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Personal Development

Dealing With Your Experiences

April 19, 2022

“Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it or learn from it.” Rafiki: The Lion King. If life is a school, then one of its most effective teaching aids would be our experiences. They’re the culmination of all we’ve been through in life; good, bad and ugly. It’s one of … Continue reading Dealing With Your Experiences

By kanayo

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5 Tips to Help Your Small Business Grow (The Advice I Gave Kamjeff)

April 19, 2022

First, if you haven’t read Jay and I’s review of Kamjeff restaurant, please click here. Y’all remember how Jay and I raved about Kamjeff right? Perhaps we were swooned because we had low expectations when we first walked in. However, like we said in the review, the experience was ‘mama’s kitchen’ satisfying. Nevertheless, we had … Continue reading 5 Tips to Help Your Small Business Grow (The Advice I Gave Kamjeff)

By kay

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What Not to Do When On A Condolence Visit

April 19, 2022

It’s common knowledge that the loss of a loved one can be very heartbreaking. That’s why when we learn that a friend, colleague, or acquaintance has been bereaved, we feel the need to do something. As Nigerians, most times, we pay a visit. The problem however, is that we can be quite unsure of what … Continue reading What Not to Do When On A Condolence Visit

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Beauty Hair Women

7 Things to Do About Your Receding Hairline.

April 19, 2022

One day in 2014, I looked in the mirror and discovered I was going bald. I had just taken out braids and planned on getting another immediately, but alas, my hairline had receded and my forehead now appeared endless. What to do? Anyone who has ever had reason to worry about their hairline would acknowledge … Continue reading 7 Things to Do About Your Receding Hairline.

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 Learn Business Pitching and Presentation for FREE

April 19, 2022

Would you like to learn how to pitch your business, prepare it for such opportunities and get investors to inject much needed cash into your fledgling business? Then this FREE event is for you! The business fellowship arm of David’s Christian Centre, DCC BusinessConnect, hosts the next edition of its quarterly business seminar this weekend, and … Continue reading  Learn Business Pitching and Presentation for FREE

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Might Not Be Growing

April 19, 2022

‘All I need right now is for my business to grow.’

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5 Mistakes First Time Mothers Often Make

April 19, 2022

Few things are as overwhelming as being responsible for a tiny human being who is totally dependent on you: for food, clothing, shelter, warmth, companionship, everything except the air God gives for free. Even with a great support system, there are still certain things first time mums realize they could have done differently, although it … Continue reading 5 Mistakes First Time Mothers Often Make

By jehonwa

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Twitter Partners with Live Nation to Stream Live Videos

April 19, 2022

At the NewFront conference in New York, Twitter announced it partnering with Live Nation to live stream videos of concerts. Twitter believed that 7 out of 10 of the most followed users are musicians while Grammy Awards live pre-show is rated the most view on Twitter till date. This announcement adds up to Twitter’s new … Continue reading Twitter Partners with Live Nation to Stream Live Videos

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‘Inside-Out with Agatha’ to Celebrate 20th Anniversary with ‘The Search’ Reality TV Show

April 19, 2022

Inside-Out with Agatha, Nigeria’s longest running independent television talk show has announced plans to celebrate its 20th anniversary starting with a TV reality show called ‘The Search’. This was announced at a media parley held at the RAVE TV office in Lagos, Nigeria on 26th April 2017. Activities to mark the anniversary include the 6-week … Continue reading ‘Inside-Out with Agatha’ to Celebrate 20th Anniversary with ‘The Search’ Reality TV Show

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CAREER Society

The Ethics of Exposure

April 19, 2022

To Expose or Not To Expose Exposure—the acquisition of new knowledge through study, emulation or experimentation—as it applies to an individual in any position whether as a ward or parent; employee or employer; citizen or leaders, carries within it the capacity for great good and great evil. The dilemma of how much exposure a person … Continue reading The Ethics of Exposure

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Catch the Fun and the Excitement at the 2017 Lagos International Food and Drink Festival

April 19, 2022

Don’t miss this blockbuster event in Lagos! Save the date for the 2017 Lagos International Food and Drink Festival. It’s all happening From April 22-23, 2013 at the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos. It’s a weekend of plenty fun and adventure plus a weekend to indulge in a lifestyle where your biggest decision will be how … Continue reading Catch the Fun and the Excitement at the 2017 Lagos International Food and Drink Festival

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Mummy, I Don’t Want Jesus to Die

April 19, 2022

My son recently said those words to me, and I was amused because he’s not the only one who has felt that way. When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to suffer, be killed and on the third day raised to life, Peter took Him aside and began to reprimand Him. “Far be … Continue reading Mummy, I Don’t Want Jesus to Die

By jehonwa

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FAMILY Society

Do You Know How Your Neighbour is Really Faring?

April 19, 2022

Yesterday, a friend pointed me to a story that rattled me. In 2006, a young woman named Joyce Carol Vincent was found in her bedsit flat in London. She had been dead for three years. Get this: She was found skeletonised, lying on her back next to a shopping bag, surrounded by Christmas presents she … Continue reading Do You Know How Your Neighbour is Really Faring?

By jehonwa

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What You Probably Didn’t Know about Powdered Milk

April 19, 2022

Have you ever wondered why some milk powder brands cost more than others? I’m sure you have. It is also likely that you have come up with possible reasons, from “Nigerian made” versus “imported” to “the cheaper one ‘contains’ less”, and left it at that. Of course, there’s a lot to be said for quality. … Continue reading What You Probably Didn’t Know about Powdered Milk

By jehonwa

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Business Ideas EDUCATION

Why You Should Consider Starting a Private Tutor Agency (2)

April 19, 2022

  Continued from last week.   Here are more reasons why you start a private tutor agency business now:  Starting now gives you a first mover advantage. Look around you; how many private tutor agency can you find? Not many I guess. Hence starting now gives you a first-mover advantage, not because you’re the first … Continue reading Why You Should Consider Starting a Private Tutor Agency (2)

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