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Happiness is of such fundamental importance to the human condition, and it’s defined as a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. While a lot of people might have different personal definitions of happiness, it is undeniable that each definition touches on a similar cord that we must all come to realize. The quest for true happiness is not really a quest at all, but a decision and a choice made consciously by a person. You must come to the realization that you are the only one person that can decide if you are going to be happy or not; because on the flip side, one can decide to be unhappy. As a matter of fact, being unhappy is one of the easiest things to accomplish in this world. However, since every human craves that awesome sensation of utter happiness in a world full of challenges, being happy and staying same takes deliberate work. So, here are 5 steps to creating your own happiness 1. Choose to be happy When you wake up every morning, you have two choices before you irrespective of what happened the past night. You choose either to be happy or unhappy – I advise you choose happiness. The first thing that should come to your mind every day is how great it is to be alive. Avoid telling yourself how bad and unsatisfactory things are going. Say to yourself in the mirror “I choose to be happy” Find that silver lining in everything that happened the day before and what is happening currently during your day. Have your joy and don’t let anyone steal it from you. 2. Have a child’s heart Children are the experts of happiness; they see the beauty in everything and are able to shake off offences as fast as they occur. It takes a genius adult to carry the spirit of a child through life. However, carrying the spirit of a child through life is a one of the prerequisites for true for happiness. Don’t become so super-sophisticated that you are blinded to the beauty and happiness that life brings. To create happiness, you must have a clean soul and a childlike spirit. Look at nature and let it inspire happiness in you. Focus on the positives of your associates, work, family and friends and find happiness in them. 3. Stop creating unhappiness Although, not all unhappiness is created by self, our perspective to unhappy happenings and situations is crucial. The social conditions can be largely responsible for most of our challenges, however your thoughts and attitudes to these events matter a lot. Life already creates enough challenges to dilute the joy you hold on to. As a result, it is not wise to create more unhappiness within your mind by choosing to criticize everything you see. Focus on the positive; don’t add to the countless issues that are already beyond your control. You create your unhappiness by thinking unhappy thoughts, having negative perspective towards life, and living with self-pity and resentment towards others. Rather than creating unhappiness, cultivate a merry and cheerful heart. 4. Practice happy thinking Before you go about your day, make a physical or mental list of things that make you happy. Revise these happy thoughts as you go through your day. If an unhappy thought comes through your mind, consciously stop it and channel your mind to the happy thoughts. Drop happy thoughts in your mind every morning before getting out of bed. Think about the happy things you hope to experience during the day. Be sure not to doubt that things will go well, affirming negative thoughts is enough to put a dent on your day and happy thoughts. Try this plan tomorrow morning and make it a habit. Wake up and say to yourself “It is a great day and I choose to be happy”. Say this positively till you believe it. 5. Base your attitude on happy thoughts It is one thing to think happy thoughts and another thing to act happy. When you choose to be happy, you should also choose to act happy. One of the ways to put your actions in line with your thoughts is to love others and be more open to giving and helping. When you put your mind to helping others stay happy, the happiness grows in you too. Seeing others smile will make you smile, and you will be surprised at the magnitude of happiness that expressing compassion and tenderness with all sincerity will induce. Make it a duty to be kind to at least one person each day. Make someone happy and this will help your decision to stay happy.   About the author: Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele.

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This article was first published on 5th January 2015


Chris Bamidele is a passionate and unapologetic Nigerian, who believes in God and humanity. He is a writer, blogger, and an aspiring Television Director; and an optimist to the core. He blogs at and tweets @Chrisbamidele.

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