
Search result for: marketing tips


Top 3 FinTech Marketing Strategies You Should Try in 2022 (Part 1)

April 19, 2022

  FinTech marketing is the number of marketing strategies particularly designed for financial technology (‘FinTech’) companies. These companies are using new technologies to enhance and eventually, automate the delivery and use of financial services to consumers. Read more about Fintech Whereas building a great product is the first step towards revolutionizing this industry, implementing the … Continue reading Top 3 FinTech Marketing Strategies You Should Try in 2022 (Part 1)

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Tips On How To Set Prices For Your Fashion Business

April 19, 2022

  Your fashion products are on their marks, ready and set to go into the market, but there is a little problem, you don’t know what price to set. Pricing is undeniably an important aspect of any business, and fashion business is not excluded. Many fashion businesses have closed down because they lack the knowledge … Continue reading Tips On How To Set Prices For Your Fashion Business

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Social Media

How To Define Social Media Marketing Goals 

April 19, 2022

It is quite common for social media marketers to face challenges when trying to define social media goals. In fact, research shows that nearly half of marketers consider aligning their social media campaigns with company goals to be their biggest challenge. Read more about Social media This doesn’t have to be the case. Although the … Continue reading How To Define Social Media Marketing Goals 

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Business Growth Tips: How To Incentivize Your Customers To Buy More

April 19, 2022

There are several ways you could increase your business revenues. One strategy could be to gain new customers whose purchases you’ll add to those of existing buyers. Or you could increase the price of your products so that each unit fetches you more money. Read more about Business Growth A third approach is to get … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Incentivize Your Customers To Buy More

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Tips For Making Investment Deciscions

April 19, 2022

There are many reasons why people invest, but the major one is the prospect of not having to work for your entire life. However making your money work for you instead of keeping it in your back pocket will help you greatly, because when it has been invested, you will generate more money by earning … Continue reading Tips For Making Investment Deciscions

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Business Growth Tips: How To Qualify Your Sales Prospects And Leads

April 19, 2022

Your business targets a large number of people through your sales and marketing campaigns. Maybe you’re able to get a sizeable number from that crowd who are interested in what you offer. But you find that a lot of these people aren’t the types of leads you want. This happens all too frequently, and it’s … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Qualify Your Sales Prospects And Leads

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How Brand Image Can Be Communicated Through Marketing

April 19, 2022

Brand image is the perception of customers about a particular brand. Image of any brand tends to develop over time and it is formed in the minds of customers based upon the experience and interaction of the customers with the brand. Interactions can take place in different ways and not necessarily only the buying or … Continue reading How Brand Image Can Be Communicated Through Marketing

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Social Media

What Are YouTube Shorts And How Can You Use Them For Marketing?

April 19, 2022

One constant thing about social media is change; the fact that we all wake up each morning to find amazing features that have been introduced to help us engage our audiences better. For quite some time now, YouTube Shorts has been introduced as the latest feature of the YouTube platform and everyone is loving it. … Continue reading What Are YouTube Shorts And How Can You Use Them For Marketing?

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Business Growth Tips: How To Deal With Unforeseen Business Expenses

April 19, 2022

The average person dreads (or detests) uncertainty. We prefer to be in full charge of our affairs, without some unknown variable disrupting our plans. But life isn’t always straightforward; things spring up without our predicting them, and force us to change the paths we’re taking. Read more about Business Growth This is true about business … Continue reading Business Growth Tips: How To Deal With Unforeseen Business Expenses

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How To Grow Your Business With Relationship Marketing

April 19, 2022

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to grow your customer base. Increased patronage could drive higher sales, boost bottom lines, and enable business expansion. Read more about Business Growth But while you’re focused on acquiring new customers, it’s also wise to keep existing ones happy. If you serve them well, they’ll remain repeat buyers and stay … Continue reading How To Grow Your Business With Relationship Marketing

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CAREER Social Media

Tips On Becoming A Social Media Manager In Nigeria

April 19, 2022

  In time past, the word social media management was rarely in anyone’s vocabulary nor was it the dream of any digital marketer. Years later, the world began to take a new dimension and brands started seeing the need for their social media accounts to be managed. Right now, billions of people are on social … Continue reading Tips On Becoming A Social Media Manager In Nigeria

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Tips To Offering Incentives To Customers

April 19, 2022

There is no better way to capitalize on marketing than through your customers. Generally, it is known that word of mouth is one of the most effective marketing channels for both small and large businesses. In the advertising palace, a satisfied customer is the best advertiser. He/she would go to the ends of the world … Continue reading Tips To Offering Incentives To Customers

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5 Proven Psychological Marketing Techniques You Can Use To Market Your Solutions (Part 1)

April 19, 2022

  In marketing your solutions, don’t think people are buying your products logically or because they feel it’s the best out there. Nope! People are biased when it comes to buying. It is called psychological buying. Whether it’s digital or analogue marketing, people are emotional when they want to buy a product or get a … Continue reading 5 Proven Psychological Marketing Techniques You Can Use To Market Your Solutions (Part 1)

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BUSINESS Social Media

LinkedIn Ultimate Marketing Guide

April 19, 2022

LinkedIn has up to 756 million active members and offers easy access that creates tons of diverse engagement options for you. LinkedIn is one of the most effective social media platforms built for job seekers, employers and industry experts. It is a business-minded social platform unlike Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others. Read more about Marketing … Continue reading LinkedIn Ultimate Marketing Guide

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Entrepreneurarial Tips That Take Your Business To The Next Level

April 19, 2022

Elevating your business to the next level shouldn’t only focus on lead generation/conversion, revenue or income per capita. Business growth should also include other things that make a business stand out and stay relevant. These can be the ability to reach a wider audience, evaluate the market forces, network with other companies, leverage new technologies … Continue reading Entrepreneurarial Tips That Take Your Business To The Next Level

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