
Search result for: Men You Should Know


Does Your Family Need a Staycation?

April 19, 2022

I’ve been in love with the concept of staycations for years. It’s a great thing to do with your annual leave or any other time you have off, especially in a recession like this one we’re in. That you can’t afford to travel somewhere on vacation does not have to mean missing out on all … Continue reading Does Your Family Need a Staycation?

By jehonwa

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5 Success Seeds You Can Sow Daily for Your Relationship

April 19, 2022

Relationship success, like success in other areas of life, is an aggregate of great choices and actions every day. Not many people fall in love and grow in love because of one big thing or the other that their partner did. It’s usually the little things done consistently over time, both sentimental and practical. What … Continue reading 5 Success Seeds You Can Sow Daily for Your Relationship

By jehonwa

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Personal Development

On Choosing Your Role Model

April 19, 2022

A role model can simply be referred to as someone you look up to and desire to be like. Anyone can become your role model depending on what you believe in and the standards you judge them by. Usually, most people choose their role models by measuring their success in a chosen field and comparing … Continue reading On Choosing Your Role Model

By jelifat

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How to Plan Towards Having Your First Baby

April 19, 2022

In modern times like these, having a baby requires much planning, and affordability is one word we can somehow understand, without taking too many factors into consideration. More people are having fewer children which is in contrast to our parent’s generation, indicating that times have changed yet, the wage growth hasn’t increased significantly to keep … Continue reading How to Plan Towards Having Your First Baby

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5 Ways to Help If Your Husband Gets Laid Off

April 19, 2022

Recession is not just a word. Every day, people are losing their jobs and it’s not a function of their performance. Many companies just can’t afford to keep people on. Being there for a fired husband is not a walk in the park. Men are expected to and socialized to see themselves as providers, and … Continue reading 5 Ways to Help If Your Husband Gets Laid Off

By jehonwa

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Is Your Phone VR Compatible? Here’s How To Check

April 19, 2022

Virtual reality is becoming a wide spread tech trend across the world. Despite the sluggish adoption rate in African countries, smartphone users in other parts of the world are already using VR for games, movies, virtual tours and so on. The virtual reality experience requires a smartphone and a VR headset (like The Oculus Gear … Continue reading Is Your Phone VR Compatible? Here’s How To Check

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5 Gifts for Men This Christmas

April 19, 2022

Christmas is here again, or at least it is almost here and already it has most of us wondering what to give the important people in our lives. Christians believe that the day signifies the birthday of Jesus Christ, and at the heart of this celebration also is giving. But if you are busy wondering … Continue reading 5 Gifts for Men This Christmas

By jelifat

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7 Questions to Prayerfully Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Burnt Out

April 19, 2022

In today’s world, every other Christian woman you meet is almost always in survival mode. She is trying to effectively hold it all together and still be the ultimate “It Girl”- looking, smelling and feeling good. The demands of a job or business, being a wife, raising children, being a daughter, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, and friend, … Continue reading 7 Questions to Prayerfully Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Burnt Out

By jehonwa

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What’s Keeping You from Writing Your Book?

April 19, 2022

As an editor, writer and ghostwriter, I tend to attract people who dream of authoring books on a daily basis. When we get to discussing the reasons why their dream is not yet reality, there are certain explanations that keep recurring. If you’re someone who wants to write a book but has never gotten round … Continue reading What’s Keeping You from Writing Your Book?

By jehonwa

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Spiritual Temperaments: Enthusiasts

April 19, 2022

  If you haven’t read the introduction to this series please read it here first. One of the most common spiritual temperaments in Christianity today after the traditionalist temperament is the enthusiast. Even within the traditional church, spiritual movements and fellowships exist to nourish enthusiasts through charismatic practice that helps them grow spiritually. Enthusiasts worship, love, … Continue reading Spiritual Temperaments: Enthusiasts

By jehonwa

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Common Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles

April 19, 2022

As ladies, we are very familiar with changes that happen in our body system during menstrual cycles and ovulation, however, what we are not familiar with is the frequent changes and imbalances that sometimes happen during these periods. The menstrual cycle is supposed to follow a particular pattern so that you can know what to … Continue reading Common Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles

By jelifat

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Why You Should Replace Multitasking With Smart Tasking

April 19, 2022

The first time I heard that multitasking is “so last century” I was shocked. “Ability to multitask” was a huge thing not that long ago, and even had a prominent place on many CVs. Alas, it turns out that the great multitasking, the skill of the chosen and the favourites, is actually a counterproductive practice … Continue reading Why You Should Replace Multitasking With Smart Tasking

By jehonwa

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Marriage Relationships

Is What You’re Doing Marriage or Slavery?

April 19, 2022

When you love your husband or wife, you wouldn’t want to see them overburdened or depleted just to keep your lives going. Instead, you want to make sure that each of you is carrying a fair share of the workload that your life together presents. There are homes where both partners contribute financially and yet … Continue reading Is What You’re Doing Marriage or Slavery?

By jehonwa

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Do You Listen to God’s Voice?

April 19, 2022

Prayer is not a monologue; it’s a dialogue. You speak to God, and He speaks back to you. When last did you listen? There are so many voices speaking to us today, and many of us lend our ears to the voice of money, the voice of social status, and even the voice of deception … Continue reading Do You Listen to God’s Voice?

By jehonwa

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Personal Development

 Important Things You Should Put in Place Before You Clock Forty

April 19, 2022

They say a fool at forty is a fool forever, so definitely there must be some things that should be in place once you are approaching that magic age. Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, but it does not just come easily without some work, discipline and sacrifice. The important thing is … Continue reading  Important Things You Should Put in Place Before You Clock Forty

By jelifat

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