
Search result for: marketing tips

Tourism Travel

Travel Tips: Dos And Don’ts For Your First Trip As A Couple

April 19, 2022

  During this period, a lot of couples will tie the knot and plan their first trip as a couple for their honeymoon. We can’t stress enough how big a deal this is. The ember periods are the busiest periods for travellers. Read more about Travel and Tourism This adds its own pressures to planning … Continue reading Travel Tips: Dos And Don’ts For Your First Trip As A Couple

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Tips On How To Rebrand Your Business

April 19, 2022

  To rebrand a business is to change or modify specific aspects of the business, such as the logo, brand colours, brand name, packaging and others. Over the years, several businesses have rebranded successfully. Their reasons, most times, are to give their customers more value, enhance their experiences with the products, make products more interesting … Continue reading Tips On How To Rebrand Your Business

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Business Growth Tips: How To Simplify Your Business Operations

April 19, 2022

  Running a business is hard enough. But when its everyday operations become a tangled web of complicated steps, it’ll become even more difficult to manage. Read more about Business Growth Tips Unfortunately, this is the reality faced by many entrepreneurs. For some reason, their business has become progressively tougher to keep tabs on. This … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Simplify Your Business Operations

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The 3-Fold Coil To Marketing Success (Hook, Story, Offer)

April 19, 2022

  A marketing communication strategy should not be left to chance. For every marketing content lies a message which the marketer uses to attract the attention of a segmented audience to make purchases. Read more about Business In a world where people listen and are exposed to billions of advertising content per day, finding ways … Continue reading The 3-Fold Coil To Marketing Success (Hook, Story, Offer)

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The Five Love Languages Of Digital Marketing

April 19, 2022

  The best companies are those whose customers feel important and understand that they are indispensable. Companies who have a kind of love affair with their customers will take in millions of dollars. When your business develops a kind of courtship with customers, you’re sure to keep them for long and enjoy each others business … Continue reading The Five Love Languages Of Digital Marketing

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Business Growth Tips: How To Make Your Brand More Visible

April 19, 2022

  The typical business owner wants their brand to be known by their target audience. That’s why entrepreneurs devote a lot of effort—and money –to connecting with potential customers. Smart businesspeople have a marketing strategy and budget that takes care of this. Read more about Business growth tips There are lots of ways to make … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Make Your Brand More Visible

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5 Tips To Applying For An SME Loan In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  In Nigeria today, many great business ideas die because of funding. Not because the business idea is trash, or because the business owner did not do their best but simply because of the necessary funding needed to expand. Read more about Business On the other hand, there are financial institutions whose main function is … Continue reading 5 Tips To Applying For An SME Loan In Nigeria

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Business Growth Tips: How To Reach New Customers With Cross Promotion

April 19, 2022

  Proactive businesses are always seeking new, effective ways to grow their customer base. This is understandable; the more paying customers they have, the higher their sales will be, other factors held constant. And if they’re able to find an approach to marketing that works and costs little or no money, they’ll jump on it … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Reach New Customers With Cross Promotion

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Influencer Marketing Strategies That Work

April 19, 2022

  Sometimes, gaining rapid brand awareness as a business can be tough when the business relies only on its powers. This is where influencer marketing comes in. Read more about Business Influencers are brought into the picture to help promote the brand and raise credibility in the eyes and minds of the outside world. Oftentimes, … Continue reading Influencer Marketing Strategies That Work

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Business Growth Tips: How To Gain Customer Trust And Improve Sales

April 19, 2022

  Trust is at the foundation of every thriving relationship. People can maintain deep, fruitful friendships with each other if they believe that they can trust that their friends and partners have good intentions towards them. Read more about Business growth tips This is also true of Business-to-Customer (B2C) relationships. A business can gain its … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Gain Customer Trust And Improve Sales

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BUSINESS Social Media

7 Laws Of Social Media Marketing

April 19, 2022

  Social media marketing is just like every other phenomenon that works based on principles. They can be applied to any kind of business, to achieve similar results. Here are 10 different, applicable social media marketing laws that can begin to yield results and change your marketing game almost immediately. Read more about Social media … Continue reading 7 Laws Of Social Media Marketing

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BUSINESS Social Media

Tips For Picking The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business

April 19, 2022

  It is no joke that online platforms and social media are the future of marketing. With the advent of the pandemic, every activity and business that desires to embrace sustainability and continuity has had to create virtual platforms, that cuts across every physical limitation. But a challenge poses when you are unsure as to … Continue reading Tips For Picking The Best Social Media Platform For Your Business

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Steps To Setting Up A Marketing Automation Platform

April 19, 2022

  According to a definition by Sales Force, “marketing automation is technology that manages marketing processes and multifunctional campaigns, across multiple channels, automatically”. Marketing automation helps businesses send automated messages as emails, web messages, SMS and across their social media platforms via workflows. These workflows are already established templates that are repeatedly used to shoot … Continue reading Steps To Setting Up A Marketing Automation Platform

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Business Growth Tips: How To Diversify Your Customer Base

April 19, 2022

  Businesses that are overly dependent on one or a few customers are at risk of losing a lot of revenue if those customers cease to purchase their products or services. A company whose top client contributes, say, 20% of its income, will be hit hard if that client ceases to patronize them. Read more … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Diversify Your Customer Base

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Business Growth Tips: 7 Ways To Boost Your Sales Conversion Rate

April 19, 2022

  Businesses run a website for one ultimate reason: they hope that it will increase their sales. After all, it’s there to attract people who they may otherwise be unable to reach. Read more about Business growth tips But simply having a website won’t guarantee more customers. Numerous other online platforms may be competing for … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: 7 Ways To Boost Your Sales Conversion Rate

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