One of the most stressful things to do is house-hunt, especially if you haven’t a clue what to look for and how. I, having the unfortunate advantage of not being born in Lagos, had to find my own place of abode and the process taught me a few things.
Strike up a relationship with a nice cabbie:
You will be wondering how this has anything to do with house hunting but it is imperative that you have a trusty person you can haggle fares with. Picture this, you and your agent are out to see a house, that one house could turn out to be four or more. More often than not, you will pick up another agent who could have one or maybe more houses for you to see. Avoiding this leads me to the next point.
Be specific with your search:
Let your agent know exactly what you want so you’re not wasting precious time (and money) looking at houses you wouldn’t consider even with a gun to your head. It’s not enough to say ‘i’m looking for a 2 bedroom flat and my budget is X’. You should indicate if you prefer a brand new house, running water, kitchen and bathroom tiled, parking space for cars, etc. Your agent will know to ask these questions for you and save you a lot of walking about.
Have a priority list:
Put down all the things you would like your dream house to have in order of priority and then figure out which areas you would be able to compromise on. In the search for ‘the perfect house’, you might get no house at all.
Ask a ton of questions:
Don’t be intimidated. Ask as many questions as you can, about the house, the area, security, light situation and previous tenants. Also find out what your Landlord’s responsibilities concerning the maintenance of the house and what yours are. If you can, ask neighbours and even the gatemen of other houses, general questions about the area.
Best house hunting periods:
The best time to go house hunting is during the rainy season. Water is a very powerful element and thus will show you the real conditions of your prospective house and the area it is situated in. Does the house flood, any leaking roofs, cracks in the walls, mold growing on walls, gutters overflowing? It would be terrible to have settled in during the dry weather period thinking all is rosy only for the rains to bring the truth.
Get a second opinion:
And a third, and fourth if possible. Friends or family members maybe able to see things you might not especially if you are in a desperate situation. Take them look over houses with you and also meet your Landlord/lady. A person without a family is like a ship without an anchor.
Compare, contrast, research:
Similar houses in the same area usually cost with the same range. Find out what other houses cost in the area you are looking especially if you don’t have a defined budget. These days, houses are listed online as well as realtors and agents. Give yourself a couple of days to get acquainted with the prices, pros and cons of different areas before you physically start your search.
Most importantly, listen to your gut. If it’s not right for you, your instinct will let you know. Don’t let the search discourage you or hesitate when you find somewhere you are comfortable. Good houses are in existence but you have to be ready to grab them when they pop up.
About the author:
Ijeoma Aniebo is an Actress and Tv Presenter who also finds artistic expression in written and spoken word. When she’s not in front of the camera or on stage, she enjoys getting lost in movies, traveling and meeting new people. ‘Live, laugh, love and learn’ is the mantra she lives by and you can find her on twitter and instagram as @declectic or in the blogsphere at www.sidesofacoin.wordpress.com
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This article was first published on 6th May 2014
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