Your employees make up your business’ workforce. Your employees represent the most important aspect of your business. Your business’ growth and success depend greatly on your ability to effectively make your business accountable to them.
Making your business account to your employees begins with your hiring process, and continues in the way and manner you treat them. In this post, I will be sharing with you practical ways to go about making your business account for your employees.
This is the fourth in the series of articles on how you could achieve accountability in your business. Did you miss the previous posts on this topic? See the links below:
Accountability To Local Authorities
Provide New Employees With The Information They Need To Get Started
I remember interning with an organization while an undergraduate. I was hired and asked to resume work but there was no information as to how the organization is structured, who I should contact in the event I run into any challenge and what exactly was expected of me at the end of the day.
And I must say, my time in the organization ended as soon as it began. I believe you would not want your employees feeling out of place in your business or getting frustrated over unknown expectations of them. This is why it is important to get your employees settled as soon as you hire them by providing them with the right information through an onboarding session. If you don’t currently have a defined onboarding process in your business, you need to have to rethink how you are doing business.
Provide Your Employees With All The Tools They Need To Work
An employee coming in to work on your business is doing so in hope that your business has what it takes to help him or her create and delivers value. As a business owner, you must see to it that your employees are provided with all the right tools they need to get the job done.
Not just making the tools available, you should also ensure that they are trained on how to make the right use of the tools. In the situation that you require them to provide the tools for themselves, you should be able to provide enough compensation for them to cover the costs.
Make Your Workplace Emotionally Safe For Your Employees
The call for an emotionally safe workplace for employees has never been higher than it has become post-COVID. More and more people are demanding for employees to prioritize the mental health of their employees and ensure they provide an environment where every employee would be glad to come in each workday and do the work they have been employed to do.
If you are a business owner, check out the following posts to learn how you can build an emotionally safe workplace for your employees
Effective Tips On How To Promote Positivity In Your Workplace
7 Steps Towards Managing And Resolving Conflict In The Workplace
Establish And Maintain A Clear Line Of Communication With Your Employees
Communication plays an integral role in every organization. As a business owner, you must ensure that communication does not impede the progress of your business by setting out and maintaining a clear line of communication within your organization.
Most employers maintain a one-way communication system in their businesses, communicating with their employees only when they have a message to pass across.
This does not in any way ensure accountability. Your employees also want you to listen to them. Create a system that makes it possible for them to communicate with you as much as you communicate with them. I believe I need not mention also how important it is that you ensure they can do this without any fear.
Ensure The Continuous Growth Of Your Employees
When someone gets a new job, there is an excitement that goes with it. The excitement is more about the chance of growth than it is about the pay. Employees take up jobs with the hope they would get the right support and environment to grow on the job.
As a business owner, your business owes a duty to your employees to ensure it provides them with the right support to grow. Top companies engage in regular training for their staff to help them grow. You should see investment in the growth of your staff as an investment in the growth of your business because it is.
Provide A Fair And Regular Compensation For Your Employees
The right compensation for your employees is a great motivation to get them to put in more towards the growth of your business.
Your employees resume at the beginning of the month, doing their bits of the work to move your business forward, they hope that you will be kind enough to ensure that their salaries or wages are paid to them as at when due and of course, the amount agreed upon.
Also, you must regularly review the take-home pay of your employees and ensure they are getting fair compensation based on the prevailing market value for such roles.
Closing Thoughts
You cannot build a successful business without the input of your employees. It is important as a business owner that why you demand commitment from your employees, you ensure your business is accountable to them.
Just like Richard Branson pointed out, ‘when you take care of your employees, they will take care of your customers.’
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