Archives Tag: Hardwork


5 Ways to Recharge When You’ve Been Working Hard

April 19, 2022

We’ve heard variants of the admonition “work hard and play hard” since we were children. Does anyone remember “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? I remember seeing a tweet that said almost everything will work again if you unplug it and let it rest for a while, including ourselves. I totally … Continue reading 5 Ways to Recharge When You’ve Been Working Hard

By jehonwa

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What Does the Bible Say About Laziness?

April 19, 2022

It gives me no small comfort to know that regardless of what challenge I’m facing at any time, the Bible has something to say. From anger, to too much talk, sound counsel abounds in the Bible. It is not silent on the issue of laziness either. Is it merely a bad habit, or a potentially … Continue reading What Does the Bible Say About Laziness?

By jehonwa

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Are You Too Lazy To Be Rich?

April 19, 2022

I’ve never been as astounded by the allure of “free money” that was not worked for, as I was this year in Nigeria. I was discussing with a friend how anyone who is observant will notice how hard people with genuine wealth work. They work hard for their money! And yet people who don’t want … Continue reading Are You Too Lazy To Be Rich?

By jehonwa

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: Five Common Reasons for Failure

April 19, 2022

People lament bitterly after failing at one endeavor or another. They blame failure on many things including inanimate objects. Although it is normal for human beings to want to shift the blame and deny responsibility for their actions, the fact still remains that the main reason for failure can usually be traced back to the … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Five Common Reasons for Failure

By jelifat

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Monday Motivation Personal Development

Monday Motivation: Four Attributes of Successful People

April 19, 2022

No matter the state of the economy, there are some people that will not be affected as much as the normal folk, these people are the successful ones amidst us. The million dollar question is what makes them more successful than the ordinary people? This can be traced to some special qualities they exhibit and … Continue reading Monday Motivation: Four Attributes of Successful People

By jelifat

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Personal Development

Four Simple Tips to Combat Laziness

April 19, 2022

Ever felt that force compelling you to sit back and do nothing even when there is a huge amount of work to be done? That is the force of laziness that allows you to become idle when there are activities you should be engaged. When asked to picture a lazy person, the first image that … Continue reading Four Simple Tips to Combat Laziness

By jelifat

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The Incredible Benefits of Patience

April 19, 2022

Isn’t it difficult to watch everyone make progress while it looks like your life is at a standstill? It can be quite frustrating. I know because I have been there myself. You never realise how important patience is until you get to the point where it seems as if your dreams will never come true. … Continue reading The Incredible Benefits of Patience

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CAREER Opinion

Why Is Talent Never Enough?

April 19, 2022

Talent and skill are often misunderstood by many people. Some talented people erroneously believe they will get to the top on account of their talent alone and many people who have potential for success consider themselves ‘talentless’  and have admitted defeat even before they try. What is talent and what makes it different from skill? … Continue reading Why Is Talent Never Enough?

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