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Taxation in Nigeria: What You Need to Know as an Entrepreneur

26th July 2024

  Starting a business is an exciting journey filled with numerous challenges and opportunities. However, running a successful and sustainable business goes beyond just making sales, it ensures compliance with various regulatory and legal requirements. As an entrepreneur, it is important that you understand and ensure due compliance with these requirements. One such legal requirement … Continue reading Taxation in Nigeria: What You Need to Know as an Entrepreneur

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Top 15 Tech Skills Every Nigerian Professional Must Have in 2024

  It is 2024 and it could be said that we are now fully in the digital age. Technology is at the forefront of everything being done in this age and time; there is no industry left out. Therefore, every professional must be equipped with the right tech skills. Whenever digital skills are mentioned, attention … Continue reading Top 15 Tech Skills Every Nigerian Professional Must Have in 2024

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How to Create a Brand Story for Your Business

e Creating a brand story that resonates with your target audience can significantly help differentiate your brand from your competitors. This means crafting a narrative that highlights your values and mission to Nigerians. Now, this isn’t just about selling products or services; although that is important, it’s about connecting with your customers on a deeper … Continue reading How to Create a Brand Story for Your Business

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How to Streamline Your Business Operations Using Tech

  As an entrepreneur in today’s fast-paced business world, continuously enhancing your business’s efficiency and reducing operational costs is the way to stay competitive. One of the most effective methods to streamline your business operations and improve efficiency is leveraging technology. It does not matter the size of your business right now, whether you are … Continue reading How to Streamline Your Business Operations Using Tech

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Scaleup with STEP: How STEP is Set to Empower Startups and Talent in Africa

25th July 2024

  Africa is rapidly becoming a hotbed for innovation, entrepreneurship, and technological advancements. Yet, for many startups and talented individuals, the journey from concept to market traction and revenue is often fraught with challenges. Enter the Startup and Talent Enhancement Program (STEP), a pioneering initiative by IDEA Africa, with support from the UK-Nigeria Tech Hub. … Continue reading Scaleup with STEP: How STEP is Set to Empower Startups and Talent in Africa

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Work-Life Balance: Tips for Professionals

24th July 2024

  Work-life balance is a challenge many professionals face. The demands of the modern professional world seem to be increasing in a fast-paced and competitive world. This makes it easy for one to feel overwhelmed by the demands of a career while trying to maintain a fulfilling personal life. However, achieving and maintaining this balance … Continue reading Work-Life Balance: Tips for Professionals

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The Impact of User-Generated Content on Your Brand

  With technology, businesses are continually being presented with tools and strategies to help them do business better and increase their sales. User-generated content (UGC) has proven to be exceptional. This type of content, created and shared by consumers rather than the brand itself, has transformed how businesses interact with their audience. With social media … Continue reading The Impact of User-Generated Content on Your Brand

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Financial Planning Tips for Nigerian Families

23rd July 2024

  One of the challenges that the modern-day family deal with is managing their finances effectively. This challenge can be effectively catered for through effective financial planning. However, with financial planning, families can achieve stability, meet their goals, and secure their future. However, the journey towards financial freedom requires a strategic approach, especially in a … Continue reading Financial Planning Tips for Nigerian Families

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10 Ways to Reduce Monthly Expenses in Nigeria

  Living in Nigeria today comes with its unique challenges, most are finance-related. This is because of many reasons including the high inflation rates and fluctuating fuel prices. Managing your monthly expenses has probably not been as difficult as today. Read more about Finance While many are focused on increasing their incomes through various sources, … Continue reading 10 Ways to Reduce Monthly Expenses in Nigeria

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How to Effectively Utilize Customer Feedback in Your Business

  One of the important things that can help any business stand out from the competition is the ability to understand and meet their customer’s needs and preferences. This alone can help ensure a business’s profitability and sustainability as customers will continually remain loyal to the business. One of the most effective ways to gain … Continue reading How to Effectively Utilize Customer Feedback in Your Business

