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Miyan kuka, which is also known as luru soup, is a Nigerian soup that hails from Northern Nigeria. This soup is green in colour. It is also very easy to prepare. Two vital ingredients for making miyan kuka are ground baobab leaves which is also known as kuka powder and dried catfish. Miyan kuka is to the Hausa-Fulani what ewedu soup is to the Yoruba. Today, I’ll be sharing the recipe for this soup with you. Please note that palm oil is an optional addition to this soup.

Read more about Miyan Kuka

Ingredients for Miyan Kuka

Dried catfish


Kuka powder




Locust bean



Seasoning cubes

Palm oil


How to Cook

Rinse the beef to eliminate sand. Put the meat in a clean pot and season with onions, pepper, seasoning cubes and salt. Cook on medium heat till the meat is tender.

Debone and rinse the dried catfish. Set it aside for later use.

Peel the ginger and garlic. Rinse it alongside the pepper and blend with the wet mill blender. Grind the crayfish and the locust bean with the dry mill blender. Use a fine colander to sift the kuka powder to get rid of tiny leaf particles in it. Set these aside for later use.  

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When the meat is tender, add more water to the pot. Please note that the quantity of soup that you want to make determines the quantity of water that will be added to the pot.

Add palm oil and the blended ingredients to the pot. Add the dried catfish too. Allow the soup to cook on medium heat. Taste the soup and if need be, adjust the seasoning.

The next step is to add the kuka powder. In adding kuka powder to the soup, care must be taken to avoid having a lumpy soup. If you’re making this soup for the first time, the easiest way to achieve the desired result is to first remove all the meat and fish in the pot. Afterwards, add the kuka powder and whisk continuously till a lump-free consistency is achieved. Once this is achieved, return the meat to the soup.

Allow the soup to simmer on low heat for about ten minutes.  Turn off the heat and serve hot with tuwo shinkafa or tuwo dawa.


African Food Network


Featured image source: Onyx Food Hill

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This article was first published on 15th January 2020


Udevi, Obiamaka Angela holds a Master of Arts degree in History & International Studies. She's a freelance writer with a passion for food and healthy living. She can be contacted through her email address,

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