A Starter Pack for the Hot Weather
27th March 2019
With each passing day, the weather only gets hotter and hotter, making it a lot more difficult to chill. As annoying as this might seem, there are a few simple ideas you might need to inculcate in your day to day activities in order to flee from the torment of this hot weather. 1. Sunglasses … Continue reading A Starter Pack for the Hot Weather

4 Tips for Maintaining the Right Sitting Posture
26th March 2019
If you find yourself constantly at your desk for the most part of the day, then you ought to develop the right sitting posture. It is more important to sit correctly than conveniently, and though it might take a while to adjust to it, sitting rightly goes a long way in shaping your body and … Continue reading 4 Tips for Maintaining the Right Sitting Posture

World Water Day 2019: Leaving No One Behind
22nd March 2019
It started as an initiative in the year 1992, during the United Nations conference on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro. Thereafter, the United Nations general assembly adopted the resolution which declared the World Water Day to hold annually on the 22nd of March. World Water Day emphasizes the importance of fresh water. It … Continue reading World Water Day 2019: Leaving No One Behind

Make Your Jeans Last Longer With These 5 Tips
Have you ever wondered why your jeans give off an odd look after a little while? While we might be doing everything in order to keep it in good condition, it still gives off the annoying worn-out look that makes it less attractive to put on. What exactly causes this? Is it possible to make … Continue reading Make Your Jeans Last Longer With These 5 Tips

4 Tips on How to Care For Your Wigs
20th March 2019
As ladies, there is one thing we run to when we can’t handle the stress of staying in one position to change our hairdo. Wigs! And as easy as it might seem to cover your hair in another look, it might prove a hard task to maintain that covering. To ensure the safe condition of … Continue reading 4 Tips on How to Care For Your Wigs

Best 5 Fabrics to Wear in Hot Weather
11th March 2019
It is the time of the year when going out around noon can be a struggle. Really, the heat could become quite unbearable! We can’t even bank on the coolness of evenings to put us out of this peril; it comes and goes so fast, giving way to another day of intense sunshine. This makes … Continue reading Best 5 Fabrics to Wear in Hot Weather

BizFair: Exhibitor, Is Your Follow-Up Plan Ready?
8th March 2019
Well, it’s officially less than 50 days to Connect Nigeria’s Business Fair. Dear exhibitor, is your follow up plan ready? It is one thing to expect something and it is another to prepare for what you’re expecting. The Connect Nigeria Business Fair is one that will involve thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals from … Continue reading BizFair: Exhibitor, Is Your Follow-Up Plan Ready?

5 Fruits that Keep Your Skin Healthy
26th February 2019
It is high time we started paying more attention to what goes into our system than what is applied on it. Much more than the outward protection, what we eat has a massive effect on the improvement of the skin and this should be given utmost concern. Our skin is majorly nourished by this parameter … Continue reading 5 Fruits that Keep Your Skin Healthy

Tip of the Day: 4 Ways to Make Your Jewelry Last Longer
21st February 2019
Jewelry ought to be kept clean and safe from damage. How often do we find them peeling off and lacking its original colour? Most times, they are sealed off in a box and we forget they even exist. This should not be so if we care enough about how they interact with our skin and … Continue reading Tip of the Day: 4 Ways to Make Your Jewelry Last Longer

Tip of the Day: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Black Spots
11th February 2019
It is slowly proving difficult to achieve a face free of blemishes. Day by day, our faces are exposed to the realities of the elements and harsh seasons. Although, there are several over the counter methods which can be used in the prevention and treatment of facial problems, but this does not hide the fact … Continue reading Tip of the Day: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Black Spots

Growing Healthy Hair
8th February 2019
Whether you’re male or female, proper attention should be given to your hair, in order to avoid breakages and stunt growth. Since the invention of wigs, many ladies have deserted their natural hair and turned to caring more for the artificial ones, tending to forget that the hair on their heads actually needs more care … Continue reading Growing Healthy Hair

How To Avoid Dark Circles Around Your Eyes
4th February 2019
In one way or another we get stressed. We lose sleep, we get tired, and we develop dark circles or teabags. You would agree with me that waking up in the morning to find your eyes surrounded in puffiness is not a good way to start the day. Not only does it ruin your face … Continue reading How To Avoid Dark Circles Around Your Eyes