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The Growth of Tech Hubs in Nigeria

20th July 2024

  Nigeria has emerged as a prominent player in the African tech ecosystem. The rapid growth of tech hubs in Nigeria is a testament to this evolution. These tech hubs across major cities in Nigeria have become crucial in driving technological advancements, innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. This article takes a look at the historical … Continue reading The Growth of Tech Hubs in Nigeria

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How To Develop a Competitive Business Strategy for Your Business

  Doing business today is becoming more competitive than it was a few decades and a century ago. Businesses that must stand out from the pack are those who understand this and can develop a competitive business strategy. A competitive business strategy helps differentiate businesses from competitors, meet customer needs, and achieve sustainable growth. Read … Continue reading How To Develop a Competitive Business Strategy for Your Business

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Market Entry Strategies for New Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

  Market entry as a new entrepreneur or business comes with challenges and opportunities. Entering the Nigerian market is even more interesting as Nigeria’s market is very dynamic. With its vibrant economy, diverse population, and growing consumer base, Nigeria is a fertile ground for new business ventures. Read more about Business However, effectively entering into … Continue reading Market Entry Strategies for New Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

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10 Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams in Nigeria

19th July 2024

  In recent years, remote work has become a significant trend globally, and Nigeria is no exception. Driven by technology and the recent global events that have shifted traditional work norms such as the COVID-19 pandemic, many Nigerian businesses have had to rethink their operational strategies, embracing remote work as a viable and productive model. … Continue reading 10 Best Practices for Managing Remote Teams in Nigeria

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Understanding Nigerian Consumer Behaviour

18th July 2024

  Nigeria, with a population exceeding 220 million is Africa’s most populous country. This large population means Nigeria is home to a vibrant and dynamic consumer market. Understanding consumer behaviour in Nigeria is crucial for businesses aiming to succeed in this expansive market. Several factors influence consumer behaviour in Nigeria including cultural values, economic conditions, … Continue reading Understanding Nigerian Consumer Behaviour

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The Power of Word-of-Mouth as a Marketing Strategy in Nigeria

16th July 2024

  As a business owner or marketer in Nigeria, you might often ponder the most effective ways to reach and influence your target audience. This is because there is a plethora of digital advertising options available to you to choose from. These numerous options often make settling for one confusing and with the buzz around … Continue reading The Power of Word-of-Mouth as a Marketing Strategy in Nigeria

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Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income

13th July 2024

  One place that the saying, “Do not put all your eggs in one basket” applies more to could probably be said to be income sources.  This is because in today’s dynamic and unpredictable economic climate, relying on a single source of income can be a dangerous strategy. This is true everywhere but especially true … Continue reading Why You Need Multiple Streams of Income

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Inflation: What You Need to Know

  Inflation is a term that has almost become a buzzword in Nigeria. It frequently surfaces in discussions about the economy, food, transportation etc. Yet many people find it challenging to grasp its full implications and how it affects the ordinary man on the streets. Therefore, understanding is crucial as it affects everyday life—from the … Continue reading Inflation: What You Need to Know

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10 Inspiring Nigerian Women in Tech

  In recent years, the tech industry in Nigeria has seen remarkable growth, with numerous innovations and start-ups springing up across the country. This ever-evolving sector has also witnessed the rise of many inspiring women making significant contributions and breaking barriers. These trailblazing women are changing the narrative and paving the way for future generations … Continue reading 10 Inspiring Nigerian Women in Tech

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How to Improve Customer Retention in Your Business

11th July 2024

  Customer retention is important to any successful business. It’s more cost-effective to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones. Given the fierce market competition in today’s digital world, customer loyalty can be fleeting. Therefore, understanding and implementing effective customer retention strategies can significantly boost a business’s profitability and ensure long-term growth. This article … Continue reading How to Improve Customer Retention in Your Business

