discouraged

July 22, 2024

  Feeling discouraged about your job or business is a common experience many people face at some point in their careers. Whether it’s due to setbacks, challenges, or feeling unfulfilled, it’s important to recognize these feelings and take proactive steps to regain motivation and positivity. Here are some simple strategies to help you navigate and … Continue reading Monday Motivation: What to Do When You’re Feeling Discouraged

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Monday Motivation

Digital Detox to Foster Creativity on Mondays

June 10, 2024

  Mondays bring the opportunity for a fresh start to the work week. However, digital distractions could be to blame if you are drained, unfocused, and lacking creativity right from the get-go. We are constantly inundated with notifications, emails, social media updates, and other digital inputs vying for our attention. This nonstop flood of information … Continue reading Digital Detox to Foster Creativity on Mondays

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Monday Motivation

How to Stay Motivated All Week Long

May 27, 2024

  It’s easy to start the week feeling energized and motivated. But by Wednesday, that initial enthusiasm can quickly fade. The workweek drags on, and it becomes harder to stay focused and productive. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry – you’re not alone. To stay motivated for five days straight is a challenge for many … Continue reading How to Stay Motivated All Week Long

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How to Juggle Responsibilities with Grace

May 20, 2024

  Being a parent is one of life’s biggest blessings, but also one of its greatest challenges. You wear many hats – chef, chauffeur, teacher, nurse, and more. Juggling responsibilities can feel overwhelming at times, especially on a Monday morning. As another busy week begins, don’t get discouraged! Today is your chance to hit the … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How to Juggle Responsibilities with Grace

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Monday Motivation

Declutter Your Space; Declutter Your Mind

May 13, 2024

  Does your home or workspace feel messy and cluttered? Having too much stuff around can make you feel stressed and unmotivated. But don’t worry! Today is Motivation Monday – the perfect day for a fresh start. By decluttering your space, you can declutter your mind too. An organized environment allows you to think more … Continue reading Declutter Your Space; Declutter Your Mind

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Monday Motivation

Setting Weekly Goals for Personal Growth and Wellbeing

May 6, 2024

  Setting goals isn’t just for work – it’s also a powerful tool for improving your personal life and well-being. By setting weekly goals in areas like relationships, health, and hobbies, you can focus on what truly matters to you and take meaningful steps towards becoming your best self. Let’s explore the benefits of setting … Continue reading Setting Weekly Goals for Personal Growth and Wellbeing

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Que Sera Sera Is a Lie

April 29, 2024

  Do you ever hear people say “que sera sera,” meaning “what will be, will be”? It’s a common saying, but is it true? Let’s think about it. Sure, sometimes things happen that we can’t control. Like the weather or what other people do. But when it comes to your own life, it’s not as … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Que Sera Sera Is a Lie

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: How to boost Productivity as a Lazy Person

April 22, 2024

  Being lazy doesn’t have to mean being unproductive. Lazy people often have a knack for finding the most efficient ways to do things with minimal effort. By embracing your laziness and adopting smart strategies, you can boost your productivity and accomplish your goals without burning yourself out. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How to boost Productivity as a Lazy Person

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How to Find Inspiration in Everyday Life

April 15, 2024

  Sometimes, motivation can be hard to find. But guess what? You don’t always need to look far and wide to find it. Sometimes, inspiration is right in front of you, hiding in everyday things. Here are ten simple ways to discover motivation in your everyday life. Read more about Monday Motivation Morning Sunlight Ever … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How to Find Inspiration in Everyday Life

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Monday Motivation

Strategies for Overcoming Weekend Withdrawal

March 25, 2024

  Monday often arrives with a bit of a thud, doesn’t it? After a relaxing or eventful weekend, getting back into the groove of work or school can feel like a mountain to climb. It’s not uncommon to experience what some people call “weekend withdrawal” – that feeling of longing for the leisure and freedom … Continue reading Strategies for Overcoming Weekend Withdrawal

