Android phones have so many free applications that do amazing things. There’s an app you can download from Google Playstore called Microphone, which turns your android phone into a ‘mic’ when you connect your Android device to a Bluetooth speaker.
Wondering why you would possibly want to turn your phone into a mic. Well, imagine you plan an event and your PA system fails you, this tip could serve as a quick fix. Convinced yet? Alright f
ollow these steps to turn your phone into a microphone.
- Visit the Google Playstore, and install ‘Microphone.’
- Connect your Android smartphone to your Bluetooth speaker.
- Open the downloaded Microphone app to adjust mic to desired effect.
- Speak into the mouthpiece of your phone and your voice would project from your Bluetooth speaker.
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This article was first published on 20th June 2017
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Kofoworola Omotayo is a freelance writer, a lover of tech and a literature monger. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy and a member of Nigerian Institute of Management. He enjoys approaching issues from logical and empirical perspective. His twitter handle @heir_ptahyor and Gmail: kofoworolaomotayo[@]
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