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It is no secret that ladies love high heeled shoes, they make the feet look gorgeous and give an impression of a taller appearance. Too bad ladies cannot wear high heels everywhere as they can get quite uncomfortable. Heels are mostly worn to events, parties and celebrations as they are not meant for everyday use and they can hurt the feet when worn for a long time especially if they are do not fit properly. This brings us to issue of shopping. High heels are not meant to be purchased simply because they look good, although it is a factor to consider too. When shopping for heels, here are some key things to have in mind before purchasing them:

  1. The inches: Some people are capable of wearing a seven-inch shoe without a problem while others cannot go above three inches. Know your capacity before heading out to shop for heels. Do not be deceived by the sellers who promise that you would have no problem walking in really high shoes, remember you are the one that will wear the heels, not them.

  1. The brand: So there are designer shoes and locally made ones, it is up to you to choose which one satisfies your needs best. Locally made heels are usually cheaper than the designer ones which tend to be a little pricey. You do not expect a Louis Vuitton shoe to be in the same price range as the locally manufactured ones. Bottom line, know the brand you are looking for before shopping.

  1. The quality: We all know how embarrassing and uncomfortable it is to walk with broken heels. Before buying the shoe, inspect it properly, if it is cheap check it more than once to be sure that you are actually getting value for your money. Sometimes cheap shoes may last longer than the overpriced ones but one has to be very careful so as to avoid being tricked or exploited. If the price sounds too good to be true, it is better to walk away.

  1. The size: This is the major reason for discomfort when wearing shoes in general. Most times we purchase the shoes because they look attractive and appealing, then we find ways to squeeze the feet into them. Tricks like stuffing the shoe with tissue paper and forcing the feet into it then come into play. If the shoe is not a perfect size for you, the decision is simple: do not buy. Move on and check out the other ones that meet your requirements.

  1. The style: Before leaving your house, you know what you had in mind, you probably knew the colour and design of heels you are shopping for. It is important to keep the style you want in mind, do not be seduced by all the shiny stuff, stick to the one that works best for you and ignore all the others. High heel shopping is full of many temptations that may not actually fit your specifications, so know your style before venturing out.

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This article was first published on 9th September 2016


Opoola Jelifat is a young and passionate writer. She holds a B.Sc degree in Microbiology and enjoys reading, cooking and writing on real life issues. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree at the University of Ibadan. Contact her on, and via Twitter and facebook by clicking the icons below.

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