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Monday Motivation

Navigating Life Transitions with Resilience and Growth

March 18, 2024

  Life is a journey filled with transitions, from starting a new job to moving to a new city, from embarking on a new relationship to experiencing loss and grief. While transitions can be challenging and unsettling, they also present opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and transformation. This article will explore strategies for navigating life transitions … Continue reading Navigating Life Transitions with Resilience and Growth

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Implementing the 5-Second Rule

March 11, 2024

  Mel Robbins, a renowned motivational speaker and author, offers a simple yet powerful solution in her book, The 5-Second Rule. This rule is a game-changer when it comes to overcoming procrastination, gaining control over your actions, and staying motivated. In this article, we’ll how you can implement the 5-Second Rule into your day and … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Implementing the 5-Second Rule

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur

March 4, 2024

  Staying motivated, a constant challenge for entrepreneurs becomes even more crucial amid ongoing uncertainty, with potential pitfalls like procrastination and imposter syndrome. Experience equips entrepreneurs with skills to combat these motivational enemies. As motivation is intensely personal, entrepreneurs often rely on self-motivation, lacking external sources common in traditional work settings. Understanding your “why” is … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How to Stay Motivated as an Entrepreneur

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Books Monday Motivation

Inspiring Reads for Personal & Professional Growth

February 27, 2024

  Today is a good day to read a book! Starting the week with motivation sets the tone for positive outcomes in both personal and professional spheres. Diving into inspiring reads fueling personal development and professional growth is a great way to kickstart your Monday. In this article, I share some recommended reads for a … Continue reading Inspiring Reads for Personal & Professional Growth

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Monday Motivation

Practical Steps to Having Productive Monday Meetings

February 12, 2024

  Monday meetings, we’ve all been there – a potential productivity sinkhole. But don’t be too anxious, with a few strategies, you can turn those weekly gatherings into a powerhouse of efficiency. Let’s break it down into simple steps, making sure your Monday meetings are not just necessary but also genuinely productive. In this article, … Continue reading Practical Steps to Having Productive Monday Meetings

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Monday Motivation

10 Tips to Make Your Mondays More Productive and Less Stressful

February 12, 2024

  Mondays often come with a reputation for being challenging and stressful as we transition from the weekend to the workweek. However, with a few simple strategies, you can turn your Monday blues into a productive and stress-free start to the week. Here are 10 practical tips to help you make the most out of … Continue reading 10 Tips to Make Your Mondays More Productive and Less Stressful

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Monday Motivation

Mastering Mondays: Tips for a Positive Start to a New Week

February 5, 2024

  The start of a new week brings a fresh opportunity to set the tone for the days ahead. Whether you’re heading to school, work, or any other daily routine, making the most of Monday can positively impact your entire week. Here are some simple tips to help you navigate the beginning of the new … Continue reading Mastering Mondays: Tips for a Positive Start to a New Week

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Monday Motivation

Strategies to Boost Employee Morale for a Positive Monday

January 22, 2024

  Monday mornings often come with a collective sigh as employees gear up for the workweek. However, creating a positive and motivating atmosphere on Monday can make a significant difference in boosting employee morale and setting the tone for a successful week. Here are some simple strategies to lift the spirits of your team every … Continue reading Strategies to Boost Employee Morale for a Positive Monday

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Monday Motivation

How To Conquer Your Fears for a New Week

January 15, 2024

  It’s Monday, and it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. If fear is holding you back from embracing the challenges ahead, it’s time to take control. Here are some simple steps to help you conquer your fears and face the week with confidence. Read more about Monday Motivation Identify Your Fears … Continue reading How To Conquer Your Fears for a New Week

Monday Motivation

Nadayar Enegesi: From Building Wealth to Building Well-Being

April 30, 2023

  Nadayar Enegesi is a serial entrepreneur who has been hailed by co-workers, investors, and associates for his never-say-never attitude, visionary outlook, and unrelenting drive. Having established two flourishing ventures that are widely regarded as exemplars of African success, takes a closer look at this dynamic entrepreneur and his remarkable journey in the realm … Continue reading Nadayar Enegesi: From Building Wealth to Building Well-Being

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Inspirational Quotes For Endless Determination

