
Search result for: Men You Should Know


Two Ways a Man Can Be Rich

April 19, 2022

If and when a man or woman finds him or herself in a new relationship that is promising, or even for a man or woman who is already married, it is somewhat difficult to have many friends around. Don’t get me wrong, people still find a way to keep all the friends they had in their … Continue reading Two Ways a Man Can Be Rich

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Election or War? The Mega Question

April 19, 2022

Nigeria has always held general elections since its first general election in 1959 so what is different about this election that has generated so much tension? Simple: there are two major candidates who are in the race – each with clear cut chances of winning- the incumbent, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan (PDP) and major opposition, General … Continue reading Election or War? The Mega Question

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CAREER Opinion

Learn a Skill Wednesday: 3 Ways to Network Successfully

April 19, 2022

To achieve success in your chosen career, it’s important to connect (and stay connected) with people who can add value to you. In the office setting, your colleagues are the peers you need to link up with; and those in your line of work are your peers outside the four walls of your workplace. Your … Continue reading Learn a Skill Wednesday: 3 Ways to Network Successfully

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LIFESTYLE Opinion Relationships

The Year of the Maladroit

April 19, 2022

There are some women who seem to have it all; poised, well groomed and luck seems to always shine on them. Some women are ‘fighters’. These fighters are the ambitious ones who have earned every privilege and success with determination, wit and grit. Some women are overly ambitious and will do anything to get to … Continue reading The Year of the Maladroit

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10 Steps for Busy Mothers to Lose Weight

April 19, 2022

Every woman wants to stay fit and healthy even after having kids. I am yet to meet a mother who doesn’t want this, but I have been around many working mothers long enough to realize that this is easier said than done. After a hard day’s work, seeing to your kids’ needs and your husband’s also, you are … Continue reading 10 Steps for Busy Mothers to Lose Weight

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9 Business Ideas That Require Zero Capital

April 19, 2022

With the high rate of unemployment in the country, it has become paramount to think outside the box, be smart and find ways to make a living. I have come up with a list of 9 businesses to start in Nigeria that require no start-up funds and can be launched in less than 1 week. … Continue reading 9 Business Ideas That Require Zero Capital

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Discover Nigeria Tourism

Tourism Tuesday: 6 Amazing Places to Visit When in Benin City

April 19, 2022

With its rich cultural heritage and urbanized environs, Benin City is a great travel destination to go to this year. It is well-known as the capital of Edo State (Southern Nigeria) and as the centre of the Bini Kingdom, but not many have seen its historical landmarks, breath-taking natural features and more. Benin is definitely … Continue reading Tourism Tuesday: 6 Amazing Places to Visit When in Benin City

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Motivational Monday: 6 Ways to Start a Business With No Money

April 19, 2022

X: “Tayo, I have a massive idea that can make me millions from the first month” Tayo: “Okay that’s nice, have you started work on it?” X: “No, I haven’t. I am waiting to gather enough money, and then I will start.” Tayo: “Hmmm”   This is the type of conversation I have every day … Continue reading Motivational Monday: 6 Ways to Start a Business With No Money

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Nigeria’s ‘Brown Envelope’ Journalism

April 19, 2022

Writer and novelist, Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani recently took a critical look at journalists’ struggle for survival in Nigeria and reported that Nigerian journalists are typically paid wretched salaries, and even the pittance to which they are entitled is often owed for months at a stretch. She said Paul Ibe, a former editor with Nigeria’s ThisDay … Continue reading Nigeria’s ‘Brown Envelope’ Journalism

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4 Tips To Multitasking Effectively

April 19, 2022

Every successful entrepreneur will tell you that his/her success rides on his/her ability to maximize time and performance to the highest optimal point possible. However, one person can only handle so much in a 24-hour day and unless you’ve found a way to add more time to the clock, you have to do more in less … Continue reading 4 Tips To Multitasking Effectively

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For God, For Country, For Glory!

April 19, 2022

There is a general saying that as humans we are less appreciative of the science involved in having a peaceful sleep and waking up peacefully every day. Most religious people hold that the chemistry behind it is more of divine intervention. Atheists on the other hand are of the view that this exercise is the exclusive work of the … Continue reading For God, For Country, For Glory!

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Website Review

Website Review: ReportAm

April 19, 2022

ReportAm is a website which specialises in creating a platform for customers to report their customer care experiences, whether good or bad. It also gives companies the opportunity to resolve these reports and solve the problems raised. The first thing you notice about the website is how much it reminds you of Guaranty Trust Bank … Continue reading Website Review: ReportAm

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Forget The Fears; Just Go All Out!

April 19, 2022

I woke up that Monday morning with pains in my legs. I ached badly and I was wondering what I did to cause such indescribable pain when it hit me…I went mountain climbing on Valentine’s Day! Yes, my 12-trip challenge for February fell on Valentine’s day – way to keep a single lady busy, yes? … Continue reading Forget The Fears; Just Go All Out!

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Books Reviews

Book Review: And The Storm Came by Kike Mudiaga

April 19, 2022

He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might, he increases their strength. Isaiah 40:29 And The Storm Came is a book on grieving and how to grieve right and yet know when it is time to move on. The Good Book says that mourning with them that mourn is a … Continue reading Book Review: And The Storm Came by Kike Mudiaga

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Food Health

Bay Leaf and Jollof Rice

April 19, 2022

The aroma of Kemi’s jollof rice can be perceived several metres away in the hostel. All her room mates suddenly become nice to her when she is about to cook her “wonder jollof rice”. What is her secret ingredient? I’m sure you might have seen a certain leaf in your plate of jollof rice when you are served at … Continue reading Bay Leaf and Jollof Rice

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