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GoMyWay is a ride-sharing marketplace connecting passengers with ride owners going along the same route and have empty seats to spare. GoMyWay offers a cheap and convenient way to travel on long-distance trips across the country or simply to commute within your city. 

Here are some of the features the company offers:

  • When you offer a ride, the platform calculates a recommended price based on the “GoMyWay formula” which takes into account fuel cost and distance.

  • Ride owners are free to charge lesser or higher than the recommended price. However, there’s a maximum limit as the service was not built for profit-making ventures or taxi services.

  • There are 4 verification levels in place. The higher the verification level, the more likely it is that people will share a ride with that member.

  • Members can set their car preferences (e.g no smoking) so others know what to expect.

  • After a ride, you can leave ratings and reviews on your co-travelers profile page.

  • Members get notified of activities on their profile or messages from other members by email and more importantly, SMS.

Interesting right? We thought so too, but don’t take our word for it; please check out the website, sign up to explore the platform and possibly offer/join a ride to fully enjoy the experience and let us know what you think.

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This article was first published on 30th June 2015


Ejura Salihu is an Anatomist, Writer and Editor. She is currently the Editor-in-chief for Connect Nigeria. You can contact her via email: or follow her on twitter @icyquin_msc

Comments (3)

3 thoughts on “Introducing GoMyWay, Nigeria’s Latest Ride Sharing Platform”

  • sam

    This wow. Thanks connectnigeria for keeping me abreast on the latest info.

    • Thank you @Samson. Please share this article with your friends as well. Thanks for reading and dropping your comment.

  • Nice one keep it up

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