May 23, 2022

Hello Monday, Bye Sunday… Life can be tough and for most of it, one could feel like quitting. Hopefully, the quotes published in this article will help to remind you that you are on the right track and that a definite moment of determination will surely bring you success. Read these quotes to inspire yourself … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Inspirational Quotes For Endless Determination

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Monday Motivation motivation

Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

May 11, 2022

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” —Les Brown. Take a look at the quote above. Does it speak to you? Do you find any meaning in it? I had read the quote thrice before I could eventually carve out a powerful meaning from it: fear cripples … Continue reading Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

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Health Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: 8 Great Tips For Combating Anxiety In The Workplace

March 28, 2022

Bye Sunday, Hello Monday… People who suffer from anxiety attacks often struggle to get comfortable at their workplaces. This problem adds to their depreciating mental health in one way or another. In Nigeria, non-remote workers who are mandated to arrive at their workplaces every day are always faced with so many challenges ranging from horrible bosses … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 8 Great Tips For Combating Anxiety In The Workplace

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Monday Motivation

10 Inspiring Quotes To Guide You Into The New Week

March 21, 2022

  Goodbye Sunday, Hello Monday… There is a need for us all to be inspired by motivational quotes as we begin a new week. As proven, motivational messages help to connect our minds to a positive feeling and in turn, to productivity. Our creativity and intelligence rise whenever we maintain a positive attitude to work. … Continue reading 10 Inspiring Quotes To Guide You Into The New Week

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CAREER Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Boost Your Employees’ Self-Esteem With These Few Methods

March 14, 2022

Bye Sunday, Hello Monday… Every employer needs to understand that the way their employees feel about themselves contributes in some way to the success/failure of their organisation. Confident employees who have a high level of self-esteem will likely make informed decisions that will bring positive advancement to the companies they work for. Read more about … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Boost Your Employees’ Self-Esteem With These Few Methods

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Learn The Art Of Thinking Outside The Box

March 7, 2022

Bye Sunday, Hello Monday… With the COVID-19 pandemic that brought untold hardship to businesses all over the world, managers were tasked with the job of coming up with ideas that would ensure the longevity of their brands. They sought various ways to diversify and introduce new services to meet the demands of customers and clients. … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Learn The Art Of Thinking Outside The Box

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Monday Motivation

10 Motivational Quotes On Hard Work To Inspire You For The New Week

February 28, 2022

Goodbye Sunday, Hello Monday… Hard work as a concept is something we all must value. It is an important work ethic necessary for achieving success. Hard workers excel in every profession and take up their place in their various fields; they are passionate about their job and appreciate it. Read more about Monday motivation These … Continue reading 10 Motivational Quotes On Hard Work To Inspire You For The New Week

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Tips On How To Deal With Workplace Depression As An Employer

February 21, 2022

  Bye Sunday, Hello Monday… You have probably seen the symptoms in some of your employees. Maybe you can tell that they are arriving at the office with seemingly low energy, or they are constantly getting irritable, or they have simply become withdrawn. Whichever the case might be, you can tell that there are depressed … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Tips On How To Deal With Workplace Depression As An Employer

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Engage Your Employees With These Valentine’s Day Activities

February 14, 2022

Goodbye Sunday, Hello Monday… February 14th, the day of romance and love, happens to fall on a Monday this year. Celebrated all around the world for hundreds of years, Valentine’s Day has been a remarkable day for lovers to remind each other of their undying affection. Well, nowadays, brands are looking for great ways to … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Engage Your Employees With These Valentine’s Day Activities

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EDUCATION Inspirational Monday Motivation

Ability In The Face Of Disability: How Nigerian Youth Was Able To Record Examination Success In Spite Of Challenges

February 7, 2022

  Nineteen-year-old Adebolu Adejobi is an inspiration to thousands of Nigerians. Despite his physical disabilities and the stigmatization attached to them, he finished secondary school education with a record-breaking WAEC result. Read more about Monday Motivation Due to his condition, he suffered ridicule and discrimination from people in his neighbourhood. His educational journey was not … Continue reading Ability In The Face Of Disability: How Nigerian Youth Was Able To Record Examination Success In Spite Of Challenges

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