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Personal Development

The Power of One: the Benefits of Focusing on One Task

July 19, 2024

  It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the tasks and responsibilities we have. Multitasking often seems the best way to handle everything, but it can make us less productive. Instead, focusing on one task at a time is a powerful way to get things done efficiently and effectively. This article will guide you through the … Continue reading The Power of One: the Benefits of Focusing on One Task

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Personal Development

Midyear Review: What It Is and Why You Need One

July 4, 2024

  If you are a football fan or someone who knows about football, you will be conversant with the idea of half-time during matches. Half-times are given for teams to rest and re-strategize for better effectiveness and results. With the year now halved, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the goals you set at … Continue reading Midyear Review: What It Is and Why You Need One

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BUSINESS Personal Development

Building Leadership Skills for Success as an Entrepreneur

July 3, 2024

  Leadership has been widely regarded as a vital component in the success of any venture, whether business, career, project or even government. This is why leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, stated that “everything rises and falls on leadership”. So, if you are going to be successful in your journey as an entrepreneur, then you … Continue reading Building Leadership Skills for Success as an Entrepreneur

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Personal Development

15 Ways to Conquer Laziness and Become More Productive

June 29, 2024

  Anyone can have the feeling of laziness because sometimes, it’s hard to find the energy or motivation to get things done. However, overcoming laziness and becoming more productive is possible with some simple strategies. Here are some effective ways to conquer laziness and boost your productivity. Read more about Personal Development Set Clear Goals … Continue reading 15 Ways to Conquer Laziness and Become More Productive

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Personal Development

How to Overcome Procrastination and Become More Effective

June 24, 2024

  We all know the feeling. There’s a task we need to do, but we keep putting it off. We find excuses, do other less important things, or just waste time. This is called procrastination, and it can hold us back. But don’t worry! There are ways to overcome this habit and become more effective. … Continue reading How to Overcome Procrastination and Become More Effective

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Personal Development

Creating a Vision Board: Visualize Your Success

June 19, 2024

  Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about your biggest dreams and aspirations? Perhaps you’ve imagined yourself achieving a personal or professional goal, living in your dream home, or travelling to an exotic destination. While these visions may seem like mere fantasies, they can become powerful catalysts for manifesting your desires into reality with the … Continue reading Creating a Vision Board: Visualize Your Success

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Personal Development

Top 10 Time Management Techniques For Creatives

June 5, 2024

  As a creative person, effective time management can be challenging. The creative process is unpredictable and doesn’t always follow a set schedule. You can go through bursts of intense inspiration followed by periods of little productivity. However, poor time management leads to missed deadlines, unfinished projects, and frustration. To thrive as a creative and … Continue reading Top 10 Time Management Techniques For Creatives

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Personal Development

Weekly Planning Apps You Need

May 6, 2024

  Setting goals is important, but sticking to them can be tough. That’s where weekly goal-setting apps and templates come in handy. These tech tools can help you stay organized, focused, and motivated to achieve your goals week after week. Let’s take a look at some popular weekly planning apps and templates that can streamline … Continue reading Weekly Planning Apps You Need

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Personal Development

Video Conferencing Etiquette: 6 Tips You Should Know

May 4, 2024

  As remote work and virtual meetings become increasingly prevalent, mastering video conferencing etiquette has become crucial for effective communication and collaboration. There are rules to follow when you’re having a physical team meeting, conducting a client presentation, or participating in a job interview. Rules also apply when you do these things virtually. Following proper … Continue reading Video Conferencing Etiquette: 6 Tips You Should Know

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: How to boost Productivity as a Lazy Person

April 22, 2024

  Being lazy doesn’t have to mean being unproductive. Lazy people often have a knack for finding the most efficient ways to do things with minimal effort. By embracing your laziness and adopting smart strategies, you can boost your productivity and accomplish your goals without burning yourself out. In this article, we’ll explore practical tips … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How to boost Productivity as a Lazy Person

