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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 4 Powerful Mindsets That Will Make You Unstoppable In 2021

April 19, 2022

  It’s a new year! While this calls for celebration, a new year can be intimidating especially when it follows one that was undeniably tough. I’m not one to keep new year resolutions and neither do I encourage others to do so because of the undue pressures they come with. However, I believe it is … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 4 Powerful Mindsets That Will Make You Unstoppable In 2021

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 5 Ways To Overcome Fear

April 19, 2022

  Fear is a human emotion. It is valid. And like all human emotions, it is inescapable. Fear should be seen for what it is – the litmus test that differentiates the successful from the unsuccessful. It is through fear that we can determine what is what dying for (or what is what living for, … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 5 Ways To Overcome Fear

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Finishing Well

April 19, 2022

  How would you like to end the year 2020? On a blast or on a low note? The end of the year is a time to celebrate but it is also a time when we feel all kinds of emotions. On the one hand, we may be glad about our accomplishments, and on the … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Finishing Well

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: 25 Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey To Success

April 19, 2022

  The journey to success can be intimidating, especially when we realise we have many challenges to face, mistakes to makes, and lessons to learn from them. But we can learn to love this process and remember that each step we take draws us closer to greatness. Read more about Monday Motivation May these quotes … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 25 Quotes To Inspire You On Your Journey To Success

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: 30 Mental Toughness Quotes To Inspire You When The Going Gets Tough

April 19, 2022

  We all know giving up at the dying minute is the surest way to lose. Nevertheless, it is one thing to know in theory/principle and another to thing to execute. Thankfully, mental toughness is a quality that can be developed through practice. By constantly stretching beyond your comfort zone and taking on challenges that … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 30 Mental Toughness Quotes To Inspire You When The Going Gets Tough

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How To Trick Your Brain To Like Doing Hard Things

April 19, 2022

Though we would like it the other way round, nothing good comes easy. We have to put in the work if we want to see results and achieve success in life. But sometimes it is just plain hard. We all face this problem. We see the benefit of learning a skill to advance our careers … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How To Trick Your Brain To Like Doing Hard Things

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: How To Stop Caring About The Opinions Of Others

April 19, 2022

  Do you find yourself living your life according to how society dictates or letting the opinions of others determine the clothes you wear, the car you buy, or even the music you listen to? You’re not alone. Many of us obsess about what others think because of social conditioning. Society has programmed us to believe … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How To Stop Caring About The Opinions Of Others

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: 30 Quotes About The Importance Of Self Awareness

April 19, 2022

  The way we run our lives is largely dependent on our understanding of ourselves – our purpose and place in the universe. People who have no self-awareness are unable to set goals that align with their values and strengths. This ultimately leads to failure or a lack of satisfaction in what they have set … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 30 Quotes About The Importance Of Self Awareness

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 6 Habits Of Incredibly Happy People

April 19, 2022

  We’ve all heard the phrase “happiness is free”. It’s a cliche but it stands true. Happy people are not defined by the things they possess or achieve. Instead, they are defined by a mindset that helps them thrive and lead a successful life. Read more about Monday Motivation In this article, you’ll discover 6 … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 6 Habits Of Incredibly Happy People

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How To Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: How To Take Ownership Of Your Life

April 19, 2022

  There’s no denying that we have little to no control over the things that happen to us early in life. We don’t choose our parents, our schools, or where we grew up. To a large extent, most of the situations we find ourselves in when we’re children are determined by those who serve as … Continue reading Monday Motivation: How To Take Ownership Of Your Life

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 25 Uplifting Quotes About Finding Your Purpose

April 19, 2022

  Many are unaware, but finding your purpose is a life-long quest. True, a few individuals are lucky enough to discover what they were put on this earth to do early on. However, finding purpose is a constant struggle for the majority. If you’re one of the many in search of meaning in life, these … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 25 Uplifting Quotes About Finding Your Purpose

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Motivation Vs Discipline

April 19, 2022

  Motivation and discipline are two words that get thrown around a lot in the self-improvement community. One energises you and prompts you to take action towards a certain goal while the other sustains you through your journey and must be honed like a skill. But what is the difference between them? Read more about Monday … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Motivation Vs Discipline

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: Being Yourself

April 19, 2022

    “Being yourself” is a message that has been around for a long time. We see it in books, films, the media, and across other facets of pop culture. Many welcome the idea of being one’s self because it indicates freedom, self-worth, and confidence. Someone who has experienced true self-acceptance has a high sense … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Being Yourself

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 30 Quotes About Learning And Self Development

April 19, 2022

  The road to mastery is long and arduous, often involving deliberate practise commitment and a relentless spirit. Although these secrets for success are common knowledge, implementing them is easier said than done. Read more about Monday Motivation If you have the desire to know more and expand your skillset, then you are already on … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 30 Quotes About Learning And Self Development

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: Spotting Opportunities

April 19, 2022

  The very idea of taking or seizing opportunities is that you spot them in the first place. Those who see opportunities first are uniquely placed to take advantage of them. Thus, this Monday I want to dwell on this subject. Read more about Monday Motivation Opportunities are the vehicles of our success in any … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Spotting Opportunities

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