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giving-up1-e1400169328824   By Esther Chidinma  “A wise man forgets himself into greatness; A wise man forgets his rights but remembers responsibilities; A wise man forgets his convenience but remembers his debts to others; A wise man forgets his privileges but remembers his obligations”. William Authur When special people touch our lives, we suddenly see how beautiful our world can be. They show us further by helping us look inward and believe in who we are. When these people touch our lives, they teach us how to live; they also bless us with their love and joy through everything they give. Does that reflect the kind of person you are? When you get involved in helping others realize their dreams, you are indeed bringing the realization of your own dreams closer. Moreover, do you know that sooner than later the kindness and consideration you show to others will come back to you? That is a spiritual principle that is as sure as the laws of nature; you reap what you sow.  What happens through you speaks of your charisma, because charismatic people do not only want to win, they want others to win too. When you treat people with respect, you earn theirs in return and affect them positively by your example. A person must soon forget himself to be long remembered and to achieve that, you must empty your days of the search for security and fill them with a passion for service and quest for creativity. Pitiably, people find it difficult to positively touch lives in our times because our lives have been saddled with lots of pressure; family, societal, economic, emotional and a whole lot more. However, service is as easy as breathing when we are committed.  Let us look at tips that could help us be better people. BE A GOOD LISTENER: You can do this by listening when people talk. Let yourself be absorbed into their world for a change. Read, watch, listen to the news and pick up new things to learn about. THINK ABOUT HOW PEOPLE FEEL: When you think about people, you want to ensure you try not to do things that would hurt them. BE SELFLESS WITHOUT RECOGNITION: Do not act to get credit, if it is the right thing to do, do it and feel good. BE HAPPY WHEN PEOPLE ARE HAPPY: Relish that feeling you get when you help others to be happy because you are likely to find your happiness there. TAKE A CLUE FROM SELFLESS PEOPLE: It is not always pleasurable to be selfless. It takes a lot of discipline to go out of your way to make someone happy even when you are not. However, when you walk in the steps of great selfless people, it begins to come to you naturally. FORGIVE, FORGET AND LET GO: Forgiveness is not always for the other person, many times it is for you. Let it go and move on, one day you will need to be forgiven to. VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME AND SKILLS: Money is not everything; love is. Help people without expecting anything in return. DONATE WHAT YOU CAN: Food, clothes (new wears or fairly used), money and any other material items even if it means sacrificing a few extras. ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS: A smile, a word of encouragement, a call and checking up especially at difficult times can lift a depressed spirit. FINALLY, TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF. You cannot give what you do not have. Being selfless can take a toll on you if you do not rejuvenate. You do not have to say yes to everything. Take a break, step back and give yourself a treat because you are just as important as everyone else is. There is always a reward for service, which is higher service. If you think you’ve served, buckle up for greater service but if you haven’t, go put a smile on someone’s face today to fill that vacuum and emptiness in your own life.       chidinma   About the author; Esther Chidinma is an English graduate from the University of Nigeria Nsukka and has a diploma in Customer Service and Telemarketing from Telemarketing Diploma Houston Texas.  She is a writer, blogger and an ardent reader who has an interest in impacting youth. you can find her on Twitter @chidinmaesther2, and read more of her work at                                      

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This article was first published on 15th May 2014

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