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stop-sign Tolerance is key when interacting with other people with different backgrounds, beliefs and ways of life but there are some unnecessary, annoying and most frustrating things that you should not condone. Life is meant to be enjoyed and not endured. When these unnecessary exhausting things come your way, you have every right to face them with an instant “STOP” sign! 1. Stagnancy: When activities are becoming too routine-like and downright boring to you, pick up your “STOP” sign. The fullness of life is in the experiences that stay with you as your fondest memories so don’t be afraid of having new experiences. 2. Bitterness and resentment: Remember that these bad feelings weigh on you like a burden more than the person they are directed towards. In fact, if you don’t tell, the person you are hating cannot be affected at all by your bitterness and your resentment. So if you are not telling, you should be forgiving them and stopping it. 3. Arguments that goes on and on and on: I’m not here to burst your bubble but there are some hostile people out there and once they take you up on an argument, Lord! Do they ever stop? Identify such arguments and such people and don’t waste your breath. Times like this, the gift of silence is ahh… so refreshing. 4. Duplicity: Deceitful people and cheaters are very exhausting people. There is nothing wrong in giving people chances to prove themselves again and again. Sometimes, we need more chances to prove that we can do better but when you find someone who takes your heart for granted and gives insincere apologies and excuses to get more chances, you know what to do. 5. Focusing on people who don’t like you: A friend of mine one day updated his status thus: “It is an anomaly for everyone to like you”. Other motivational speakers/experts have said the same thing in different ways too. If some group of people don’t like you, it is alright because there are some people who do… people who think you are sunshine and they don’t love you for the flimsiest reasons. They love you because they love YOU. 6. Feeling guilty and unworthy because of your imperfections: How do I break this to you? We all are imperfect people but the difference is that some of us are looking to the stars, working out our salvation, working hard at becoming better. So there is no need to feel guilty or unworthy. In fact such feelings are useless and downright exhausting if you are not doing something about yourself. 7. Gossiping: I have a strong aversion for this one. One, it is a time waster. Two, gossipers assume the place of a judge; it is just that this judge has no idea of what he/she is talking about. Three, gossipers gossip about each other. Four, it is a negative attitude that keeps you focusing on the wrong things. Five, gossipers have no idea that they are gossipers. Six, gossipers hardly make a valuable difference in their friends’ lives or in the society. Seven, it is an annoyingly exhausting activity. Need I say more? Place a big “STOP” sign against it.

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This article was first published on 2nd November 2014

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