Archives Tag: motivation

Personal Development

15 Ways to Conquer Laziness and Become More Productive

April 19, 2022

  Anyone can have the feeling of laziness because sometimes, it’s hard to find the energy or motivation to get things done. However, overcoming laziness and becoming more productive is possible with some simple strategies. Here are some effective ways to conquer laziness and boost your productivity. Read more about Personal Development Set Clear Goals … Continue reading 15 Ways to Conquer Laziness and Become More Productive

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Monday Motivation

How to Stay Motivated All Week Long

April 19, 2022

  It’s easy to start the week feeling energized and motivated. But by Wednesday, that initial enthusiasm can quickly fade. The workweek drags on, and it becomes harder to stay focused and productive. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry – you’re not alone. To stay motivated for five days straight is a challenge for many … Continue reading How to Stay Motivated All Week Long

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7 Non-Monetary Ways to Motivate Your Employees

April 19, 2022

  Businesses rise and fall on the back of their workers’ productivity. But, as humans, most people aren’t always internally inspired to put in their best work. That’s where the practice of motivation comes in. Motivate your employees. Often, this comes as financial incentives to do excellent work. And they’re great—if you can afford them. … Continue reading 7 Non-Monetary Ways to Motivate Your Employees

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BUSINESS motivation Self Development

Stop Playing Safe, Step Out So You Can Win & Be Significant

April 19, 2022

In a world where uncertainty is the order of the day; many are losing the opportunity to grow and break through the stereotype because the desire to be safe is stronger than the desire to be significant. Read more about Monday Motivation I once heard someone say, ‘Safe is the enemy of significance’ and since … Continue reading Stop Playing Safe, Step Out So You Can Win & Be Significant

By adesewa

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Employee Motivation And How To Improve It

April 19, 2022

  Perbox says that employee motivation is “the level of commitment, drive, and energy that a company’s workers bring to the role every day”. It is typically what makes an employee wake up, get dressed, and commute happily to work.  Read more about Career Employee motivation is what drives productivity in the workplace. If employees … Continue reading Employee Motivation And How To Improve It

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motivation Quotes Self Development

30 Quotes About Gaining New Skills And Self-Development

April 19, 2022

If you have the desire to know more and expand your skillset, then you are on the right path. Focusing on acquiring knowledge and gaining new skills is one of the keys to success in life. That’s why you should fuel your daily motivation so that you can strive for more and lead a better … Continue reading 30 Quotes About Gaining New Skills And Self-Development

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Monday Motivation motivation

Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

April 19, 2022

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” —Les Brown. Take a look at the quote above. Does it speak to you? Do you find any meaning in it? I had read the quote thrice before I could eventually carve out a powerful meaning from it: fear cripples … Continue reading Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

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motivation Personal Development Self Development

4 Ways to Attract Good Energy Today and Every Day

April 19, 2022

Life and nearly all that happens to us is a result of the energies we emit. Have you noticed how optimists succeed in almost everything, while the pessimistic individual finds it difficult to navigate through life? This is not to say that life can deal with us or present challenges to us as humans. But … Continue reading 4 Ways to Attract Good Energy Today and Every Day

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Inspirational mental health motivation Quotes

24 Inspiring Quotes About Trusting Yourself

April 19, 2022

We are not always to be confident. That’s what makes us human. There are times when we feel unsure of ourselves and these feelings of self-doubt can often serve as motivation to put in the work. Read more about Quotes However, what’s not acceptable is allowing our fears and doubts to prevent us from doing … Continue reading 24 Inspiring Quotes About Trusting Yourself

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Inspirational motivation Personal Development

5 Benefits Of Personal Development

April 19, 2022

  Personal development revolves around various areas ranging from health, emotions, spiritual, financial development, etc. Personal development involves investing in various aspects of your life so that you can manage yourself effectively regardless of what life might bring your way. Personal development focuses on building up your knowledge and skills, as well as an overall … Continue reading 5 Benefits Of Personal Development

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Personal Development

4 Ways To Get Better At Small Talk 

April 19, 2022

As simple as it sounds, small talk doesn’t come easy for everyone. Thankfully, it’s a skill that can be improved if you struggle with it. Being good at small talk can be highly beneficial both in your personal and professional life.  Read more about Personal development Here are 4 ways to get better at small … Continue reading 4 Ways To Get Better At Small Talk 

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Inspirational Leadership LIFESTYLE motivation

The Importance Of Being Optimistic

April 19, 2022

  Life is not all doom and gloom, and there are always many more positives than negatives. And very often you take the positives for granted and focus on the negatives, which lead to depressing thoughts. Nevertheless, if you can be optimistic and upbeat that which has been greatly appreciated by people around you, then … Continue reading The Importance Of Being Optimistic

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Inspirational motivation Quotes

20 Inspirational Quotes About Being Your Authentic Self

April 19, 2022

In a world full of opinions and beliefs, it can be hard to be oneself. However, we’ve seen several people in society who were successful at being themselves and came to be loved by many. Read more about Quotes Even if some people don’t like you for being who you are, be rest assured that … Continue reading 20 Inspirational Quotes About Being Your Authentic Self

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Leadership: What It Is And Why It Is Important

April 19, 2022

Leadership is one of the most misunderstood terms in the world today. Misunderstood not because people don’t know what it is but because almost everyone has a different understanding of what leadership is. A simple Google search will turn out different results as there are as many definitions of leadership as there are leaders. Read … Continue reading Leadership: What It Is And Why It Is Important

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LIFESTYLE Personal Development

5 Factors For Effective Personal Growth

April 19, 2022

Just like many factors affect the growth of a tree, several factors determine the level and quality of growth you experience as an individual. These factors are what determine how well an individual turns out at the end of the day. In this post, I will be sharing with you four of the factors that … Continue reading 5 Factors For Effective Personal Growth

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