
Search result for: monday motivation

Social Media

Top Content Ideas To Increase User Engagement

April 19, 2022

  Content is the bedrock of all social media strategies. From the outline to the execution, content gets the ball rolling, gives you direction and purpose. You might have leverage with a large number of social media followers but creating trendy content takes you a great mile. Read more about Social media marketing tips Investing … Continue reading Top Content Ideas To Increase User Engagement

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Personal Development

6 Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence

April 19, 2022

  Self-confidence is defined as a feeling of confidence in one’s abilities, qualities and judgment. Self-confidence is important to your health and mental wellbeing. Rated more about Personal Development Healthy self-confidence can help you thrive in your personal and professional life. You must have heard about the phrase ”self-confidence”, but it’s not as cheap as … Continue reading 6 Ways To Build Your Self-Confidence

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BUSINESS Social Media

8 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness Using Social Media

April 19, 2022

  Brand awareness must be taken seriously if you want to grow your business. Building awareness in the social media space for your business cannot be overemphasized. There are over 2 billion active users on social media and this is a great space to get your products and services to the world market. Read more … Continue reading 8 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness Using Social Media

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Personal Development

Secret Hacks For Juggling Between School And Work

April 19, 2022

  There have been compelling stories of famous individuals who had to deal with many things while schooling and excelled even above their comfortable contemporaries. Of course, hard work is very appreciated but many work-study individuals who have made it, have had to make several sacrifices to keep both sides of their lives. It may … Continue reading Secret Hacks For Juggling Between School And Work

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How To Overcome Rejection

April 19, 2022

  Research has shown that the brain registers the pain of rejection the same way it registers the pain of a broken arm. MIR scans show that the parts of the brain that becomes active after a physical injury are the same that goes active when a human undergoes rejection. This is because the same … Continue reading How To Overcome Rejection

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Did You Know? Food

Did You Know? 7 Kitchen Habits You Should Stop

April 19, 2022

  Habits are series of learned action that becomes reflexive over time. These actions can be learned from parents, siblings, friends,  partners, instructors, role models and from the environment. We all have habits that we employ in different areas of our lives. They can be good, bad or neutral. Read more about Did you know? … Continue reading Did You Know? 7 Kitchen Habits You Should Stop

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Health Wellness

Wellness: 4 Subtle Signs Of Depression 

April 19, 2022

  Depression is often associated with feelings of sadness and despair. A closer look into depression, however, would reveal that there are underlying symptoms that may be overshadowed by the more obvious signs. These subtle signs are often easy to miss even by the individual who is experiencing depression. Read more about Wellness If you’re … Continue reading Wellness: 4 Subtle Signs Of Depression 

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Website Review

Websites We Love: Therapy Tribe 

April 19, 2022

  Mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, or trauma often translate to other areas of a person’s life and can interfere with their ability to have a fulfilling life. Read more about Websites we love This is why it is important to get help and pay as much attention to your mental health as you … Continue reading Websites We Love: Therapy Tribe 

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What You Should Know About Competition Law

April 19, 2022

  Competition law is that area of law that regulates business practice so that national or regional markets are not dominated by certain big players but rather, it makes the market open to all players on a somewhat level playing field. Read more about The law and you In other words, competition law consists of … Continue reading What You Should Know About Competition Law

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6 Tips For Healthy Living

April 19, 2022

  Life is a gift that we can either use or abuse. Each day we wake up, we make choices that become habits and these habits affect our health and wellbeing for better or for worse. Now, a lot of people have this erroneous belief that healthy living is just for adults, the overweight and … Continue reading 6 Tips For Healthy Living

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Business Growth Tips: How To Increase Your Business Profits With Cloud Computing

April 19, 2022

  If you’ve never heard about cloud computing, you’re probably wondering what it means. Here’s a simple explanation: Cloud computing is data storage and computing that’s done over the internet, instead of locally on your computer. Read more about Business growth tips For instance, there are websites and applications on which you can store, access, … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Increase Your Business Profits With Cloud Computing

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Nigeria Politics

Analysis: What Nigeria May Benefit From A Biden Presidency (3)

April 19, 2022

  Joe Biden has already issued an Executive Order which reversed the embargo placed on immigrant visa issuance to Nigeria and a few other countries suspected by the Trump administration of being infiltrated by Islamic terrorists. Read more about Politics Whether it is the right thing to do or not, the United States is forever … Continue reading Analysis: What Nigeria May Benefit From A Biden Presidency (3)

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The 2021 Sales Bootcamp Conference

April 19, 2022

  Theme: Developing Resilience For Sales Success And Revenue Leadership When faced with a difficult situation, how do you respond? Yes, a situation such as Covid-19 pandemic aftermath, how do you respond? Do you run away or do you stand your ground? How you respond in the face of stressful or difficult situations is what … Continue reading The 2021 Sales Bootcamp Conference

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Health Wellness

Wellness: 25 Quotes About The Importance Of Sleep

April 19, 2022

Besides its health benefits, there is so much evidence showing that sleep affects productivity. Sleep makes all the difference in how prepared you are to take on your day. Read more about Wellness Here are 25 inspiring quotes about the importance of sleep and the value of sleep. “Sleep is the golden chain that ties … Continue reading Wellness: 25 Quotes About The Importance Of Sleep

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Personal Development

Life Optimisation: LPV= MPL – MAL |1

April 19, 2022

For every minute spent in this world, an average of 256 births is recorded globally. On the other hand, an average of 107 deaths is recorded around the same minute. In between these births and deaths, there are so many wastes and missed marks. The ultimate sin is to not live fully. I just got … Continue reading Life Optimisation: LPV= MPL – MAL |1

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