Archives Tag: skills

Personal Development

10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Your Strategic Thinking Skills

April 19, 2022

One of the most valuable skills you should always develop is your strategic thinking skills. Have you ever sat in a board meeting and everyone is asked to put on their thinking cap? Maybe the company is faced with low sales or productivity. It will take strategic thinking to wriggle out of such a situation. … Continue reading 10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Your Strategic Thinking Skills

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Some Of The Best Ways To Acquire New Skill In Your Industry

April 19, 2022

  Change is a constant characteristic of life, covering all aspects of human endeavours. This means so long as existence and time are concerned, things are bound to evolve, not excluding the place of your career. Read more about Career Every day, the demands for goods and services change due to new needs emerging. Industries … Continue reading Some Of The Best Ways To Acquire New Skill In Your Industry

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CAREER Did You Know?

The Skills Needed To Be A Hotshot In The Labour Market

April 19, 2022

Due to the swirls of technology, the Nigerian Labour market is fast undergoing revolutionary changes. The available organisations have begun to dance to the tunes of such changes and have reformed the basic requirement of certain jobs to suit the current trend. Read more about Career Most of these organisations have also made sweeping decisions … Continue reading The Skills Needed To Be A Hotshot In The Labour Market

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How To Create a Career Plan the Right Way

April 19, 2022

A career plan is a clear strategy for ascertaining your skills, your ideal career path or destination, and the resources you will need to get there. You create this plan when you want to be deliberate about your career journey. It’s like a roadmap, complete with the important details that’ll help you on the way. Read … Continue reading How To Create a Career Plan the Right Way

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How to Make a Successful Career Switch

April 19, 2022

Maybe your present situation makes you want to change your career. You can’t see a path up the ladder from where you are, and you think it’s better to move in the horizontal direction. Or you don’t feel like you’re making the most of your skills where you’re currently at. But you’re also afraid to make … Continue reading How to Make a Successful Career Switch

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Health Personal Development

Top 7 Skills You Can Learn During the Coronavirus Lockdown

April 19, 2022

If you’re like most working people, the lockdown forced by the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that you have more time on your hands at this time. And you might be wondering how you’re going to spend it. How about learning new skills that you could use in the near future? By learning a skill, you … Continue reading Top 7 Skills You Can Learn During the Coronavirus Lockdown

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Business Growth Tips: Practice Active Listening

April 19, 2022

The strength of your relationship with your customers and coworkers is partly determined by the nature of your communication with them. Listening forms an important half of the communication process; if you’re not listening to what customers are saying, you may fail to respond as they would like. If this becomes a pattern, your relationship … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: Practice Active Listening

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The HR Hub: Getting The Right Talent For Startups

April 19, 2022

Startups face a peculiar challenge when it comes to hiring the right talent and the reasons are not far-fetched. Coupled with a dearth of skills is the scramble for the few available skills/talents by the big brands/top organizations. So, when it comes to hiring top talents, it seems like the smaller brands do not stand … Continue reading The HR Hub: Getting The Right Talent For Startups

By soluchi

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SME 101: Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

April 19, 2022

Thought Leader ‘Michael Gerber’ says that entrepreneurs need five core skills: Concentration, Discrimination, Organisation, Innovation and Communication. I agree, but I believe there are some other skills the Nigerian entrepreneur must master to make it in our milieu. Writing from the perspective of a local business run with global best practices, I will chunk the … Continue reading SME 101: Top Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have

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Website Review

Websites We Love:

April 19, 2022

Social skills and decorum are some of the most cardinal attributes that get people far in both in corporate and private spheres life. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with these attributes. Whilst some people have them in abundance, the same can’t be said for others. The good news, however, is that while these qualities are innate … Continue reading Websites We Love:

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Connect Nigeria’s Top 100 SMEs: Skills Tribe

April 19, 2022

Meeting people and networking comes easy for some people, but for others, it could be a herculean task. Yet, because man is and can never be an island of himself, meeting people is a necessity. As a matter of fact, networking is a great key that could open the door to bigger successes in just … Continue reading Connect Nigeria’s Top 100 SMEs: Skills Tribe

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8 Business Negotiation Skills You Should Have

April 19, 2022

Unless you’ve built yourself to accept uncertainty in good fate, you’ll have a knot in your belly when it becomes clear that you’re going to be negotiating anything with a potentially difficult person. It’s the sort of stuff that keeps some of us awake at night. But there’s always a way to win, even in … Continue reading 8 Business Negotiation Skills You Should Have

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Personal Development

Ways To Develop Your Analytical Skills

April 19, 2022

There are many skills that collectively develop our innate nature. In simplest terms, analytical skills describe our ability to understand and solve riddle-like problems using the information that is available to us. Ways to develop your strategic and analytical skills: Be a collector: Collect ideas, stories, samples, people, and insights. This is the best way … Continue reading Ways To Develop Your Analytical Skills

By adepeju

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Simple Bedroom Organization Ideas for the Holiday

April 19, 2022

Cleaning and organizing your room is very daunting, with the holiday approaching, you become very busy to unclutter the room. Its best before the holiday chills catch up with you, to take a step back and really arrange the bedroom along with other rooms. You can do this by getting rid of what you do not … Continue reading Simple Bedroom Organization Ideas for the Holiday

By adepeju

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Personal Development

5 Steps To Developing Your Skillset

April 19, 2022

“Every man has specific skill, whether it is discovered or not, that more readily and naturally it would come to him than it would come to another, and his own should be sought and polished.  He excels best in his niche…”  —Criss Jami If William Shakespeare had at any time of his life refused to … Continue reading 5 Steps To Developing Your Skillset

By adepeju

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