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Travelling Outside Nigeria for the First Time: What to Do

24th July 2024

  Travelling outside Nigeria for the first time can be an exciting and sometimes overwhelming experience. Whether you’re travelling for leisure, study, or work, careful planning and preparation can help make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Here are some essential tips to guide you through travelling outside Nigeria for the first time Read more … Continue reading Travelling Outside Nigeria for the First Time: What to Do

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Work-Life Balance: Tips for Professionals

  Work-life balance is a challenge many professionals face. The demands of the modern professional world seem to be increasing in a fast-paced and competitive world. This makes it easy for one to feel overwhelmed by the demands of a career while trying to maintain a fulfilling personal life. However, achieving and maintaining this balance … Continue reading Work-Life Balance: Tips for Professionals

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Understanding and Managing Stress

22nd July 2024

  Stress is a feeling we all experience when we face challenging situations. It is the body’s way of responding to any demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your body responds by releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which prepare you to deal with the challenge. This is often called the “fight or flight” … Continue reading Understanding and Managing Stress

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Food Health

How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

  Healthy eating habits are crucial for maintaining good health and well-being. It gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly, boosts your energy levels, helps you stay at a healthy weight, and can even improve your mood. Good eating habits can also prevent many health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and … Continue reading How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

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Discover Nigeria Food

Discover Nigeria: Nigerian Food Festivals

18th July 2024

  Nigeria, known as the “Giant of Africa,” is a country rich in culture and tradition. One of the most vibrant aspects of Nigerian culture is its food. Nigerian cuisine is diverse, flavourful, and deeply rooted in the country’s history and ethnic diversity. Food festivals in Nigeria are not just about eating; they are about … Continue reading Discover Nigeria: Nigerian Food Festivals

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Finance Travel

How to Budget Wisely for a Trip

  Planning a trip can be exciting, but it can also be expensive. Budgeting wisely ensures that you have a great time without spending more than you can afford. Here’s a simple guide on how to budget wisely for your trip. Read more about Travel Decide on Your Destination Your destination plays a big role … Continue reading How to Budget Wisely for a Trip

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Tips for Reducing Sugar Intake and Its Health Benefits for Busy Entrepreneurs

13th July 2024

  Being a busy entrepreneur often means juggling many tasks, meetings, and decisions every day. With such a hectic schedule, it’s easy to overlook one crucial aspect of your health: your diet, specifically your sugar intake. High sugar consumption can lead to various health issues like weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. Reducing your sugar … Continue reading Tips for Reducing Sugar Intake and Its Health Benefits for Busy Entrepreneurs

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The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

  Intermittent fasting has become a popular trend in the world of health and wellness. It is not just a diet but a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting and eating. People choose intermittent fasting for various reasons, including weight loss, improved health, and a simpler lifestyle. Let’s explore the benefits of … Continue reading The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

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Weekend Wellness Rituals for Busy Professionals

9th July 2024

  As busy professionals, your weekdays are often filled with work responsibilities, deadlines, and stress. That’s why it’s crucial to use your weekends wisely to recharge and take care of yourself. Here are some expanded ideas to help you create effective wellness rituals for your precious time off. Read more about Wellness Mindfulness Practices Mindfulness … Continue reading Weekend Wellness Rituals for Busy Professionals

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6 Baking Business Ideas You Can Explore

8th July 2024

  If you love to bake, you’ll probably be delighted to know that there are several baking business ideas you can act on to begin making money from your passion. And because there’s always a demand for baked staples and treats, you’re unlikely to run out of customers—if your product or service is great. Read … Continue reading 6 Baking Business Ideas You Can Explore

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The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

5th July 2024

  Social media has become a huge part of our daily lives. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and TikTok allow us to connect with friends and family, share our lives, and stay updated with what’s happening around the world. However, while there are many benefits, there are also impacts of social media on … Continue reading The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

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The Role of Exercise in Managing Anxiety and Depression

  Anxiety and depression are common mental health issues affecting millions of people worldwide. They can make everyday activities feel overwhelming and interfere with the quality of life. While there are many treatments available, such as therapy and medication, exercise is a powerful tool that can help manage these conditions effectively. This article explores how … Continue reading The Role of Exercise in Managing Anxiety and Depression

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Grace Nwaokobia Successfully Breaks the Guinness World Record for the Longest Home Kitchen Marathon

30th June 2024

  Nigerian home kitchen chef Grace Nwaokobia successfully broke the Guinness World Record for the longest home kitchen cooking marathon and succeeded (pending certification) after breaking the record of 68 hours and 30 minutes set by Rickey Lumpkin II. Read more about Food Chef Grace Nwaokobia set out to hit this remarkable height on Friday, … Continue reading Grace Nwaokobia Successfully Breaks the Guinness World Record for the Longest Home Kitchen Marathon

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What To Do When You Feel Stuck in Business

29th June 2024

  Feeling stuck in your business can be a frustrating and discouraging experience. It’s common to feel like you’re not making progress or that you’re not sure what steps to take next. However, there are several things you can do to overcome this feeling and get your business moving in the right direction again. Read … Continue reading What To Do When You Feel Stuck in Business

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How to Navigate Public Transportation in Nigeria

  Navigating public transportation in Nigeria can be both exciting and challenging. With a variety of options available, understanding how to use them effectively can help you get around easily and safely. This guide will provide you with practical tips on how to navigate public transportation in Nigeria. Read more about Travel Types of Public … Continue reading How to Navigate Public Transportation in Nigeria

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How to Plan a Honeymoon in Nigeria: A Step-by-Step Guide

