Archives Tag: mindset

Personal Development

How to Use Positive Affirmations to Chart the Course of Your Week

April 19, 2022

  Positive affirmations can help you steer your week in a positive direction. By using simple, positive statements, you can boost your confidence, enhance your focus, and create a mindset geared towards success. Here’s a guide on how to effectively use positive affirmations to chart the course of your week. Read more about Personal Development … Continue reading How to Use Positive Affirmations to Chart the Course of Your Week

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BUSINESS mental health

5 Ways Your Mindset Affects Your Business 

April 19, 2022

When we speak of mindset, we are simply referring to the set of beliefs you hold about yourself concerning all that you do. Your mindset affects everything about you – the way you think, the way you speak, the way you act and who you relate with. One other important area that your mindset affects is … Continue reading 5 Ways Your Mindset Affects Your Business 

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Personal Development

The Types Of Mindset 

April 19, 2022

Mindset refers to a set of beliefs you hold that are shaped or formed from your past experiences and which affect or determine the way you think, see yourself, and act. The study of mindset just like most other concepts has a lot of research and studies were done in the past about it. In … Continue reading The Types Of Mindset 

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Personal Development

Mindset: What It Is And How It Is Formed 

April 19, 2022

When we speak of mindset, we are referring to a concept that affects everyone, no matter who you are, where you live or what financial status you currently have. You may have heard of mindset and how important it is in the life of every individual but you may not have known to what degree … Continue reading Mindset: What It Is And How It Is Formed 

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How To

How To Turn Losses Into Wins

April 19, 2022

Failure and losses are not the easiest experiences to have, largely because we are in a world that deals unkindly with failure. Success is largely personal, as many people enjoy the benefits of your success, likewise failure. Sometimes, it is the pressure of how we are perceived that makes us want to succeed the more. … Continue reading How To Turn Losses Into Wins

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: 25 Quotes About Abundance That Will Shift Your Mindset

April 19, 2022

  It is human nature to focus more on scarcity than abundance. We tend to wish our lives would be better if we had the latest cars, our dream job, or were born in a different country. Read more about Monday Motivation However, it is important to realise that true satisfaction comes from having a … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 25 Quotes About Abundance That Will Shift Your Mindset

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: 4 Simple Mindsets For Overcoming Fear 

April 19, 2022

  Most people, if given the chance, would snap their fingers if that’s what it takes to make their fears go away. The tragedy of fear is that it affects even the most capable. Read more about Monday Motivation If you feel you’re not reaching your full potential due to the fears holding you back, … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 4 Simple Mindsets For Overcoming Fear 

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: 4 Powerful Mindsets That Will Make You Unstoppable In 2021

April 19, 2022

  It’s a new year! While this calls for celebration, a new year can be intimidating especially when it follows one that was undeniably tough. I’m not one to keep new year resolutions and neither do I encourage others to do so because of the undue pressures they come with. However, I believe it is … Continue reading Monday Motivation: 4 Powerful Mindsets That Will Make You Unstoppable In 2021

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3 Things That Are Important For Your Business To Grow This Year

April 19, 2022

Welcome to 2018! The Holidays were quite amazing and I had 5 whole days to rest, eat and spend time with Family. Everything was dandy until I climbed the scale during my year-end medical check-up, and I had gained 4kg! That was the moment when my mind shifted back to ‘reality’ and I switched back … Continue reading 3 Things That Are Important For Your Business To Grow This Year

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Personal Development

New Year Revolution

April 19, 2022

[infobox maintitle=”” subtitle=”“Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” – Isaiah 43:19 (The Message)” bg=”gray” color=”black” opacity=”off” space=”30″ link=”no link”] Being … Continue reading New Year Revolution

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5 Ways to Develop the Mindset for Business Success

April 19, 2022

I live and breathe entrepreneurship because I am passionate about businesses succeeding and business owners truly enjoying what they are creating and getting rewarded for it. I became committed to helping businesses grow and succeed when I dealt with the struggles of running a small business for many years and had to let go it … Continue reading 5 Ways to Develop the Mindset for Business Success

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Fight the Battle in Your Head

April 19, 2022

BEFORE any battle is fought physically, it must have been fought first in the head. Every battle is won twice, first in your head, then second in your actions. Read what happened to Thomas Edison when he was a child. His teacher had written a ‘hate mail’ and sent to Thomas’ mother. “Your son is … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Fight the Battle in Your Head

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