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Seedstars World Competition is the biggest startup competition across the emerging world markets. The competition is aimed at scouting for young entrepreneurs across the globe who are top high growth start-ups and entrepreneurs, with a maximum of  2 years in the industry, a maximum of 0.5million US Dollars for funding, a Minimum Viable Product and a need to use technology to solve a local or regional issue.
  • The aim of the competition is to push start-up businesses to the path of global success.
If you are interested, apply to the local competitions near you, pitch and impress the investor’s jury at the local competition, get to win locally to join the global competition. However, make sure you have a venture profile published on VC4Africa platform, a leading startups community platform, attached with your most recent pitch. The winner of each local events would be invited to Switzerland to represent his venture and country. The Application Deadline is on 10th November 2017. However, visit the website for the detailed schedule of your country.  Nigeria’s top cities are Abuja and Lagos: For Abuja, the event date is August 20, Hence registration deadline is on August 6 and for Lagos City, the event date is on August 25 and Application deadline August 11. Your startup needs to compete for equity Investment, Coverage and Prestige, PARTNERSHIPS with other close knitted Seedstars members.  Visit here for more information.

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This article was first published on 11th August 2017

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