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Developing a Customer-Centric Business Strategy

  In today’s highly competitive market, there is a need for businesses to go beyond offering good products or services to also placing their customers at the heart of their strategies. This is what we mean by a business being customer-centric. A customer-centric business strategy is about designing your business around the needs and wants … Continue reading Developing a Customer-Centric Business Strategy

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How Thrive Agric Is Supporting Farmers In Nigeria

10th July 2024

  Agriculture is a major component, if not the backbone of Nigeria’s economy. However, many farmers face significant challenges, from lack of funding to insufficient access to modern farming techniques. Thrive Agric, a Nigerian agricultural technology (agritech) startup, is contributing to the ongoing efforts to improve operations in this sector by providing essential support to … Continue reading How Thrive Agric Is Supporting Farmers In Nigeria

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How Zenvus Is Driving Innovations in the Nigerian Agricultural Sector

  Agriculture has always been the backbone of Nigeria’s economy, supporting millions of livelihoods. However, despite its potential, the sector has faced numerous challenges, including low productivity, outdated farming techniques, and climate change impacts. So many technologies and startups are emerging, designing solutions for these many problems. Zenvus, is a pioneering AgriTech company working in … Continue reading How Zenvus Is Driving Innovations in the Nigerian Agricultural Sector

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How to Boost Sales Using Waitlists

9th July 2024

  In today’s highly competitive market, businesses that will boost sales and capture consumer interest must be ones that constantly seek innovative ways to do so. There are so many popular strategies being used by businesses around the world to achieve this. One of such strategies is the use of waitlists. However, despite how highly … Continue reading How to Boost Sales Using Waitlists

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How to Create Engaging Content for the Nigerian Market

8th July 2024

  Content is king. Content marketing has emerged as one of the most reliable forms of marketing in this age. This is because beyond just selling your products, it provides a unique opportunity for you to educate your target customers and position yourself in their eyes as an authority. This drives their loyalty to you … Continue reading How to Create Engaging Content for the Nigerian Market

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Mobile Banking Adoption in Nigeria

  In recent years, mobile banking in Nigeria has seen rapid growth, reshaping the country’s financial landscape. With the rise in smartphone usage and internet penetration, more Nigerians are turning to mobile banking for their financial needs thereby significantly increasing financial inclusion in the country. As of 2021, at 82%, Nigeria was reported to have … Continue reading Mobile Banking Adoption in Nigeria

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9 Changes to Make a Big Difference with Your Personal Finances

5th July 2024

  One of the important highlights I picked from reading Rich Dad, Poor is this, “If you realize that you’re the problem, then you can change yourself, learn something and grow wiser.” One important area I believe that applies is our finances. Managing personal finances can often feel overwhelming, especially if you live in Nigeria … Continue reading 9 Changes to Make a Big Difference with Your Personal Finances

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How to Implement Cybersecurity Measures in Your Business

  With the rising incidences of cyber-attacks and other forms of cyber crimes, implementing cybersecurity measures is important for any business, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Cybersecurity involves protecting your computer systems, networks, and data from theft, damage, and unauthorized access. For businesses, this means ensuring that customer information, financial data, and business information … Continue reading How to Implement Cybersecurity Measures in Your Business

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12 Signs You May Be Under Cyber Attack

  With increasing emphasis on using digital tools and solutions for work, Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common, especially for individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Individuals and SMEs often do not have the financial resources to implement the necessary cybersecurity apparatus compared to big businesses with a whole department and budget created for … Continue reading 12 Signs You May Be Under Cyber Attack

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10 Answers to Your Questions About Personal Finance

  Managing our finances can often seem overwhelming, especially in a country like Nigeria, where most of the things we know about money are from the things we observe from our parents. We spent over 20 years going to school from Nursey to the University, and there is little or no course on personal finance … Continue reading 10 Answers to Your Questions About Personal Finance