Tip of the Day: Five Tips for Whiter Teeth
You would agree with me that there’s a certain level of confidence you get when you laugh and your teeth dazzle. How awkward it is, indeed, to be in a gathering of happy people and suppress the urge to laugh out loud because you have a wrong colour in there. It’s time to restore your … Continue reading Tip of the Day: Five Tips for Whiter Teeth

For The Love of Heels
30th January 2019
Hello ladies! We already know when it comes to height, we’ve got an advantage over the men, and i’ts our beloved ‘’heels’’. Now it does not matter whether you’re tall, average or short, you cannot deny the pleasure that comes with standing “tall’’ in a room. Coming in various colours, sizes and types, heels have … Continue reading For The Love of Heels

Tip of the Day: Five Tips for Better Posture
28th January 2019
Comporting yourself should not stop at the beauty cosmetics you add on your face and body, it should also reflect in the way you walk, stand, sit, etc. Yes, we might not all be perfect in every area, but if there’s a need to balance an aspect of our body in a way that it … Continue reading Tip of the Day: Five Tips for Better Posture

5 Tips For Growing Healthy Nails
25th January 2019
Stretch out your fingernails, do you like what you see? Are you comfortable with the way your nails look? If not, then this might be of help to you. It’s easy to ignore the nails, or even get babaric to the point of biting them when overgrown or when we are nervous. This should not … Continue reading 5 Tips For Growing Healthy Nails

For The Love Of Guinea
24th January 2019
The fashion trend is slowly taking a new turn and it’s time to run with it! This time, it has sided with the guinea brocade, and we are happy to present the wonders of this fabric to you. Sparkling with all shades of beauty, the guinea is one fabric to have in your wardrobe. If … Continue reading For The Love Of Guinea

Tip of the Day: Five Tips For Tackling Blackheads
23rd January 2019
Everyone loves a smooth face, especially one free of spots. It doesn’t matter if you’re fair or dark complexioned, you would agree with me that a smooth face does wonders! You wake up in the morning and just want to run your hands over and over your face, you look at yourself in the mirror … Continue reading Tip of the Day: Five Tips For Tackling Blackheads

Five Hairstyles That Are In Vougue
22nd January 2019
You cannot deny the fact that your hair gives off good vibes when beautifully made. How elated do you feel when someone walks up to you, to compliment your hairstyle? I know right! Whether it’s sunny or rainy, everyone notices a good hairdo. Here are the five hairstyles ruling the hair market at the dawn … Continue reading Five Hairstyles That Are In Vougue

For The Love Of Adire
17th January 2019
Growing up, I had no idea what the word ‘’adire’’ meant. As I grew older, I began to fall in love with the name ‘’tie and dye’’ and the magic it could produce when created. Little did I know that it was actually named ‘’adire’’. Commonly known among the yorubas, adire is a material which … Continue reading For The Love Of Adire

Tip of the Day: Five Tips For Taking Care of Your Makeup Bag
15th January 2019
Have you ever dipped your hands to fetch something from your makeup bag and withdraw it covered in brown powder and different shades of colours? Well I have, and it wasn’t a sight to behold. As ladies, we reach out for our bags almost, if not everyday. Some of us do that in a hurry … Continue reading Tip of the Day: Five Tips For Taking Care of Your Makeup Bag

Your Own Kind Of Beauty
14th January 2019
Beauty is like a pair of shoes, If It’s your right size or it fits you perfectly, you stick with it, if it’s not, you ignore it. There’s a a third option though, “The management technique”. Whether it suits you or not, you wear it like that, with the discomfort and pain it brings, hoping … Continue reading Your Own Kind Of Beauty

For The Love Of Ankara
10th January 2019
In recent years, we have encountered the spread and death of many fashionable attires, but Ankara remains undefeated in the game of fashion. With its brightly coloured patterns which are available in different shades, this fashion trend has not only found its place in West Africa, but also in the hearts of Nigerians. Old or … Continue reading For The Love Of Ankara