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Let’s talk about your vision.

Many times, we spend a lot of time talking about other people’s visions and that’s not a bad thing – except ours get totally lost in the mix!

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happens most times.

Remember that you’re a person of value with a unique purpose and your vision should find expression within the context of the place and people you are called to serve.

There are 4 things your vision will do for you!

Listen to this podcast by Pastor Damilola Oluwatoyinbo to find out what they are:

Were you inspired? In what ways do you think Connect Nigeria can help you connect to your vision and excel? Let us know in the comments section below and we will send you a private message immediately. Let us help you be the best you can be this week and always!

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This article was first published on 18th May 2015


Ejura Salihu is an Anatomist, Writer and Editor. She is currently the Editor-in-chief for Connect Nigeria. You can contact her via email: or follow her on twitter @icyquin_msc

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