
Search result for: Helpful Tips

Social Media

Social Media Influencer Of The Week: John Obidi

April 19, 2022

Africa is witnessing a time in history when a generation of young individuals is rising up to bring greatness to the continent and liberate it from the shackles of poverty. One such individual is John Obidi who, at 32, has become of the most influential young individuals in Nigeria. Indeed, John has earned his stripes … Continue reading Social Media Influencer Of The Week: John Obidi

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How To Tip of the Day

Tip of the Day: How To Straighten Your Shirt Without Ironing

April 19, 2022

Well, electricity is still a problem in Nigeria so you will have the odd moment-we are used to it but it is still awkward- when you need to have a nice ironed outfit for work or an outing and there is no light so you panic. Not to worry. Here are some tips for straightening … Continue reading Tip of the Day: How To Straighten Your Shirt Without Ironing

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Tourism Travel

Travel Tip: Interesting Travel Souvenirs from Nigeria

April 19, 2022

When you enjoy a trip, keeping memorabilia become worth one’s salt. Visa stamps in passports are nice, but what happens when you travel to a visa free country? Often, when tourists think of travel souvenir, taking pictures always come to mind. But there are other cool items you can pick up as souvenirs from your … Continue reading Travel Tip: Interesting Travel Souvenirs from Nigeria

By ann

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Website Review

Websites We Love: Accounteer

April 19, 2022

Many businesses today experience stagnation due to the failure to keep accurate and trustworthy financial accounts. These businesses are unable to keep track of data that can enable them manage their organisations properly owing to a lack of knowledge of financial accounting and the inability to utilise complex accounting tools. Read more about Websites We … Continue reading Websites We Love: Accounteer

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Social Media

Top 5 2019 Social Media Influencers

April 19, 2022

The term “Social media influencer” can be applied to a broad range of industries. However, all social media influencers have one thing in common: they have a strong online presence and work with brands to boost their influence in their respective industries. Here are 5 social media influencers of 2019 who entertain, educate, and work … Continue reading Top 5 2019 Social Media Influencers

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Social Media Top 10

Top 10 2019 Social Media Videos

April 19, 2022

What better way is there to end 2019 than to have a list of resourceful videos at your disposal? We give you a recap of the 10 best videos of 2019 we’ve posted on our platform. These videos touch on various aspects and will not only entertain you but also educate and equip you with … Continue reading Top 10 2019 Social Media Videos

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Social Media

Top 10 2019 Social Media Accounts To Follow

April 19, 2022

As 2019 comes to an end, we are taking a look at 10 social media accounts that have been worth following since the year began. The list comprises various individuals who have been doing exceptionally in their respective industries and have proved resourceful in one way or the other.  From young tech genius Basil Okpara … Continue reading Top 10 2019 Social Media Accounts To Follow

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Social Media

Social Media Accounts To Follow: 5 Resourceful Platforms For Entrepreneurs And Career Builders

April 19, 2022

For all those who want to make a difference in their industries, finances, and careers, there are so many platforms claiming to have answers that it is easy for one to get lost. Thankfully, there are a good number of platforms that don’t only offer solutions but have been known for their tried-and-tested methods. So, … Continue reading Social Media Accounts To Follow: 5 Resourceful Platforms For Entrepreneurs And Career Builders

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Security Implications of PEPT

April 19, 2022

On or before 23rd September 2019, the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal will hand down its verdict in the suit filed by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and its presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, on supposed electoral discrepancies during the 23rd February 2019 presidential election. Security Implications Regardless of the outcome of the ruling, it is anticipated … Continue reading Security Implications of PEPT

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Social Media Website Review

Websites We Love: Ubenwa.Ai

April 19, 2022

The world is on the verge of being taken over by Artificial Intelligence (AI). We are literally surrounded by AI in our everyday lives and this is only going to progress as time goes on. At the moment, AI is benefitting the world in so many ways. Its influence can be felt all over the … Continue reading Websites We Love: Ubenwa.Ai

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apps Women

The HerVenture App Helps Women Entrepreneurs Learn Business Skills

April 19, 2022

If you’re a woman and you run a business, you may find the HerVenture app a helpful addition to your range of self-development tools. It’s a resource that helps you learn useful enterprise building skills on-the-go, and gives you access to other women entrepreneurs like yourself. The HerVenture mobile app was launched in 2015 by … Continue reading The HerVenture App Helps Women Entrepreneurs Learn Business Skills

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Fitness Central: A Healthy Diet After 50 – What You Need To Know

April 19, 2022

Did you just turn 50? Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of these new rules and medical tests that you are suggested to take in order to protect your health? Not to worry, nutritional needs will always change over time. You may need to fine-tune your dietary habits in order to keep those golden years … Continue reading Fitness Central: A Healthy Diet After 50 – What You Need To Know

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LIFESTYLE Self Development

The Wonder of Eye Contact

April 19, 2022

The eyes are one of the most powerful organs in human sub-communication. A popular quote even describes them as “the window to the soul”. Looking at someone in a certain manner sends signals of emotions you feel about them. Holding good eye contact helps build trust in your relationship with people and this makes it … Continue reading The Wonder of Eye Contact

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11 Free Online Business Courses for Nigerian Entrepreneurs

April 19, 2022

These days, you can get some of the best business courses on the planet for free. And that’s almost totally due to the internet. Every day, numerous new skill development lessons and modules get uploaded to the web, adding to the tens of thousands already available on it. It’s no longer a matter of whether … Continue reading 11 Free Online Business Courses for Nigerian Entrepreneurs

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apps TECH

Top 5 Apps to Kickstart Your New Year

April 19, 2022

It is the start of a new year and it’s normal for almost everyone to have resolutions. Resolutions ranging from the decision to keep physically and mentally fit, be more productive with time, network more and improve on people skills, to having financial targets that require more discipline with money. Whatever your targets for this … Continue reading Top 5 Apps to Kickstart Your New Year

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