
Search result for: monday motivation

Personal Development

40 Inspiring And Motivational Quotes To Inspire You This New Year

April 19, 2022

  A new year signifies a new beginning. For this reason, it comes with a lot of uncertainty on what the future holds. If you have great plans for the new year but you’re unsure where to start from, we got you. Here are 40 of the best quotes to inspire you and motivate you … Continue reading 40 Inspiring And Motivational Quotes To Inspire You This New Year

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Personal Development

25 Motivational Quotes About Overcoming Adversity  

April 19, 2022

  If there is one thing we learn early in life as humans, it is that adversity and challenges are part of life.  The good news is that every adversity we overcome serves to strengthen not only our resolve but also our confidence to overcome future challenges. Moreover, there’s always a lesson to learn even … Continue reading 25 Motivational Quotes About Overcoming Adversity  

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Monday Motivation

What to Do When You Lack Energy and Feel Burnt Out

April 19, 2022

  We’ve all been there. You wake up in the morning feeling like you’ve barely slept, dragging yourself out of bed with a heavy sigh. The day stretches like a never-ending marathon, and you just don’t have the energy to face it. Burnout is real, and it can hit anyone, whether you’re working a demanding … Continue reading What to Do When You Lack Energy and Feel Burnt Out

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Monday Motivation

How to Stay Motivated All Week Long

April 19, 2022

  It’s easy to start the week feeling energized and motivated. But by Wednesday, that initial enthusiasm can quickly fade. The workweek drags on, and it becomes harder to stay focused and productive. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry – you’re not alone. To stay motivated for five days straight is a challenge for many … Continue reading How to Stay Motivated All Week Long

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Monday Motivation

Declutter Your Space; Declutter Your Mind

April 19, 2022

  Does your home or workspace feel messy and cluttered? Having too much stuff around can make you feel stressed and unmotivated. But don’t worry! Today is Motivation Monday – the perfect day for a fresh start. By decluttering your space, you can declutter your mind too. An organized environment allows you to think more … Continue reading Declutter Your Space; Declutter Your Mind

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Monday Motivation

Setting Weekly Goals for Personal Growth and Wellbeing

April 19, 2022

  Setting goals isn’t just for work – it’s also a powerful tool for improving your personal life and well-being. By setting weekly goals in areas like relationships, health, and hobbies, you can focus on what truly matters to you and take meaningful steps towards becoming your best self. Let’s explore the benefits of setting … Continue reading Setting Weekly Goals for Personal Growth and Wellbeing

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Monday Motivation

Strategies for Overcoming Weekend Withdrawal

April 19, 2022

  Monday often arrives with a bit of a thud, doesn’t it? After a relaxing or eventful weekend, getting back into the groove of work or school can feel like a mountain to climb. It’s not uncommon to experience what some people call “weekend withdrawal” – that feeling of longing for the leisure and freedom … Continue reading Strategies for Overcoming Weekend Withdrawal

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Monday Motivation

Navigating Life Transitions with Resilience and Growth

April 19, 2022

  Life is a journey filled with transitions, from starting a new job to moving to a new city, from embarking on a new relationship to experiencing loss and grief. While transitions can be challenging and unsettling, they also present opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and transformation. This article will explore strategies for navigating life transitions … Continue reading Navigating Life Transitions with Resilience and Growth

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Books Monday Motivation

Inspiring Reads for Personal & Professional Growth

April 19, 2022

  Today is a good day to read a book! Starting the week with motivation sets the tone for positive outcomes in both personal and professional spheres. Diving into inspiring reads fueling personal development and professional growth is a great way to kickstart your Monday. In this article, I share some recommended reads for a … Continue reading Inspiring Reads for Personal & Professional Growth

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Monday Motivation

How To Conquer Your Fears for a New Week

April 19, 2022

  It’s Monday, and it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. If fear is holding you back from embracing the challenges ahead, it’s time to take control. Here are some simple steps to help you conquer your fears and face the week with confidence. Read more about Monday Motivation Identify Your Fears … Continue reading How To Conquer Your Fears for a New Week

Monday Motivation

Nadayar Enegesi: From Building Wealth to Building Well-Being

April 19, 2022

  Nadayar Enegesi is a serial entrepreneur who has been hailed by co-workers, investors, and associates for his never-say-never attitude, visionary outlook, and unrelenting drive. Having established two flourishing ventures that are widely regarded as exemplars of African success, takes a closer look at this dynamic entrepreneur and his remarkable journey in the realm … Continue reading Nadayar Enegesi: From Building Wealth to Building Well-Being

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BUSINESS motivation Self Development

Stop Playing Safe, Step Out So You Can Win & Be Significant

April 19, 2022

In a world where uncertainty is the order of the day; many are losing the opportunity to grow and break through the stereotype because the desire to be safe is stronger than the desire to be significant. Read more about Monday Motivation I once heard someone say, ‘Safe is the enemy of significance’ and since … Continue reading Stop Playing Safe, Step Out So You Can Win & Be Significant

By adesewa

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Personal Development Tips

Tips For Living A Better-Balanced Life

April 19, 2022

We human beings have huge plans to fulfil, dreams to achieve, and decisions to meet. But oftentimes, we encounter problems in the process of achieving our dreams. The only way to move past such problems is when we decide within ourselves to live a life with intentions. What this means is living a life that … Continue reading Tips For Living A Better-Balanced Life

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Monday Motivation motivation

Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

April 19, 2022

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” —Les Brown. Take a look at the quote above. Does it speak to you? Do you find any meaning in it? I had read the quote thrice before I could eventually carve out a powerful meaning from it: fear cripples … Continue reading Never Give Up On Reaching Your Desired Goal

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Monday Motivation

10 Inspiring Quotes To Guide You Into The New Week

April 19, 2022

  Goodbye Sunday, Hello Monday… There is a need for us all to be inspired by motivational quotes as we begin a new week. As proven, motivational messages help to connect our minds to a positive feeling and in turn, to productivity. Our creativity and intelligence rise whenever we maintain a positive attitude to work. … Continue reading 10 Inspiring Quotes To Guide You Into The New Week

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