
Search result for: monday motivation

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Staying The Course

April 19, 2022

  We all have been through that phase when we stumble upon an idea and the more we ruminate on it, the more interesting it becomes such that we get excited and just start the grind. The trouble with excitement is that it quietly deserts you when the going gets tough. One minute you are … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Staying The Course

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Association

April 19, 2022

  They say a man is basically the kind of friends he keeps and I tend to agree with this line of thought. Association can make or mar us in more ways than we care to know. The truth is, the kind of connections we form on different levels are proportional to how far we … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Association

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Originality

April 19, 2022

Each of us have something that sets us apart as individuals. That is indeed why we are called individuals. Our individuality may be the most precious thing that has been committed to us from birth. So how ironic is it that humans with all their individuality have a burning need to belong to a group … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Originality

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Vision

April 19, 2022

The nature of man is such that he must see something to actually aspire to it, and then he must aspire to even begin to attempt to achieve it. Some of the amenities we today enjoy and take for granted were the product of people’s visions. The battles they had to fight so we can … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Vision

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Change

April 19, 2022

People say it so much it has become a cliché. “Change is the only constant thing in life!” But if you are like me, that adage will be annoying to you by now. But in fairness to whoever came up with it, there is some truth to it and we will be talking about it … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Change

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Reliability and Consistency

April 19, 2022

Following up to the article on change previously, I thought it’s only fair to balance it out with a perspective on consistency. You see while change is beneficial, there is boundless goodwill in being consistent with anything you are involved in. A quick search on that word will give you this: “consistent behaviour or treatment”.  … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Reliability and Consistency

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Value

April 19, 2022

The one many people desire but also seem to take for granted always must be value. Many times, a person’s worth is in his value. Quite simply put, the most sought after of persons anywhere you find yourself are the most valuable, and the fact that they are sought after is an indication of that … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Value

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: Choice

April 19, 2022

Someone once told me that our choices are the only things that we own. At the time, it did not make much sense or maybe I just did not know what to do with it. Now that I think of it, choice is in truth, the only thing that one can say is personal to … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Choice

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Monday Motivation motivation

Monday Motivation: Boring but Faithful

April 19, 2022

A friend and I were talking sometime last week, about how she’s often viewed as a calm person and people get surprised at the magnitude of what she’s achieved so far. She said: “The sun, moon and stars are saddled with monotonous work, which though boring, they faithfully do. They show up when they should … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Boring but Faithful

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Personal Development Self Development

Monday Motivation: Little Efforts

April 19, 2022

“Little drops makes an ocean.” Big impacts often start with small things. As they say, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” What little efforts are you making in an attempt to be a better person, employee, partner, spouse, friend, artiste? The extra mile you go for yourself or another person often … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Little Efforts

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Before You Do…

April 19, 2022

I bet your mind took you on a journey of dating and marriage. Not today!  We will leave that matter for another day. But truly, before you do, you need to plan your strategy very well, plot the layout and understand the dynamics to ensure that for everything that goes out from you, you can … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Before You Do…

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: The Art of Living

April 19, 2022

There’re 1000 ways to die, thanks to Sony max TV for the most gruesome show ever, but there’re also 1000 ways to live, you just have to drop the remote for a few minutes, take your mind off the unfortunate fellas on the screen and discover life. Living versus existing will always be a battle, … Continue reading Monday Motivation: The Art of Living

By kanayo

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Dream Again

April 19, 2022

“Happy, successful, fulfilled individuals understand that the future begins with what happens today…” Joel Osteen ‘your Best Life Now Journal’ Do you ever think about the dreams we had as children or inexperienced adolescents; dreams of grandiloquent and superfluous accomplishments and lifestyles, capped with world peace and eradication of hunger. I am willing to bet … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Dream Again

By kanayo

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Sources of inspiration

April 19, 2022

Watching life happen to you or another can easily form an avenue to inspire an article, a painting, a symposium or hangout of some sort. Daily, life offers us opportunities to write a script about an aspect of the chapter in the drama we witnessed – sometimes we do and it becomes a masterpiece. Other … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Sources of inspiration

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Draw it out from within

April 19, 2022

My 6-year-old child is blessed with a very creative mind, which enables him to draw pictures of animals and landscape from his mind and equally tell you the story behind each picture. My older child tried drawing too and to our amazement, she did quite well, though she’s more of a writer like me. However, … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Draw it out from within

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