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  Businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking to share their news with the world often do so by putting out a press release. A well-written press release can capture the attention of journalists, bloggers, and influencers, helping to amplify your message and reach a broader audience. In this article, we’ll take you through the essential steps on how to write a press release that stands out.
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Get the Basics Right

Before diving into the writing process, it’s vital to understand the basic structure of a press release. A standard press release typically includes:
  • Header: Your company or organization’s letterhead, including the logo.
  • Contact Information: Provide the name, phone number, and email address of the person journalists can contact for more information.
  • Release Date: Clearly state when the information can be made public.
  • Headline: Craft a compelling and concise headline that grabs attention.
  • Subheading (Optional): A brief, informative subheading can provide additional context.
  • Dateline: Include the location and release date.
  • Introduction: Start with a strong lead paragraph that answers the key questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how.
  • Body: Elaborate on the main points, adding quotes and relevant details.
  • Boilerplate: Provide a brief overview of your company or organization.
  • Closing: Sign at the end of the press release.

Craft a Compelling Headline

The headline is the first thing journalists and readers will see, so make it attention-grabbing and informative. You do this by using action verbs and keeping the headline concise, ideally under 80 characters. Here, you should aim to convey the essence of your news in a single, powerful sentence. Here’s an example of a headline for a press release put out by a company we shall call ‘BotMecha’:
  • BotMecha Unveils Groundbreaking AI Product to Transform Customer Support Services

Write a Strong Introduction

The opening paragraph has to answer the fundamental questions—who, what, when, where, why, and how –of the story you’re announcing with the release. And it has to do so succinctly. Journalists often decide whether to continue reading based on the strength of the introduction, so make it compelling and engaging. Here’s the first paragraph of a press release from the company ‘BotMecha,’ about a product (‘MaraAI’) they have just launched:
  • Today, BotMecha proudly introduces its latest groundbreaking achievement: MaraAI. This cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) solution promises to revolutionize digital landscapes, specifically in the automated customer service realm, offering unparalleled efficiency and transformative capabilities for businesses seeking to drastically improve the performance of their customer support desks.

Provide Clear and Concise Information

In the body of the press release, expand on the key points noted in the headline and lead paragraph. It’s standard practice to use quotes from key figures involved to add authenticity and humanize your story. Be sure to keep your paragraphs short and to the point, so that the most critical information is presented early on.
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Use the Inverted Pyramid Structure

This is an approach to writing in which you present the most critical information first and provide supporting details later. It’s ideal because it ensures that even if a reader only skims the press release, they will still grasp the essential facts. That’s a characteristic you’ll want for your piece, especially in a world with ever-shrinking attention spans.

Optimize for SEO

If the press release is to be published online, you’ll have to prime it for ranking high up the search engine results pages. This is particularly important if you expect people to search for it (or similar content) on the web instead of going directly through the URL of the website(s) on which the release is published. In practice, SEO involves incorporating relevant keywords in your piece to improve search engine visibility. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as the primary goal is to provide valuable information rather than manipulate search rankings.

Edit and Proofread

Before distributing your press release, carefully proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Your content reflects better on your brand when it’s error-free and flows just right.

Choose the Right Distribution Channels

Next, select appropriate distribution channels based on your target audience and the nature of your news. Options include newswire services, email outreach to journalists, and social media platforms.

Follow Up

After sending out your press release, follow up with publishers or media contacts (whether online or offline) to ensure that they receive the information and answer any questions they may have.
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Final Words

Public relations and media outreach should be part of any commercial organization’s marketing arsenal, and press releases allow you to take advantage of them to the fullest. You can follow the steps we’ve discussed in this article to create a compelling, informative press release that captures media attention and effectively shares your news with the world.
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This article was first published on 6th February 2024


Ikenna Nwachukwu holds a bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He loves to look at the world through multiple lenses- economic, political, religious and philosophical- and to write about what he observes in a witty, yet reflective style.

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