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Personal Development

Do It Now

4th December 2016

Many of us dream, a lot of us dream, we want to be somebody. A person the world, or at least half of the world will stand in ovation for. But all that soon becomes “once upon a time”. We want to be the best, we fantasize on how much greatness we can achieve if … Continue reading Do It Now

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Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation: Fight the Battle in Your Head

5th September 2016

BEFORE any battle is fought physically, it must have been fought first in the head. Every battle is won twice, first in your head, then second in your actions. Read what happened to Thomas Edison when he was a child. His teacher had written a ‘hate mail’ and sent to Thomas’ mother. “Your son is … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Fight the Battle in Your Head

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Monday Motivation

What If?

15th August 2016


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Monday Motivation

Think Right

25th July 2016


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Hoping in the Face of Delayed Response

7th July 2016

Is there anyone anywhere who will send out a mail and not expect a reply from the recipient? Yet, that is the case we often find ourselves. We dream, we hope, we aspire and we love yet, no response from anywhere. There seems to be heavy traffic preventing the message from getting to the receiver … Continue reading Hoping in the Face of Delayed Response