
Search result for: Wellness

Health Wellness

8 Simple Ways To Relieve Stress

April 19, 2022

In our everyday life, we faced stress from our jobs, family, school and our community in general. The consequence of stress, if not appropriately managed, can lead to frustration, anxiety, hypertension, depression, and even death. In this article, I offer eight simple tips on how to manage stress. 1. Listen To Music When in stress, … Continue reading 8 Simple Ways To Relieve Stress

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How To Disable Pop-Up Ads On Your Android Device

April 19, 2022

Pop-up ads are growing to be common with most mobile devices nowadays. This has become one of the reasons some smartphone users may never own an Android device just because of the pop-up ads embedded into the phone. Pop-up Ads really disrupts the ideal user experience in phone handling. And this is why smartphones such … Continue reading How To Disable Pop-Up Ads On Your Android Device

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Personal Development

5 Ways To Win Your Day

April 19, 2022

  Many people are faced with frustrations in their everyday life. They are confused, tired and feel so stressed out. They are faced with bouts of worry, anxiety and sleepless nights. This affects their family and career life. So these stresses are real. Read more about Personal Development Most often, they are traced to stresses … Continue reading 5 Ways To Win Your Day

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8 Popular Mis-Used Titles In The Content Business Industry

April 19, 2022

  A Content Marketer is a Multipurpose writer. They write content based on their predefined content pillars. A content marketer writes from a marketing angle. Read more about Business There are various titles a freelance content specialist can call him/herself, but most freelancers who don’t know what to call themselves end up mixing it all … Continue reading 8 Popular Mis-Used Titles In The Content Business Industry

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Top 10 Natural Remedies Against Saggy Breasts

April 19, 2022

  Saggy breast is a natural occurrence found in women around the world. In most cases, a saggy breast does not point to any health challenge, but to the dynamic nature of the women reproductive health. Read more about Top 10 While this is a natural phenomenon, there are ways that one can reverse the … Continue reading Top 10 Natural Remedies Against Saggy Breasts

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How To Relationships

How To Let Go Of An Unresponsive Partner

April 19, 2022

  One of the most painful sides to love is when your feeling is unrequited. It is a very difficult situation that so many Nigerian youths do not feel comfortable enough to talk about. This feeling comes out of the fear of being called a weakling or a fool. Read more about How-To When partners … Continue reading How To Let Go Of An Unresponsive Partner

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Top 10

Top 10 Healthy Routines For Skin Improvement

April 19, 2022

  Keeping a healthy skin routine can keep one from ageing unpleasantly and from other skin-related problems. It takes a lot of investment in form of time, money and discipline to keep up with a perfect regimen. It is always best to adopt tips that are very convenient for your kind of lifestyle or daily … Continue reading Top 10 Healthy Routines For Skin Improvement

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How To

How To Identify The Right Fragrance For Your Personality

April 19, 2022

    Our identities are not only formed by our names, habits, orientations, clothing, and accessories alone. Sometimes, details as less recognised as our handwriting, thumbprints, choice of colours, the feel of our skin, and contours of our faces can form a definition of who we are. Read more about How To Above all, our … Continue reading How To Identify The Right Fragrance For Your Personality

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How To LIFESTYLE Personal Development

How To Overcome Social Anxiety In Crowded Places

April 19, 2022

  The psychological states of individuals in Nigeria is widely ignored and treated with indifference when related matters are raised. Most times, one is forced to feign mental stability to avoid scorn from loved ones and acquaintances alike. Read more about Lifestyle A culture where feelings are bottled up and not addressed on time may … Continue reading How To Overcome Social Anxiety In Crowded Places

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Health Uncategorized

Top 10 Post-Partum Tips For Nigerian Mothers

April 19, 2022

  The post-partum period is a very important part of pregnancy care for mothers. Unfortunately, this stage is not given more medical attention than the conception and delivery stage of pregnancies. Read more about Top 10 Most resort to traditional tips which cause more harm than good to the health of these women. In Nigeria, … Continue reading Top 10 Post-Partum Tips For Nigerian Mothers

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Personal Development Relationships

Relationship: How To Deal With The Pain Of Heartbreak

April 19, 2022

  Almost everyone has been served this breakfast called “Heartbreak”. Many get over it as soon as they got into it, others take some time before they move on, while a select few give so much of themselves to the relationship that they lose themselves in the process of losing the relationship. Read more about … Continue reading Relationship: How To Deal With The Pain Of Heartbreak

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How To Balance Work Life With Family Life

April 19, 2022

  All thanks to the inflation and recession that has plagued the 21st century in no small way, it has become pertinent for people to work double-time to afford the bare necessities of life. Read more about How-To In addition to all these, the lockdown has influenced the sack of many employees by their employers. … Continue reading How To Balance Work Life With Family Life

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Food Health Top 10

Nature’s Pharmacy: Foods That Make You Lose Weight

April 19, 2022

  Do you, sometimes, feel that you are not slim enough or you do not look good enough to attract the right compliments from people? Or do you lack some self-esteem that will catapult you to feeling self-confident because you are overweight or obese? Or would you like to fit into those skimpy clothes that … Continue reading Nature’s Pharmacy: Foods That Make You Lose Weight

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DIY Health Tips

DIY: 5 Things You Can Do With An Orange Peel

April 19, 2022

  What do you do with your orange peels when you’re done eating oranges? Throw them away? Read more about DIY Perhaps you shouldn’t. Those peels could be useful in so many ways. People have been using them as natural aids for a long time. You’ll certainly benefit from their folk wisdom. Here are five … Continue reading DIY: 5 Things You Can Do With An Orange Peel

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Food Health

Tips For Maintaining Your Weight

April 19, 2022

  Losing weight is a stressful process that involves discipline and good self-regulation skills. Not everyone who embarks on the journey of weight loss succeeds. Not all who achieve the set goal of weight loss succeed in keeping off the weight. Read more about Food If you must succeed in maintaining the weight you lost, … Continue reading Tips For Maintaining Your Weight

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