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Since it’s launch in April, the Do It For Me (DIFM) service offered by OLX has received remarkable appraisals in the world of e-commerce. The idea is an ingenious means of outsourcing your marketing through sales experts, known as OLX Champs, for greater sales results. Recall OLX is one of the very few services that allows sellers to post their ads and items for free. Posting ads are still free but this DIFM package is even better, as professionals get to handle the advertising and marketing process at low cost.

Here are answers to frequently asked questions on what you need to know about the Do It For Me service.

  • What is Do It For Me? Do It For Me is a premium service from OLX where the posting, buying, and selling of items are done by verified OLX Champs. With the DIFM For Me service, the OLX Champs can easily sell your old gadgets, phones, appliances, furniture, cars, clothes when you want to upgrade or declutter your home. The DIFM service comes in two forms:
  1. Post it for me – This service involves a verified OLX Champ posting items on the OLX site on behalf of the seller. The verified OLX Champ meets the seller, takes pictures of the item(s), and posts.
  1. Sell it for me – In addition to the Post It for Me service, the OLX Champ takes calls from buyers and actively looks for buyers for the item. The seller is only involved at the point of payment.
  • What are the benefits of Do It For Me?
  1. Hassle-free posting of ads.
  2. Great ads on the site that attract more buyers.
  3. Selling items quickly and conveniently as the Champs manage the entire selling process and actively look for buyers.
  4. Privacy is guaranteed as users have the option of the Champs taking calls on their behalf and meeting with the buyers.
  5. Selling and buying are safer than ever as all items are verified by the Champs.
  • How much does the DIFM service cost? The Post It For Me service attracts a minimum fee of ₦2,000. The fee is time-based and is paid pre sales. The Sell It For Me Service fee is based on the value of the item sold in addition to the Post It For Me
  Price List
Value of item for sale (₦) PIFM (< 3 hrs) SIFM
0 – 50k ₦2000 0
51k – 100k ₦2000 ₦5,000
101k – 500k ₦2000 ₦10,000
501k – 1M ₦2000 ₦25,000
1M – 5M ₦2000 ₦50,000
> 5M ₦2000 ₦100,000
The SIFM fee is charged ONLY after the sale has been completed!
  • How do I sign up for the DIFM service? To sign up, kindly visit to have us do it ALL for you. You can also contact our customer support team for any queries you might have. Contact details are below.
  • How do I pay? Payment should be made to the Champ and a receipt should be issued.
  • Who are OLX Champs? OLX Champs are sales experts who help users manage the selling process on OLX from posting the item to closing the deal. They are experienced and highly trained. They undergo an intense screening process to ensure only the best are hired. Professionalism, integrity and great customer service are compulsory for all Champs.
  • How can I verify a Champ? All Champs have ID cards which can be verified on the OLX app by viewing their ads.
  • Is the service available all over Nigeria? The Do It For Me service is only available to residents in Lagos. There are plans to expand to other states in the near future. This will be communicated accordingly.

Kindly call 0700-CALL-OLX (07002255659), or send a mail to to find out more about our new DIFM service.

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This article was first published on 24th June 2016


Nnenna is an editor and writer at Connect Nigeria. She loves fine art, books and places.

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