Archives Tag: Small business


4 Powerful Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn From Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

April 19, 2022

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, is one of the most respected business leaders in the world. He transformed and upscaled Microsoft. Many business leaders have applauded the Nadella transformation and how he has grown Microsoft when its competitors were ahead by far. At one point, Microsoft was just a gadget producer, failing to upgrade by … Continue reading 4 Powerful Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn From Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

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BUSINESS Uncategorized

How To Set Up Your Small Business For Success 

April 19, 2022

  A successful business is structured in such a way that it is positioned for success. If you want to enjoy the business’s success, you must set it up in a way that it wouldn’t fail. Running a small and medium-sized business can be difficult to run, and due to its difficulty, it might fail. … Continue reading How To Set Up Your Small Business For Success 

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How To Attract The Right Talent For Your Small Business

April 19, 2022

Small business owners often complain of their inability to find the right persons to fill the openings they have within their businesses. This is understandable as the more qualified and skilled talents will always seek opportunities with bigger firms. However, that does not mean that you cannot attract the right candidate for your small business. … Continue reading How To Attract The Right Talent For Your Small Business

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How To Create An Effective Disaster Recovery Plan For Your Small Business

April 19, 2022

No business wants to be hit by a disaster-certainly, not the sort that weakens its ability to continue operating or causes it to shut down. Read more about Business Unfortunately, disasters-whether they’re floods, fires, or cyberattacks –is a part of existence, and are certain to happen at some point. When they do, they inflict significant … Continue reading How To Create An Effective Disaster Recovery Plan For Your Small Business

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BUSINESS Start ups

5 Reasons To Start Small

April 19, 2022

Many people have been advised to start small, but people prefer to start big or wait until they have all the finances and equipment in the area before starting the business that their heart desires. This is not entirely bad, as it removes the sweat from the gruesome days of starting a business; however, here … Continue reading 5 Reasons To Start Small

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Tips On How To Manage Your Small/Medium Scale Business For Maximum Success

April 19, 2022

  Managing a small or medium-scale enterprise is not the easiest thing, because it requires time, energy, and resources. This is why many companies die before the age of three space; however, our goal with this article is to help you manage your small, medium scale business for maximum success. Read more about Business 1. … Continue reading Tips On How To Manage Your Small/Medium Scale Business For Maximum Success

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3 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need To Be Diversified

April 19, 2022

Diversification is one of the top business growth strategies that most small businesses need to adopt in order to increase profitability and achieve higher sales volume from new products. It is a growth strategy that involves businesses entering into a new market or industry that your business does not currently operate in, while also creating … Continue reading 3 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need To Be Diversified

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How Fiscal Policy Affects Small Business

April 19, 2022

Fiscal policy is a crucial part of the growth and Success of small businesses especially in Nigeria; this is because these policies influence decisions and actions regarding all sectors in the country. Read more about Business In Nigeria, the government creates and implements policies meant to alleviate and regulate commercial activities. These policies could have … Continue reading How Fiscal Policy Affects Small Business

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Why You Should Build A Small Business Not A Startup

April 19, 2022

  The first thing that would occur to you is what differentiates a small business from a startup. Well, there’s a distinct difference between a startup and a business.  A startup is a young company with the goal of upsetting the status quo in an orderly manner. It searches for a business model which is … Continue reading Why You Should Build A Small Business Not A Startup

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3 Ways To Magnify Your Small Business To Appear Big

April 19, 2022

  I discovered early enough that the way you package your small business will determine if you will earn the respect of anyone in the business world. The truth is people downplay little things – even in the business world. And if you downplay your business, people will do the same. This is why it … Continue reading 3 Ways To Magnify Your Small Business To Appear Big

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Kippa, The Perfect Solution For Bookkeeping By Small Businesses In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  Bookkeeping and accounting are vital parts of a business, especially one that doesn’t want to go bankrupt. Employing an unreliable bookkeeping system will cause business owners not to know whether their business is making profits, when to purchase a new asset, and when to expand the business. Read more about FinTech Most business owners … Continue reading Kippa, The Perfect Solution For Bookkeeping By Small Businesses In Nigeria

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4 Strategies To Boost Small Business Profitability

April 19, 2022

  One of the goals of running a small business is to make profit, because small businesses that aren’t profitable can’t stay up and thrive, this means that it’s on the verge of crumbling. Read more about Business Generally, increasing your total profit for the year usually requires increasing sales; however, if you’re not careful, … Continue reading 4 Strategies To Boost Small Business Profitability

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BUSINESS Insurance

7 Ways To Motivate Your Employees In Your Small Business

April 19, 2022

You may be worried about your employees’ outputs and may feel they are not putting in the required efforts and time towards their work. This happened mostly when your employees are no longer motivated well enough for the work they do. As a business owner, introducing the right motivation in your workplace will go a … Continue reading 7 Ways To Motivate Your Employees In Your Small Business

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5 Important Records You Need To Keep For Your Small Business

April 19, 2022

  The importance of record-keeping for every business can never be overemphasized. Big companies with big turnovers do not joke with their records because they understand that even a minute detail wrongly captured could be a little fox that will spoil the vine they have built for themselves. Read more about Business For small businesses, … Continue reading 5 Important Records You Need To Keep For Your Small Business

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SME Spotlight: Syracuse Africa

April 19, 2022

  Having your brand creativity tell its story to a wide range of audiences might be all you need to generate leads. Most often, companies find it difficult to sell their brands to a larger audience. It is a tough job to do a good PR job for your company and it sometimes demands a … Continue reading SME Spotlight: Syracuse Africa

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