  Congratulations on your wedding! Now it’s time to start planning the exciting adventure that follows: your honeymoon! Nigeria offers a beautiful and diverse range of destinations, from stunning beaches to exciting wildlife reserves, all waiting to create unforgettable memories with your new spouse. This guide will walk you through planning a honeymoon in Nigeria … Continue reading How to Plan a Honeymoon in Nigeria: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Health Opportunities

Apply For The 2025–2026 Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health Program

27th June 2024

  If you are interested in improving brain health and reducing the impact of dementia globally, apply for the Global Brain Health Institute’s (GBHI) 2025–2026 Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program. Read more about Opportunities The program will equip emerging leaders in brain health by providing support, innovative training, and networking opportunities. The … Continue reading Apply For The 2025–2026 Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health Program

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SPORTS Tourism

The Best Golf Courses in Nigeria

26th June 2024

  Golf is a sport that combines physical activity, strategy, and relaxation. In Nigeria, golf is gaining popularity, and there are many beautiful courses where you can enjoy a round. In this article, I will take you through some of the best golf courses in Nigeria, highlighting what makes each one special. Read more about … Continue reading The Best Golf Courses in Nigeria

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Travel/Tourism: Top Fishing Spots in Nigeria

  Nigeria, with its diverse water bodies, offers a wealth of fishing opportunities for both local and visiting anglers. From vast lakes to winding rivers and coastal areas, Nigeria boasts fishing spots where fishing enthusiasts can cast their lines. Let’s explore some of the best fishing spots across Nigeria. Read more about Tourism Lake Basins Nigeria is … Continue reading Travel/Tourism: Top Fishing Spots in Nigeria

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Healthy Eating for Better Eye Health

22nd June 2024

  Maintaining our eye health is necessary, as our eyes are one of the most important parts of our bodies. They allow us to see the world around us in full colour and detail. However, many people don’t realize that the foods we eat can have a big impact on our eye health and vision. … Continue reading Healthy Eating for Better Eye Health

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Healthy Habits for Good Posture and Spinal Health

  Good posture is important for more than just looking confident – it also helps keep your spine healthy and pain-free. Poor posture can lead to back pain, neck stiffness, muscle fatigue, headaches, and other issues. Luckily, developing a few simple habits can go a long way in improving your posture and spinal health. Here … Continue reading Healthy Habits for Good Posture and Spinal Health

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How To Create A Personal Wellness Plan

11th June 2024

  Wellness means much more than just your physical health. It is a holistic concept that involves your mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being too. A personal wellness plan helps you live your best life by making conscious choices for a healthier lifestyle across all these areas. Read more about Wellness A wellness plan is … Continue reading How To Create A Personal Wellness Plan

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Shocking Impacts of Caffeine on Health and How to Moderate Intake

  Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed substances in the world. Found naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and other plants, it gives many people energy to power through their day. However, caffeine is also a drug that impacts the body in various ways. Understanding its effects can help you decide … Continue reading Shocking Impacts of Caffeine on Health and How to Moderate Intake

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4 Startups Innovating Healthcare in Nigeria

  In the last 20 years, Nigeria has made significant strides in its startup industry with many successes recorded, drawing attention to the huge prospects in the industry. A major part of this industry that has been in the news more within this period could be said to be the Fintechs, with the likes of … Continue reading 4 Startups Innovating Healthcare in Nigeria

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3 Innovative Startups Making Waves in Nigeria’s Fashion Industry

  Years ago, Nigeria’s fashion industry was dominated by men and women who specialized in the design of wear using various manually operated sewing machines and tools. However, this industry is gradually experiencing a remarkable transformation, fuelled by technological advancements and a new generation of innovative startups. Read more about Fashion These enterprises are not … Continue reading 3 Innovative Startups Making Waves in Nigeria’s Fashion Industry

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Popular Nigerian Travel Accounts to Follow on Instagram

30th May 2024

  Social media has made it easier to discover new travel destinations and get inspiration for your next adventure. On Instagram, there are travel accounts dedicated to showcasing the beauty of Nigeria and promoting local travel. Here are some of the top Nigerian travel accounts you should follow: Read more about Travel Irinajo_ng This travel … Continue reading Popular Nigerian Travel Accounts to Follow on Instagram

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Annual Checkups: Why Regular Visits to the Doctor Matter

  As another year passes, you might be tempted to skip or delay scheduling your annual checkups and routine health screenings. After all, you feel perfectly fine and don’t have any pressing medical issues. What’s the point of going, right? Wrong! Skipping out on your yearly checkups with your doctor is one of the biggest … Continue reading Annual Checkups: Why Regular Visits to the Doctor Matter

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Tips to Keep Your Exercise Routine Going

  Starting a new exercise routine is exciting! You’re feeling motivated and ready to crush your fitness goals. But as the weeks and months go by, it’s easy to lose motivation and let your workout consistency slip. Maybe you hit a plateau, or life gets too busy to prioritize exercise regularly. Don’t get discouraged if … Continue reading Tips to Keep Your Exercise Routine Going

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Some National Parks in Nigeria You Should Visit

29th May 2024

  Nigeria is home to several stunning national parks that offer a glimpse into the country’s natural beauty and wildlife. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for a peaceful getaway, exploring Nigeria’s national parks is an experience you won’t want to miss. Here are some must-visit national parks in Nigeria: … Continue reading Some National Parks in Nigeria You Should Visit

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Discover Nigeria: Some Interesting Facts About Ibadan

  Ibadan is a large city in southwestern Nigeria. It is the capital of Oyo State and one of the most populous cities in the country. Let’s explore some facts about this interesting place! Read more about Tourism Origins of the Name The name “Ibadan” comes from the Yoruba words “Eba” meaning “outside” and “Odan” … Continue reading Discover Nigeria: Some Interesting Facts About Ibadan

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