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My housemate, Fayfay, has been finding it difficult going on a meal plan because she doesn’t eat fish and loves eating red meat. So I took it upon myself to find a way for her to enjoy her meals without adding any artificial seasoning and avoiding the use of crayfish. At first, I thought about garlic and blended ginger as a natural spice, but Fayfay has a serious allergy and an ulcer, so I went back to the drawing board. While contemplating what would work for Fayfay, reading almost all the ingredients of seasonings thoroughly, I saw something I never have since before in the food section at the supermarket . It was a park of dried organic oyster mushroom powder. I have never seen dry mushrooms before, talk less of dried mushrooms in powder form. I went over the ingredients again and again to be sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me. Immediately I asked my best friend, Google, to see if mushroom powder was good for an ulcer patient to consume. I took more than a pack because I was definitely going to add it to my own meal plan.

Health benefits

I love mushrooms; they helped me loose weight and boosted my immunity. They are super low in calories, reduce the risk of breast and prostrate cancer, fight diabetics, lower blood pressure, and are an excellent source of vitamins D and B. Let’s not forget that they also strengthen the bone. What’s there not to love about mushrooms? Mushroom powder can be used as seasoning for vegetable stew, beans, soups, salads and even smoothies. It can also be used in place of red meats and chicken. I have three healthy recipes for fresh and dry mushrooms which I would like to share with healthy friends. Join me in my next article.

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This article was first published on 27th February 2018


Osuoha Chioma is a graduate of the University of Lagos who has a passion for social work. She's a fitness enthusiast who spends most of her time doing home workouts and can't stand the sight of people eating unhealthy.

Comments (5)

5 thoughts on “Mushroom Loving”

  • Very insightful and ibtetrsting read. Cant wait for the recopes. Thank you

  • Very insightful and interesting read. Can’t wait for the recipes. Thank you.

  • Thanks for sharing this with us.. I’m sure gonna try it out.

  • Well this sounds interesting. Definitely something the foodie in me would like to try out.

  • Nice one. Mushrooms can be very tasty and healthy. And for those contemplating having a delicacy of fresh mushrooms from their gardens, it is important to note that there are good and bad mushrooms. In fact, the death cap mushroom contains one of the deadliest poisons in the world. Good thing is that its a species not common in Nigeria. And what is more, there’s plenty of the good ones in markets and stores.

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