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It was a thunderous applause for the Honourable Minister of Communication and Technology, Barrister Adebayo Shittu yesterday at the 2017 ICTEL EXPO of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in Eko Hotel &Suites. Reason? He guaranteed federal government’s support to a local Manufacturer of Mobile Phones-Afrione, provided its phones are certified to be of good quality by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). The company, like HP, had unveiled some products at the event. Also, Founder of CHAMS PLc -Sir Ademola Aladekomo- thrilled guests, just as he sent not a few thinking about their future. With impressive statistics, Aladekomo made it clear that embracing technology and getting connected digitally is the way to go because “If you do not change, change will come to you and it will be disastrous if you don’t change”. As far as the ICT expert is concerned, Journalists and Publishers who are still not on the digital platform should be ready to be jobless shortly, just as employees in the Oil and Gas sector must realise that vehicles and generators will eventually stop needing their services, Indeed, it was a very interesting day as Lagos State also disclosed that it would soon increase the number of locations where Lagosians enjoy free internet services from two to eight, even as Rack Centre’s Ayo Coker dazzled many with facts and figures on DATA, POWER SUPPLY and why QUALITY should be the single greatest goal of everyone in all their endeavors. So many other participants, including the President, The Association of Telecommunication Companies of Nigeria-Mr Olu Teniola, The Managing Director of Accenture-Mr Niyi Yusuf and the Founder of Flying Doctors Nigeria-Dr Ola Orekunri were simply at their best. The exhibition stands were a great beauty to behold, with VODACOM, HP, Afrione, MainOne and others showcasing dazzling sights and very good products. On a lighter mood, three lucky winners went home with brand new Afrifone through a raffle draw that would be done one more time. Beautiful and Colourful LCCI President-Chief, Dr (Mrs) Nike Akande was simply full of joy that the first day was very successful. Today, the EXPO will feature MAINONE, HP and SAMSUNG in three conference sessions. For MAINONE at 9.00am, the topic is: “The Intersection of Big Data, Cloud and Mobility-Realizing Opportunities and Overcoming Key Challenges”. HP’s 10.00 am conference is on “The Path to Growth: Driving the economy through Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship” while SAMSUNG’s 11.30 am conference is on “A Deep Dive into Connected schools-Challenges, Opportunities & Hurdles”. Of course, the exhibitions continue till Thursday when the EXPO will end!  

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This article was first published on 26th July 2017 and updated on July 30th, 2017 at 4:33 pm

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