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  Dates are the sweet, chewy fruits of the date palm tree. This fruit is locally known as Dabino and it has been around for centuries. The marketers of this fruit in Nigeria are mainly the Hausa-Fulani. If you ever need this fruit, you can buy it from the mobile kolanut sellers. Most of them sell dates too.
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Tiger nut vendors also sell dates. Many people love to make dates, coconut and tiger nut drinks at home because of their aphrodisiac properties and the tiger nut vendors aim to please. So, are there benefits to eating dates? Most definitely! In fact, today’s topic reminds us once again that we can eat our way to good health. When it comes to dates, here are some of its health benefits: It Promotes Digestive Health: The presence of good bacteria is optimal for gut health. Dates are one food that promotes its existence in the stomach. Dates are also known for their high fibre content. Fibre is good for your digestive health. It prevents constipation; it facilitates regular bowel movement. It also slows digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes. It Boosts Energy: Dates contain fructose, sucrose and glucose; these are natural sugar. They create a sustainable energy boost that helps to regulate blood sugar. What’s more, a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition suggests that dates are rich in essential nutrients that may help in post-workout recovery. It May Promote Natural Labour: As far as I am concerned, this is the best benefit of eating dates. I certainly wish I knew about this earlier. But better late than never. Eating dates is said to be great for both mother and child. Studies indicate that the consumption of this food especially in the last few weeks of gestation may encourage cervical dilation and lower the need for induced labour.
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Dates also contain tannins which are compounds that help facilitate contractions. Thus, the possible implication of this is that eating dates in the last weeks of pregnancy may help reduce labour time. It Lowers Cholesterol: Dates are free from cholesterol; they contain very little fat. You should therefore find creative ways to include them in your daily diet. It will help you monitor your cholesterol. It may also aid in weight loss. It may Reduce the Risk of Several Diseases: Dates contain several healthful antioxidants. They protect the cells from free radicals that may cause harmful reactions to the body.  Flavonoid is one of the powerful antioxidants contained in dates. They may help reduce inflammation. They are also studied for their potential to reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease. Carotenoids is another potent antioxidant contained in dates. It has been linked to heart health promotion. There is also phenolic acid which may help lower the risk of cancer and heart diseases. It can Prevent Night Blindness: Dates are rich in carotenoids. Research suggests that this antioxidant may prevent night blindness and preserve good vision. In conclusion, the date fruit is packed full of nutrients but it must be consumed in moderation if the health benefits are to be maximised. Sources: Just Dates Syrup NDTV Food Healthline Featured Image Source: Medical News Today
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This article was first published on 30th October 2021


Udevi, Obiamaka Angela holds a Master of Arts degree in History & International Studies. She's a freelance writer with a passion for food and healthy living. She can be contacted through her email address,

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