Archives Tag: Goals


How To Build Self-Discipline as A Career Professional

April 19, 2022

  Does this scenario sound relatable? Maybe you or someone you know. The scenario is a clear depiction of a lack of self-discipline – a challenge that many of us struggle with. Lack of self-discipline can hinder your career progress, making it difficult for you to rise to your full potential. But the good news … Continue reading How To Build Self-Discipline as A Career Professional

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Strategic Plan: What It Is and How To Develop One For Your Business

April 19, 2022

  Peter Drucker, the renowned management consultant said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” In business, one way to create the future is a Strategic plan. A well-thought-out strategic plan empowers you to create the future by setting a clear course of action and providing the tools needed to follow … Continue reading Strategic Plan: What It Is and How To Develop One For Your Business

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Monday Motivation

Setting Weekly Goals for Personal Growth and Wellbeing

April 19, 2022

  Setting goals isn’t just for work – it’s also a powerful tool for improving your personal life and well-being. By setting weekly goals in areas like relationships, health, and hobbies, you can focus on what truly matters to you and take meaningful steps towards becoming your best self. Let’s explore the benefits of setting … Continue reading Setting Weekly Goals for Personal Growth and Wellbeing

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Personal Development

Achieve Goal-keeping Excellence: 10 Steps Inspired by Stanley Nwabali

April 19, 2022

  You admire Stanley Nwabali and think he’s a good goalkeeper but I’m sure you believe you can do better. However, how are your new year goals and resolutions looking? Any progress or is goal setting easier than goal-keeping? Read more about Personal Development I have 10 steps to make the goal-keeping process easier and … Continue reading Achieve Goal-keeping Excellence: 10 Steps Inspired by Stanley Nwabali

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Personal Development

10 Practical Steps to Remain Grateful as the Year Winds Down

April 19, 2022

  As the year approaches its final stretch, it’s only natural to find ourselves reflecting on the past months, taking stock of accomplishments, goals met, and dreams chased. Yet, sometimes, the looming feeling of unfulfilled aspirations can cast a shadow on our gratitude. In these moments, it becomes crucial to steer our focus toward the … Continue reading 10 Practical Steps to Remain Grateful as the Year Winds Down

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How To Relationships

How To Set Realistic Goals In Your Relationship

April 19, 2022

Now that spring has arrived, we must look to the future and find out how to make it appear the way we want it to. So it’s time to get our love relationships in order and set some goals. When you’re in a long-term relationship or marriage, it’s critical to agree on sexual, relationship, and … Continue reading How To Set Realistic Goals In Your Relationship

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How To Personal Development

How To Give Longer Focus To Your Goals

April 19, 2022

    The reason why many don’t realize their goals is because of a short attention span. Furthermore, losing focus or sight of our goals could be caused by several factors. Our success and fulfillment as individuals lie in how much attention we pay to things around us, ranging from business, family, schoolwork, relationship, and … Continue reading How To Give Longer Focus To Your Goals

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Monday Motivation motivation

Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

April 19, 2022

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” —Les Brown. Take a look at the quote above. Does it speak to you? Do you find any meaning in it? I had read the quote thrice before I could eventually carve out a powerful meaning from it: fear cripples … Continue reading Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

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Social Media

How To Define Social Media Marketing Goals 

April 19, 2022

It is quite common for social media marketers to face challenges when trying to define social media goals. In fact, research shows that nearly half of marketers consider aligning their social media campaigns with company goals to be their biggest challenge. Read more about Social media This doesn’t have to be the case. Although the … Continue reading How To Define Social Media Marketing Goals 

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What To Do Before You Find Passion

April 19, 2022

For some people, it is easy to know what lights up their eyes when they walk into a room. For others, it takes some extra effort to decipher what you should spend your time doing. Another area of concern could be that you would want your area of passion to pay the bill as well. … Continue reading What To Do Before You Find Passion

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5 Traits Of Financially Intelligent People You Should Know

April 19, 2022

There are certain traits, attributes, or habits we have as humans that affect us in one way or the other. Sometimes, these traits affect us positively, while others negatively. When it comes to your finance, there are many traits you have that could be stopping you from getting to the financial status of your dream.  … Continue reading 5 Traits Of Financially Intelligent People You Should Know

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Financial Habits To Learn To Retire Early

April 19, 2022

The best way to develop a healthy financial lifestyle is to imbibe financial habits. There are no secrets to wealth necessarily, there are just well known good habits. The following habits should develop into a lifestyle, and set you up for early retirement. Read more about Business Have a long term view Wealth creation must … Continue reading Financial Habits To Learn To Retire Early

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What A Vision Statement Is And How To Craft One For Your Business

April 19, 2022

  You may have seen some company’s publications with statements they refer to as their vision statement. It is now a common practice for businesses to have a well spelt-out a vision statement. More than it is just a common practice, there are so many benefits you will stand to gain by having a vision … Continue reading What A Vision Statement Is And How To Craft One For Your Business

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10 Vision Statement Examples To Inspire You As A Business Person 

April 19, 2022

  A vision statement is a statement that summarizes in an inspiring tone, what an organisation or business seeks to achieve for itself in the future. One of the reasons why organisations create a vision statement for themselves is that it helps to explain why the company exists and why they do what they do.  … Continue reading 10 Vision Statement Examples To Inspire You As A Business Person 

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BUSINESS Personal Development

How To Finish What You Start

April 19, 2022

  Let’s face it, starting something is often easier than completing it. In the beginning, the thrill of starting something new fills you with so much eagerness to complete it, but before you know it, you’ve moved on to the next idea. This is a big problem and a major reason why a lot of … Continue reading How To Finish What You Start

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