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Personal Development

5 Monday Must-Do’s to Set Your Week Up for Success

April 8, 2024

  Ugh, Mondays. Just the word can make you groan, right? But what if you could turn those Monday blues into a springboard for an awesome week? It’s all about starting strong! Here are 5 easy things you can do on Monday to set yourself up for success. Read more about Personal Development Plan It … Continue reading 5 Monday Must-Do’s to Set Your Week Up for Success

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Personal Development

Lessons from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

April 3, 2024

  Stephen Covey’s book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has been a guiding light for many seeking personal and professional growth. In simple terms, Covey outlines seven key habits that can transform our lives and make us more effective in everything we do. In this article, we will explore these habits and how they can … Continue reading Lessons from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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Personal Development

Finding Your Peak Productivity Time

April 3, 2024

  There’s a popular saying that the early bird catches the worm. But is waking up at 5 a.m. the key to success? The idea of the “5 A.M. Club” has been glorified in productivity circles, but the truth is, that peak productivity looks different for everyone. Rather than adhering to a one-size-fits-all approach, it’s … Continue reading Finding Your Peak Productivity Time

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Personal Development

How To Make Friends as an Introvert

February 29, 2024

  Making friends can be a rewarding but sometimes challenging experience, especially for introverts who may find social interactions draining. Contrary to common misconceptions, introverts are fully capable of forming deep and meaningful connections. Introverts gain energy from being alone and often prefer quieter, more intimate settings. While they may not be the life of … Continue reading How To Make Friends as an Introvert

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Personal Development

How To Build Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt in the Workplace

February 27, 2024

  Navigating the workplace can sometimes feel like a tightrope walk, especially when self-doubt enters the scene. Building confidence is not only essential for professional growth but also for maintaining a positive work environment. In this article, we’ll explore practical ways to build confidence and overcome self-doubt in the workplace. Read more about Personal Development … Continue reading How To Build Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt in the Workplace

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Personal Development

Tips To Learn a New Skill That Will Change Your Life

February 20, 2024

  Feeling that familiar Monday slump? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. But what if, instead of hitting snooze, you could jumpstart your week with something exciting? In this article, I’ll be sharing tips that could help you learn a new skill that could seriously transform your life! Read more about Personal Development Why Learn … Continue reading Tips To Learn a New Skill That Will Change Your Life

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Personal Development

Achieve Goal-keeping Excellence: 10 Steps Inspired by Stanley Nwabali

February 13, 2024

  You admire Stanley Nwabali and think he’s a good goalkeeper but I’m sure you believe you can do better. However, how are your new year goals and resolutions looking? Any progress or is goal setting easier than goal-keeping? Read more about Personal Development I have 10 steps to make the goal-keeping process easier and … Continue reading Achieve Goal-keeping Excellence: 10 Steps Inspired by Stanley Nwabali

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Personal Development

Positive Affirmations for a Successful Week

January 22, 2024

  Mondays often bring a mix of emotions as we transition from the weekend to the workweek. To infuse your Monday with positivity and set the tone for a successful week, consider incorporating these simple and positive affirmations into your morning routine. Read more about Personal Development “I Am Ready for New Opportunities” Embrace the … Continue reading Positive Affirmations for a Successful Week

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Personal Development

Strategies for a Refreshing Monday Start

January 14, 2024

  Mondays often carry the weight of the week ahead, but with a few simple strategies, you can transform the start of your week into a refreshing and positive experience. In this article, I share practical tips to set the tone for a vibrant Monday and, by extension, a successful week. Read more about Personal … Continue reading Strategies for a Refreshing Monday Start

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Personal Development Wellness

Ways To Enjoy Your Own Company

January 12, 2024

  Finding joy in your own company can be a powerful skill. Whether you’re spending time alone by choice or circumstance, learning to enjoy your own company is a valuable form of self-care. Here are some simple ways to embrace solitude and find contentment in your presence. Read more about Personal Development Discover Your Hobbies … Continue reading Ways To Enjoy Your Own Company

