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  Creating a relatable and friendly business brand can go a long way in building connections with customers. Your brand is not just about what you sell; it’s about the feeling people get when they think about your business. Here’s a guide on how to make your brand approachable and friendly.
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  1. Know Your Audience

To create a relatable and friendly brand, understanding who your customers are is the first step. What are their interests, concerns, and values? Tailor your brand message to resonate with your target audience.
  1. Define Your Brand Personality

Just like people have personalities, so do brands. Decide on the tone and style of your brand. Whether it’s casual and conversational or professional and informative, stay consistent across all communication.
  1. Be Authentic

People connect with realness. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Share your story, your values, and the people behind your brand. Authenticity builds trust and relatability.
  1. Use Simple Language

Avoid jargon and complicated language. Speak in a way that everyone can understand. Simple language makes your brand more approachable and inclusive.
  1. Engage on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for creating a relatable and friendly brand. Respond to comments, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and showcase your human side. It’s a conversation, not just a platform for promotion.
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  1. Tell Stories

People love stories. Share stories about your brand, your team, or how your products make a difference. Stories create an emotional connection and make your brand more memorable.
  1. Use Humor Wisely

Humour can lighten the mood and make your brand more approachable. However, be mindful of your audience and ensure that the humour aligns with your brand personality.
  1. Personalize Customer Interactions

To create a relatable and friendly brand, you must treat your customers like individuals, not just transactions. Personalize your interactions, use their names, and show genuine interest in their needs. This builds a personal connection.
  1. Showcase Customer Testimonials

Let your happy customers speak for you. Share testimonials, reviews, or user-generated content. It not only adds credibility but also shows that your brand is valued by real people.
  1. Be Responsive

Whether it’s emails, messages, or social media inquiries, be prompt in responding. This shows that your brand is attentive, and caring, and values its customers’ time and concerns.
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Final Thoughts

In the end, building a relatable and friendly brand is about being genuine and creating positive experiences for your customers. Keep it simple, stay true to who you are, and let your brand reflect the warmth and friendliness that makes your business stand out.
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This article was first published on 27th January 2024


Chidiogo Shalom Akaelu holds a degree in English and Literary Studies, from the University of Nigeria. She is a freelance writer, editor and founder of Loana Press, a budding online publishing outlet.

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