
Search result for: Wellness

Health skin care Wellness

Facial Hygiene: What You Need To Know

April 19, 2022

Personal hygiene encompasses a lot of things. But aside from keeping all parts of the external body clean and healthy, personal hygiene also involves facial hygiene which is important to our overall health. Facial cleanliness/hygiene refers to the use of soap and clean water to remove oil, dirt, and other debris from the face. Read … Continue reading Facial Hygiene: What You Need To Know

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Health LIFESTYLE Wellness

Everything You Need To Know About A Healthy Lifestyle

April 19, 2022

Being healthy can be defined as ‘A complete state of mental, physical and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease’ and a lifestyle, which includes patterns of social relations, consumption, entertainment and dress. Read more about Lifestyle However, a healthy lifestyle typically refers to the steps, actions and strategies one puts in place to … Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About A Healthy Lifestyle

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Food Health Top 10

Top 10 Foods To Improve Your Eyesight And Eye Health

April 19, 2022

Most times, people are of the opinion that failing eyesight comes with ageing or with eye strain. The truth remains that an unhealthy diet can contribute to poor eyesight, too. It is therefore important that certain nutrients like copper, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, and zinc are incorporated into our dirt to help strengthen eye health. In addition … Continue reading Top 10 Foods To Improve Your Eyesight And Eye Health

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CAREER Personal Development

4 Ways To Improve Your Work-Life Balance 

April 19, 2022

Creating a work-life balance is the first step toward attaining your goals in the areas that are most important to you. This will result in increased happiness, productivity, and general well-being. Remember to try new things and eliminate the things that you believe are holding you back. Read more about Personal development Here are steps … Continue reading 4 Ways To Improve Your Work-Life Balance 

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Health mental health Wellness

How Caffeine Can Affect Your Body System And Reduce Your Sleep Time

April 19, 2022

Caffeine is a natural substance mostly used in food and beverages. It is a natural stimulant found in cocoa products, coffee, kola nuts, and cacao plants. Caffeine is also used in medications and in energy drinks. It stimulates the brain and central nervous system, helping you stay alert and preventing the onset of tiredness. Read … Continue reading How Caffeine Can Affect Your Body System And Reduce Your Sleep Time

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Fitness mental health Wellness

5 Ways To Build Your Self Esteem 

April 19, 2022

Low self-esteem can have a detrimental impact on almost every aspect of your life, including your relationships, employment, and health. However, you can improve your self-esteem by following the advice of different sorts of mental health counselling. Read more about Wellness Recognize and disprove your negative beliefs The first stage is to recognize and then … Continue reading 5 Ways To Build Your Self Esteem 

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Fitness Wellness

4 Ways To Stay Calm In Stressful Situations 

April 19, 2022

It is impossible to go through life without experiencing stress. But the way and manner you respond to stress determine how successful you become regardless of the situations you face.  This is why it is important to cultivate a mindset that allows you to stay calm in stressful situations. You may not always be able … Continue reading 4 Ways To Stay Calm In Stressful Situations 

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skin care Wellness

Tips On How To Care For Dry Skin

April 19, 2022

People with dry skin often confess to experiencing discomfort most of the time. Dry skin can itch and crack, and if those who are unable to find ways to take good care of it often encounter more problems. As the seasons change, a particular skincare routine may not work effectively. Hence, it is necessary for people with … Continue reading Tips On How To Care For Dry Skin

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4 Things People With High Self-Esteem Don’t Do 

April 19, 2022

Having high self-esteem makes life a whole lot easier. It affects how you treat yourself and others and can take you far in your personal and professional life.  Improving self-esteem is more about letting go of bad habits than forming new ones. People with esteem issues are held back by the negative thoughts and behaviours … Continue reading 4 Things People With High Self-Esteem Don’t Do 

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Tips On How To Dress For The Warm Weather In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Nigeria has a tropical climate with both rainy and dry seasons, depending on the location of the country. The period of March/April is known to be the warmest time of the year, and because of this one can find it hard to dress appropriately for the season. In this article, we discuss what to wear … Continue reading Tips On How To Dress For The Warm Weather In Nigeria

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Discover Nigeria Women Women Empowerment

Women You Should Know: Rita Orji

April 19, 2022

  Rita Orji is a Nigerian-Canadian Computer Science Professor, a Canada Research Chair in Persuasive Technology, and the Director of the Persuasive Computing Lab at Dalhousie University in Canada. A native of Enugu State, Nigeria and of Igbo extraction. Rita was born and raised by parents (Mr. and Mrs. Maria and Okonkwo Orji) who never … Continue reading Women You Should Know: Rita Orji

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Health mental health Wellness

4 Activities That Boost Mental Health 

April 19, 2022

Mental health issues are extremely tricky and can be largely affected by our environment, social media, and the way we interact with others. A great way to circumvent this problem is to create a routine that supports your mental wellbeing.  Read more about Wellness Doing the activities in this routine will not only improve your … Continue reading 4 Activities That Boost Mental Health 

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5 Great Ways To Stop A Mobile Phone Addiction

April 19, 2022

Researchers have proven that people who are addicted to their phones face a lot of problems which include changes in sleeping patterns, problems in holding quality conversations, increased obesity, emotional distress, etc. The statistics are in agreement to the above. An average person touches his/her phone 2,617 times every day. On average, they can spend … Continue reading 5 Great Ways To Stop A Mobile Phone Addiction

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Fitness Wellness

What You Should Know About Anxiety 

April 19, 2022

Anxiety can be defined as an irrational fear of situations that are normal for others. For instance, someone who has a fear of flying has an anxiety disorder called Aerophobia. Everyone experiences some degree of anxiety. But it becomes a medical disorder when it interferes with a person’s quality of life. Someone with a social anxiety … Continue reading What You Should Know About Anxiety 

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Tourism Travel

Travel Tips: What To Know About Travelling With Special Needs Passengers (Pt 2)

April 19, 2022

Did you read Part 1 of this series? In this Part 2, we continue to share tips on travelling with persons with special needs. 2. Travelling With Elderly People Another class of special needs persons is the elderly. Elderly people may look strong and full of knowledge, but they need yourself when travelling. So we … Continue reading Travel Tips: What To Know About Travelling With Special Needs Passengers (Pt 2)

By ann

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