
Search result for: Wellness

Did You Know? Food Health

Did You Know? 6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Black Tea

April 19, 2022

  How often do you drink tea? Before you answer that, take a moment to think then, answer my next question first. Have you really been drinking tea or have you been drinking chocolate flavoured malted powder products? I’m asking this question because most Nigerians don’t know the difference. They call chocolate flavoured beverages like … Continue reading Did You Know? 6 Health Benefits Of Drinking Black Tea

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Monday Motivation

Effective Tips On How To Promote Positivity In Your Workplace

April 19, 2022

  Goodbye Sunday, Hello Monday… Read more about Monday Motivation No doubt, positivity boosts employee wellness. The advantages of practising positivity are numerous. They include health benefits, enhanced productivity, and even less stress. Employees who exhibit optimism and are happier at their workplace will be more involved in their work, gradually leading to company success. … Continue reading Effective Tips On How To Promote Positivity In Your Workplace

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Health Wellness

A List Of Simple Equipment-Free Exercises You Can Do At Home

April 19, 2022

  Again, you have skipped out on your workout because you were short on time. Or maybe you could not find a suitable place for the exercises. Or maybe you are lacking your usual dumbbells and other necessary workout tools. If you are this person, rest assured that you are definitely not alone. Read more … Continue reading A List Of Simple Equipment-Free Exercises You Can Do At Home

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Health Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: You Can’t Use Up Creativity

April 19, 2022

  “Creativity is contagious— pass it on.” Albert Einstein Bye Sunday, Hello Monday… You would have to agree with me that Monday mornings do not have to suck. True, the weekend is gone and the truckload of work sitting on your desk is enough reality check and you need that motivation to start work if … Continue reading Monday Motivation: You Can’t Use Up Creativity

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Did You Know? The Health Benefits Of Eggs

April 19, 2022

Eggs are versatile. In most families, they are used in one way or the other every week. They are a rich source of protein. Children need this superfood because it contains the nutrients that are essential for their growth and development. Read more about Food Thankfully, a lot of children now eat eggs because most … Continue reading Did You Know? The Health Benefits Of Eggs

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Did You Know? Food

Did You Know? 7 healthy Weight Gain Foods For Kids

April 19, 2022

  Every parent wants a healthy baby. In Nigeria, the visual definition of healthy is chubby. Chubby, well-dressed babies are considered rich kids and they often get lavish attention. Now, chubby doesn’t always mean healthy but some parents with small-sized babies are unaware of this. Read more about Food In a bid to increase the … Continue reading Did You Know? 7 healthy Weight Gain Foods For Kids

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Food Health Wellness

5 Tips For Sticking To A Healthy Diet

April 19, 2022

  Sticking to a healthy diet requires discipline and some knowledge about nutrition. Read more about Wellness You can build your discipline to eat healthy by making small changes. In this article, we look at some tips for sticking to a healthy diet and some nutritional facts to ensure you’re deliberate about what you put … Continue reading 5 Tips For Sticking To A Healthy Diet

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Did You Know? 6 Health Benefits Of Dates

April 19, 2022

  Dates are the sweet, chewy fruits of the date palm tree. This fruit is locally known as Dabino and it has been around for centuries. The marketers of this fruit in Nigeria are mainly the Hausa-Fulani. If you ever need this fruit, you can buy it from the mobile kolanut sellers. Most of them … Continue reading Did You Know? 6 Health Benefits Of Dates

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Did You Know? Foods That Are Good For The Lungs

April 19, 2022

  Our topic for today concerns a vital organ for respiration, the lungs. They are located in the thorax, on either side of the mediastinum. Their function is to oxygenate the blood. They get rid of C02 gas when we breathe out. They also change the pH of the blood and filter out small gas … Continue reading Did You Know? Foods That Are Good For The Lungs

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Food International

World Food Day: 10 Nigerian Snacks For You To Try

April 19, 2022

  Today is World Food Day. It is one of the most celebrated events in the UN calendar. As we celebrate food today, we are also reminded of the fact that even though it is a basic human need, a  lot of people still suffer hunger. We, therefore, need to take action not only to … Continue reading World Food Day: 10 Nigerian Snacks For You To Try

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Tourism Travel

3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Venue For A Baby Shower

April 19, 2022

  Baby showers used to be a foreign concept to Nigerians but it is now embraced as part of our lifestyle. Either friends or church members of the expectant couple do it before or after the delivery of the baby is born. The concept of a baby shower is to show love and appreciation for … Continue reading 3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Venue For A Baby Shower

By ann

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roHealth Gives You Access To The Cheapest And Best HMO Plans In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  There’s a lot to gain from having a health insurance plan. Signing up for one with a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) could enable you to receive medical prescriptions and treatment at a cost that’s lower than what you’ll pay if you didn’t have the plan. Read more about Health But HMO plans aren’t all … Continue reading roHealth Gives You Access To The Cheapest And Best HMO Plans In Nigeria

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Press Release

Cleanbuild Africa Lunches #cleanbuildvoices

April 19, 2022

  Our planet needs saving, neglect has led to the rise in temperatures currently distorting our health, food security, air pollution, and a 46% rise in climate-related disasters, if we do not take conscious, intentional steps in addressing the adverse effects of climate change, it will put the whole of mankind in serious danger. The … Continue reading Cleanbuild Africa Lunches #cleanbuildvoices

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Personal Development

Five Techniques To Tap Into Your Imagination

April 19, 2022

  Our imagination is our superpower. To imagine is free. Albert Einstein says that ‘Imagination is greater than knowledge‘. This goes a long way to tell us how powerful our imagination can be because it can bring up images that can transform our lives and the world at large. Read more about Personal Development Inventing … Continue reading Five Techniques To Tap Into Your Imagination

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Dietary Guide For A Patient With Stomach Ulcer Part Two

April 19, 2022

  Today, we’ll be concluding our discussion on a stomach ulcer. If you missed that elucidating article, click here. Last week, I told you that there are things that can increase your chances of having a stomach ulcer, and one of those things is skipping meals. Read more about Food Making yourself too busy to … Continue reading Dietary Guide For A Patient With Stomach Ulcer Part Two

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