
Search result for: Helpful Tips


Business Growth Tip: Engage Customers with New Year Marketing

April 19, 2022

The skies over our heads were lit with celebratory lights in the early hours of the New Year. Businesses also partake in the fanfare of this ‘ushering into new things’, albeit with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Some host parties; others send out the obligatory ‘Happy New Year’ text messages and emails; and a few just … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: Engage Customers with New Year Marketing

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Website Review

Top 5 Nigerian Lifestyle Blogs For Women

April 19, 2022

Want to discover some helpful hair tips? Get insights into wardrobe essentials? or even discover your next travel destination? Then, there are a handful of blogs from Nigerian women that will keep you covered on all these topics. These blogs are not only informative but also have the propensity to be your favourite pastimes. Here … Continue reading Top 5 Nigerian Lifestyle Blogs For Women

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Business Growth Tip: Gain More Customers With Social Selling

April 19, 2022

Before we sink our teeth into gaining more customers with social selling, we’ll try to understand what it is, and how it works. Social selling involves searching out, connecting and engaging with potential customers on social media. It’s not regular social media marketing; with social selling, the focus is on building a relationship with people … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: Gain More Customers With Social Selling

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TECH Tip of the Day

Tip of the day: How to Get Better Google Search Results

April 19, 2022

Virtually everyone that has a smartphone or owns a computer has had to use Google Search. Sometimes, we get the right results from our search queries, other times we don’t. Google Search has its own algorithm and pattern for displaying search results, one we’ve found to be accurate in most cases. However, if you want … Continue reading Tip of the day: How to Get Better Google Search Results

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Moving House: How To Get Through This Process Unscathed and Ready To Enjoy Your New Home

April 19, 2022

Moving to a new home can be a real pain in the neck; it’s laborious, it’s tough, and it’s arduous. Moving house is one of the biggest and most stressful household tasks that require a high level of organization. Whether you’re just moving across the street or to a faraway neighborhood, you need in order … Continue reading Moving House: How To Get Through This Process Unscathed and Ready To Enjoy Your New Home

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How To Start A Vehicle Rental Business In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Vehicle rentals exist because there’s a real, constant and stable need for them. Businesses sometimes want a vehicle to convey guests; wedding attendees might prefer to travel in a van that’s headed straight for their specific destination, and sports teams would pick a bus that’ll go the distance and keep their team talks and banter … Continue reading How To Start A Vehicle Rental Business In Nigeria

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Business Growth Tip: Provide A Personalized Service

April 19, 2022

Today’s consumer can afford to be picky with the products they’re offered by vendors. Thanks to an explosion in product options, buyers can play the role of king makers in business. They’re making some companies into industry leaders by purchasing their products enmasse, and sinking others by avoiding them. The success of business comes down … Continue reading Business Growth Tip: Provide A Personalized Service

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 5 Chic Facts about High Heels

April 19, 2022

Women on an average buy about 5 pairs of high heeled footwears. Love it or hate it, women love to wear heels because it makes them feel more confident and compliments their shapes. Remember that song that taught us to be educated in order to join the adult heel crew?  Now, we are groomed to … Continue reading  5 Chic Facts about High Heels

By adepeju

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Tip of the Day

How to Use Your Android Device as a Microphone

April 19, 2022

Android phones have so many free applications that do amazing things. There’s an app you can download from Google Playstore called Microphone, which turns your android phone into a ‘mic’ when you connect your Android device to a Bluetooth speaker. Wondering why you would possibly want to turn your phone into a mic. Well, imagine … Continue reading How to Use Your Android Device as a Microphone

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Meet the Boss

Meet the Boss: Ezinne Chisomaga Reginald-Okonkwo, Somre Foods

April 19, 2022

Ezinne Reginald-Okonkwo studied Law at Madonna University, Okija, Anambra State and now runs Somre Foods, a healthy food and drink business. She talks to Joy Ehonwa about becoming an entrepreneur, doing business in Nigeria, and the power of faith. CN: What’s the story behind Somre Foods? After being called to bar, I started practicing law … Continue reading Meet the Boss: Ezinne Chisomaga Reginald-Okonkwo, Somre Foods

By jehonwa

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Toddler’s Tantrums

April 19, 2022

Toddler tantrums can be a nightmare, especially in public. One minute everything is fine and the next, your little one is screaming her head off, crying and twisting and writhing. You’re embarrassed at this behaviour, and you’re wondering whether you’re actually raising a spoilt brat. Take heart; you are not alone. Here are a few … Continue reading 5 Questions to Ask Yourself about Your Toddler’s Tantrums

By jehonwa

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5 E-Business Marketing Tools for Small Businesses in Nigeria

April 19, 2022

Funmi is fresh out of college. While in college, she bought and sold clothing accessories to students and made money out of it. Now that she’s out of school, she wants to take her accessories business to a whole new level. Her primary concern is to market her accessories to a wide audience. And what … Continue reading 5 E-Business Marketing Tools for Small Businesses in Nigeria

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Spiritual Temperaments: Sensates

April 19, 2022

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series please read it here first. As Gary Thomas has lived and studied the Christian life, he has found that while some Christians like himself grew up equating silence and lack of sensory stimulation with reverence, there are Christians who love, worship and draw near to God … Continue reading Spiritual Temperaments: Sensates

By jehonwa

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The Secret You Need for a Successful Hustle

April 19, 2022

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Successful people are obsessed with what they do, and that makes all the difference. At first I thought it was weird. Like, come on! You … Continue reading The Secret You Need for a Successful Hustle

By jehonwa

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Spiritual Temperaments: Activists

April 19, 2022

If you haven’t read the introduction to this series please read it here first. Activists are Christians who worship, love and draw near to God through confrontation and intercession. Probably no other spiritual temperament is as loved or as misunderstood as this one. Beyond postures and songs, worship is the offering of one’s totality —heart, … Continue reading Spiritual Temperaments: Activists

By jehonwa

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