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7 Ways to Get Media Attention for Your Business

April 19, 2022

  What business doesn’t want some positive coverage from the media? It’s the sort of thing that boosts a brand’s visibility, increases interest in it, and potentially generates a lot more visits and sign-ups from the public. If you’re an entrepreneur, you’d certainly want to know how to get media attention for your business. Read … Continue reading 7 Ways to Get Media Attention for Your Business

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Social Media

How To Build an Email List for Your Business from Scratch

April 19, 2022

  Building an email list is one of the most effective ways to connect with potential customers and drive business growth. According to a report by DMA, email marketing yields an average ROI of 3800%, making it a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. However, starting from scratch can seem daunting if you don’t … Continue reading How To Build an Email List for Your Business from Scratch

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Social Media

Top Behind-the-Scenes Content Ideas to Humanize Your Brand on Social Media

April 19, 2022

  When scrolling through social media, we’re bombarded with carefully crafted images and messages from brands trying to sell us something. While those polished posts have their place in marketing, customers nowadays crave more authenticity too.  People want to see the real humans behind the company logos and product shots. They’re drawn to brands that … Continue reading Top Behind-the-Scenes Content Ideas to Humanize Your Brand on Social Media

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Abeokuta Tech Expo 2024: Building The Technologist In You

April 19, 2022

  As the world accelerates towards a future dominated by technology, staying abreast of the latest advancements has never been more critical. The Abeokuta Tech Expo by RIFFUTURES is not just another event; it’s a gateway to understanding and embracing the technologies that will shape our tomorrow. Aimed specifically at teens, young and even old … Continue reading Abeokuta Tech Expo 2024: Building The Technologist In You

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Developing a Unique Brand Positioning Statement for Your Startup

April 19, 2022

  In the world of startups, where there’s a constant struggle to be heard by an audience with increasingly limited attention spans, it’s extremely important to establish a strong brand identity. One of the foundational elements of this identity is the brand positioning statement. Crafted effectively, this succinct declaration can set your startup apart, communicate … Continue reading Developing a Unique Brand Positioning Statement for Your Startup

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How To Choose the Right Tech Device Vendor for Your Business

April 19, 2022

  The quality of work your business does is partly dependent on the sort of technologies that are available to you. They could be laptops for remote work, tablets for presentations, or specialized tools for industry-specific tasks; whatever they are, the right tech gadgets can make all the difference. However, with a wide range of … Continue reading How To Choose the Right Tech Device Vendor for Your Business

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Social Media

How To Incorporate Trending Topics into Your Social Media Strategy

April 19, 2022

  Trends come and go at lightning speed. One day everyone’s talking about a viral dance challenge, and the next it’s an unexpected celebrity moment or clever new meme format. Keeping up with what’s trending can feel dizzying! But for businesses with a smart social media strategy, capitalizing on trending topics presents a major opportunity. … Continue reading How To Incorporate Trending Topics into Your Social Media Strategy

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The Power of Niche Marketing: Attracting Your Ideal Customer

April 19, 2022

  As a business owner, you want to attract as many customers as possible, right? The more, the merrier! But actually, taking a niche marketing approach and targeting a specific, well-defined group is often the better strategy. Think of it like archery – you want to hit the bullseye, not just the target. Read more … Continue reading The Power of Niche Marketing: Attracting Your Ideal Customer

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How To Effectively Employ Word-of-Mouth Marketing for Your Business

April 19, 2022

  When it comes to marketing, word-of-mouth is still one of the most powerful tools. Why? Because people trust recommendations from family and friends over traditional advertising. If someone they know raves about your product or service, they are much more likely to become a customer too. Read more about Business Word-of-mouth marketing happens when … Continue reading How To Effectively Employ Word-of-Mouth Marketing for Your Business

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Social Media

Utilizing Instagram Stories and TikTok Reels for Engagement

April 19, 2022

  Social media has transformed how brands and individuals connect with their audiences, offering various tools for creative expression and interaction. Among these, Instagram Stories and TikTok Reels have become pivotal for engaging users, providing a platform for ephemeral content that is both immediate and impactful. Read more about Social Media These features allow creators … Continue reading Utilizing Instagram Stories and TikTok Reels for Engagement

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7 Market Research Strategies Every Business Should Employ

April 19, 2022

  Understanding your target audience, competitors, and industry trends is essential for making informed decisions and staying ahead of the curve. However, with the abundance of data and information available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we’ve compiled seven effective market research strategies to help your business thrive. Read more … Continue reading 7 Market Research Strategies Every Business Should Employ

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Personal Development

Video Conferencing Etiquette: 6 Tips You Should Know

April 19, 2022

  As remote work and virtual meetings become increasingly prevalent, mastering video conferencing etiquette has become crucial for effective communication and collaboration. There are rules to follow when you’re having a physical team meeting, conducting a client presentation, or participating in a job interview. Rules also apply when you do these things virtually. Following proper … Continue reading Video Conferencing Etiquette: 6 Tips You Should Know

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How To Tell Stories With Your Marketing Content

April 19, 2022

  Telling stories with your marketing content is a great way to connect with your audience and make your brand more relatable. Whether you’re promoting a product, sharing a customer testimonial, or highlighting your company’s values, storytelling can help you captivate your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression. In this article, I share with … Continue reading How To Tell Stories With Your Marketing Content

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7 Things Customers Want from Your Product

April 19, 2022

  Your business exists to satisfy the needs of its customers. If you’re selling them products that meet their needs, you’ll have a reasonable chance of succeeding with your enterprise. But if you aren’t giving them what they want, they’ll get it elsewhere, and your business will lose their patronage. Read more about Business What … Continue reading 7 Things Customers Want from Your Product

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Mastering Customer Experience: Implementing an Effective CX Strategy

April 19, 2022

  In today’s highly competitive business landscape, where products and services can often be commoditized, customer experience (CX) has emerged as a key differentiator for brands seeking to stand out from the crowd and foster customer loyalty. A well-executed CX strategy goes beyond simply providing good customer service; it encompasses every interaction a customer has … Continue reading Mastering Customer Experience: Implementing an Effective CX Strategy

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