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  As the New Year’s resolutions flutter down, one simple yet powerful tool often gets overlooked: journaling. This isn’t just about penning daily to-dos; it’s about unlocking a doorway to self-discovery, gratitude, and ultimately, a happier you. So, ditch the generic resolutions and step into the transformative world of journaling. Here’s how to spark your journey in 2024.
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  1. Embrace the Low Barrier to Entry

Forget fancy notebooks and expensive pens. Start with what you have – a scrap of paper, a dusty diary, or even your phone’s notes app. The essence lies in the act of reflection, not the tools. Just grab something comfortable and dive in.
  1. Find Your Flow

Morning musings, bedtime brain dumps, or spontaneous scribbles – there’s no right or wrong time to journal. Experiment and find what resonates with your natural rhythm. Some thrive on daily rituals, others on bursts of inspiration. Listen to your inner writer and let it flow freely.
  1. Ditch the Inner Critic

Perfection is a myth, especially in your journal. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or even coherence. Your journal is a safe space for unfiltered thoughts, messy emotions, and quirky doodles. Let it be a reflection of your authentic self, not a curated portrait.
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  1. Use Prompts

Feeling stuck? Don’t fret! A multitude of prompts awaits. Start with simple gratitude lists, “What brought me joy today?” reflections, or even free-flowing “brain vomit” sessions. As you get comfortable, use themed prompts – fears, dreams, goals, self-love practices – the possibilities are endless.
  1. Make it Multimodal

Who says journaling is just for words? Inject life into your pages with doodles, sketches, collages, and even stickers! Visual expressions can unlock deeper emotions and add a playful touch to your reflections. Embrace the artist within and let your creativity reign free.
  1. Be a Gratitude Magnet

Happiness blooms in the soil of gratitude. Dedicate a portion of your journal to appreciating the little things – a warm cup of coffee, a kind word from a stranger, the laughter of a loved one. Cultivating gratitude through journaling shifts your perspective and draws more joy into your life.
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Final Thoughts

Don’t be afraid to get creative! Explore journaling techniques like bullet journaling, gratitude grids, or even dream journaling. Find what sparks your curiosity and keeps you engaged in your inner exploration. So, as you embark on your New Year’s journey, remember that happiness isn’t just a destination, it’s a mindset cultivated along the way. Grab your journal, unlock the door to self-discovery, and watch your happiness bloom with each pen stroke. Happy journaling, happy New Year, and happy you!
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This article was first published on 9th January 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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