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  Love is a beautiful feeling that emerges from our hearts. It is very surreal and feels very right when it happens. Obsession, on the other hand, is nothing but a crazy idea that does not stem out from the feeling of affection.
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It is very important that partners know when to avoid crossing the line between obsession and love. Research reports, individuals with low emotional maturity are very likely to be obsessed with their partners. Thus, learn to teach your mind to identify when you are borderline crazy or in love with another person. Below are signs to watch out for when about to take a step towards a relationship.
  • Always Right

Individuals in relationships are human beings, not angels. This implies that partners are inclined to human weaknesses, wrongs and frailties. Persons who are unable to identify the wrong in the actions of their partners might be tilting towards obsession. Nobody is always right. Love is all about growth and partners grow by identifying and correcting wrongs not by hiding or ignoring them.
  • Moving Too Fast

Obsessed individuals seem to be in a hurry to move things forward. Sometimes, they make progressive decisions without considering your personal input or objection to avoid getting rejected or declined. They become very anxious to get your unwavering commitment at the early stage of the relationship. It is best to avoid such individuals, they are like walking ticking bombs and may explode unpleasantly when you do not fall into agreement with their plans.
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  • Always In Want Of Approval

An obsessed person will always seek out your approval on everything down to the most mundane of it all. A person in love will do things out of pure affection. An obsessed partner, on the other hand, will only give out gifts and packages with aim of pleasing or seeking approval and never out of fondness or appreciation.
  • Everything Should Revolve Around You

An obsessed person might find it very hard to start and end the day without you. Communication is key, however, when it begins to get too much, it might dull the spark in a relationship. Sometimes, periodic absence helps to strengthen the relationship. When such partners begin to act irrationally because of absence, you should put a question on the true feelings towards you. Almost like they are addicted to always being with you and that’s completely toxic.
  • Always Want To Know Your Whereabouts

Asides from excessive communication, a partner who agitates about knowing where you are at every second should be avoided or cautioned. There is a thin line between controlling and caring, it will do you good to carefully decern if your partner’s reaction to your long absences may actually be because of your safety or because you are a mere object of fascination in the closet. It is very easy to mistake obsession for love because they seem to share similar looks but are outrightly different by the display. While obsession comes from a place of anxiety and fear, love comes from the focus to care solely acknowledging the risks involves. You can identify obsession from partners’ fear shown through their actions. If your partner’s behaviours are making you feel uncomfortable, talk about it. They might not really see their actions clearly. Featured Image Source: iStock
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This article was first published on 24th July 2021


Grace Christos Is a content creator with a proven track record of success in content marketing, online reputation management, sales strategy, and so much more.

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