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Personal Development

Latest Job Vacancies in Nigeria, First Week of January 2024

January 9, 2024

  These are some of the latest job vacancies in Nigeria for the first week of January 2024. Utilities Engineer, Coca-Cola Company The Coca-Cola Company wants to hire a qualified candidate to fill the position of Utilities Engineer. This person will supervise the maintenance and operation of equipment in the utilities and power generation segment. … Continue reading Latest Job Vacancies in Nigeria, First Week of January 2024

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Personal Development

How To Start Journaling for the New Year

January 9, 2024

  As the New Year’s resolutions flutter down, one simple yet powerful tool often gets overlooked: journaling. This isn’t just about penning daily to-dos; it’s about unlocking a doorway to self-discovery, gratitude, and ultimately, a happier you. So, ditch the generic resolutions and step into the transformative world of journaling. Here’s how to spark your … Continue reading How To Start Journaling for the New Year

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Personal Development

7 Ways to Plan for a Productive Monday

January 8, 2024

  Monday, often hailed as the start of a new workweek, can set the tone for the days ahead. Planning can make a significant difference in how smoothly your Monday unfolds. Here are seven straightforward and effective ways to plan for a productive Monday. Read more about Personal Development Create a To-Do List on Sunday … Continue reading 7 Ways to Plan for a Productive Monday

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Personal Development

Strategies for a Motivated Start to the Week

January 8, 2024

  The beginning of the week often brings with it a mix of emotions—some look forward to new opportunities, while others feel a bit overwhelmed. Regardless of how you feel about Mondays, having a motivated start to the week can set a positive tone for the entire week. Here, I share some simple strategies for … Continue reading Strategies for a Motivated Start to the Week

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Personal Development

10 Life Lessons I Learned in 2023: What You Could Learn Too

January 5, 2024

  2023 wasn’t a year I expected. It was a rollercoaster of unexpected moments, both joyous and challenging. But through it all, I gleaned some invaluable lessons that have profoundly reshaped my perspective and approach to life. In this article, I will be sharing 10 life lessons with you, hoping they’ll spark your own reflections … Continue reading 10 Life Lessons I Learned in 2023: What You Could Learn Too

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Personal Development

7 Strategies to Overcome Fear and Chase Your Dreams in 2024

January 3, 2024

  In the pursuit of our dreams, fear often acts as an unwelcome companion, holding us back from realizing our full potential. As we step into 2024, it’s time to break free from the shackles of fear and embrace the journey towards our aspirations. In other words, sometimes, fear stops us from going after what … Continue reading 7 Strategies to Overcome Fear and Chase Your Dreams in 2024

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Personal Development

How To Make New Year’s Resolutions and Stick to them

January 3, 2024

  Ah, the New Year. Time for confetti, cheers, and… resolutions. Those ambitious promises we whisper into the starry night, only to watch them fade amidst the January blues. 2024 can be different. This year, let’s transform those fleeting buzzwords into lasting breakthroughs with these resolution-sticking strategies. In this article, you’ll find strategies for making … Continue reading How To Make New Year’s Resolutions and Stick to them

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Personal Development

10 New Year Resolutions to Make as an Entrepreneur in 2024

January 2, 2024

  The start of the New Year offers up the hope of fresh beginnings. It comes with the opportunity to build, scale, and reap significant fruits for our efforts. For entrepreneurs, the first few days of the New Year, 2024, are a chance to prepare for a better business year than the previous one. And … Continue reading 10 New Year Resolutions to Make as an Entrepreneur in 2024

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Personal Development

New Year Reflection: Navigating the Path of Self-Discovery

January 2, 2024

New Year’s Eve may be a night of revelry and fireworks, but New Year’s Day holds the quiet magic of self-reflection. In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of New Year reflection—a journey of self-discovery that shapes the narratives of our lives. Read more about Personal Development Silencing the Noise In a world buzzing … Continue reading New Year Reflection: Navigating the Path of Self-Discovery

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Personal Development

Welcoming The New Year with Open Arms

January 1, 2024

  As the clock strikes midnight, signalling the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, New Year’s Day ushers in a wave of hope and renewal. It’s a time for celebration, reflection, and the promise of new opportunities. In this article, let’s explore the essence of a New Year and the significance of … Continue reading Welcoming The New Year with Open Arms

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